Smullen Applauds Court Decision Scaling Back Gun Carry Restrictions

Assemblyman Robert Smullen (R,C,I,SAM-Meco) applauded a court decision scaling back the state’s new concealed carry restrictions. Smullen has been an ardent opponent of the new laws, even joining a lawsuit against them.

“This is further proof that the Second Amendment cannot be infringed with these unconstitutional measures rushed through Albany’s notoriously dysfunctional process,” said Smullen. “I encourage citizens to continue beating the drum on this issue until the new laws are fully repealed, in order to ensure the full protection of our constitutional freedoms as they were originally intended. We cannot allow downstate-driven special interests to take over our state.”

In a decision on Oct. 6, a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order preventing parts of the state’s new laws regarding concealed carry of firearms. The court order adjusts the “sensitive locations” provisions of the new law. Temporarily, firearms owners with concealed carry permits would now be allowed to carry firearms at these sensitive locations, which include places of entertainment or amusement, sites where alcoholic beverages are consumed, and in Times Square, among other specifically named locations.

Additionally, many privacy measures are being scaled back including the requirements that permit seekers sit for interviews to determine their “good moral character,” disclose their social media accounts, and list their relatives’ identities (including spouses).