Press Releases

Blankenbush Passes Ethics Bill

“Following years of public disappointment in our elected officials, it’s now time we move forward in a positive light on how we can address the myriad of ethical issues that have plagued state government. Today’s bill helps us start addressing and...

Assemblyman Blankenbush Sponsors Summer Reading Challenge

Assemblyman Blankenbush today announced that he is sponsoring a Summer Reading Challenge for elementary students in the 122nd Assembly District. The assemblyman’s Summer Reading Challenge is held in cooperation with the New York State Library’s initiative,...

Unemployment/ Domestic Migration Remains High: New York Needs Jobs, Albany Needs to Be More Business Friendly

During Governor Cuomo’s State of the State speech in January, the governor declared New York state “Open for Business.” However, jobs continue to be scarce in our state. Locally, unemployment remains high, especially in St. Lawrence and Lewis counties...

Assembly Majority Continues Assault On Second Amendment Right

The state Assembly on Tuesday passed a far-reaching bill that would, if enacted, have troubling implications for law-abiding gun owners and manufacturers in New York state. The gun bill, A.1157, requires new pistols sold in New York to be equipped with...

Blankenbush: Property Tax Cap Close To Becoming Reality, Mandate Relief Still Needed

“I am optimistic and happy to see that the legislature and Albany are moving forward with a two percent or less property tax cap bill. Struggling homeowners and seniors need property tax relief now. At first glance, this tax cap legislation does just...

Remembering Those Who Made the Ultimate Sacrifice in Defense of Our Freedom

On May 30, Americans will celebrate Memorial Day-- a holiday that is more than just the unofficial start of summer. Memorial Day gives us a chance to pause and reflect upon those American principles and values that make the United States worth fighting...

Assemblyman Blankenbush Joins Senator Ritchie In Expressing Concern Over DOH Regs On Municipal Rec Programs

Assemblyman Blankenbush Announces Construction Funding for Local Libraries

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush today announced that four libraries in the 122nd Assembly District have been awarded state funding for public library construction projects. The $14 million in capital funds for public library construction was appropriated...

Blankenbush: McGrath’s Playing Politics

“Mr. McGrath recently launched a partisan press release that quite mistakenly distorts facts on a Jefferson County legislative home rule request to maintain their long-standing sales tax policy. “The legislation, co-sponsored by Assemblywoman...

May is Military Appreciation Month

May is Military Appreciation Month, and it seems fitting that on the first day of this month, our military heroes took down America’s public enemy number one: Osama Bin Laden. As a veteran, I have firsthand experience with the sacrifices our servicemen...

Assemblyman Blankenbush to Hold Mobile Office Hours in Oswego County

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush will hold mobile office hours in Sandy Creek on Thursday, May 26 at 5 pm at the Sandy Creek Town Hall, 1992 Harwood Dr. “I am looking forward to meeting some of my constituents in the southern end of the 122nd Assembly...

Assemblyman Blankenbush Sponsoring Legislation to Ease Pain at the Pump

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush today announced that he is sponsoring legislation that would suspend taxes on gasoline and other motor fuels on certain holiday weekends in 2011. The bill, A. 7297, and referred to as the “Summer Gas Tax Holiday”, would...

Blankenbush To Troops: Thank You!

“I cannot express enough my deep sense of pride in our military servicemen and women, our intelligence community, and President Obama and former President Bush for their leadership and brave acts that led to the demise of an evil terrorist, Osama bin...

Blankenbush Asks DEC Commissioner to Utilize Conservation Fund

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush today sent a letter to the Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Joseph Martens asking him to consider utilizing the Conservation Fund for fisheries and wildlife projects. The Fund currently has a surplus of...

Assemblyman Blankenbush Invites Community Organizations and Schools to Use His Display Window

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush, who recently moved his district office to West Carthage, invites community organizations and schools to take advantage of an empty display window in his office. “The 122nd Assembly District is full of people, organizations...

DEC Should Invest Conservation Fund Surplus

With the weather finally warming up, many sportsmen are anxious to get out on our state’s many waterways to fish. However, due to budget cutbacks at the Department of Conservation (DEC), fishermen may find that the fish population is not has abundant...

Blankenbush: DEC’s Extension Of Wood Boiler Deadline Helpful, But New Regs Need Revisiting

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C-Black River) today said that while he is pleased with the Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) decision to extend the deadline for dealers to sell non-certified outdoor wood boilers, he believes the regulations...

Assemblyman Blankenbush Participates in Snirt Run

Photo as described in caption
Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush got his hands, or at least his boots, a little dirty on Saturday during the Snirt Run on Tug Hill. (Snow + dirt = Snirt). The annual event, held in early April as a kickoff to the ATV season, draws thousands of people from...

Blankenbush: Koch’s New York Uprising Shortsighted On Redistricting Reform

“I am appalled that someone as respected as Mayor Ed Koch would resort to making inflammatory robo-dialed calls suggesting that lawmakers such as myself are ‘Enemies of Reform’ for not rubber-stamping Governor Cuomo’s redistricting bill. I can...

Blankenbush Pushes For Immediate Action On Property Tax Cap

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C-Black River) today asked for immediate action to pass a two percent or less property tax cap by attaching it to rent subsidy legislation, which highly favors wealthy New York City residents. The state Senate already had...