Smullen: Antisemitism Will not be Tolerated on Our College Campuses or Anywhere Else in New York State

Assemblyman Robert Smullen (R,C-Mohawk Valley and the Adirondacks) spoke at a press conference earlier today led by Assemblyman Ari Brown (R-Cedarhurst) and Sen. Bill Weber (R,C) to advocate for the “Combating Campus Anti-Semitism Act” (A.8399/S.7752). This proposal would prohibit the granting of tuition assistance awards to any student who has knowingly engaged in promoting antisemitism while attending a college or university in New York state. Smullen is outraged taxpayer dollars are still funding higher education for certain students who have engaged in antisemitic speech or acts on college campuses. This proposal would put an end to that, sending a message to other students: antisemitism will not be tolerated on any college or university campuses in our state.

“Any student or staff member on college or university campuses who promotes antisemitism should be punished—they should be removed from that environment altogether to protect other students and staff,” said Smullen. “Institutions of higher learning are supposed to promote acceptance, education, opportunity, self-expression and respect. No one should ever have to endure discrimination or harassment based on their religion.

“To protect New Yorkers and their children, I implore my colleagues across both sides of the aisle to support this proposal to prohibit tuition assistance awards from being granted to any student who knowingly engages in the promotion of antisemitism. Engaging in harassing or even threatening fellow students will not be tolerated in our universities, nor anywhere else in our state,” concluded Smullen.