Smullen Introduces the ‘Alexander John Smullen Traffic Safety Memorial Law’ at Albany Press Conference

Assemblyman Robert Smullen (R,C-Mohawk Valley and the Adirondacks) as well as Senate and Assembly members on both sides of the aisle and members of the community held a press conference on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025, at noon to promote Smullen’s Assembly Bill A.3938. This bill will enact the “Alexander John Smullen Traffic Safety Memorial Law,” which will establish a traffic safety memorial sign program to publicly memorialize the victims of fatal vehicle collisions. Speakers and organizations in attendance at the press conference included:

Senate Minority Leader Robert G. Ortt;
Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay;
Sen. George M. Borrello;
Sen. Patricia Fahy;
Assemblywoman Catalina Cruz;
Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon;
NYS PTA Executive Director Kyle Belokopitsky; and
Donate Life New York State Executive Director Aisha M. Tator.

This legislation is named in honor of Smullen’s late son, Alexander John “AJ” Smullen, who tragically passed away on March 6, 2024, in Albany at the age of 14 after being hit by a car on Feb. 22, 2024. Smullen asserts this law will allow family or friends the opportunity to purchase a sign to memorialize a victim or victims of fatal vehicle collisions and also help raise awareness about the serious, and often deadly, consequences of impaired, reckless or distracted driving.

“I am honored to introduce the ‘Alexander John Smullen Traffic Safety Memorial Law,’ said Smullen. “My son passed away on March 6, 2024, in Albany at the age of 14 following a fierce fight in the Pediatric ICU after being hit by a car on Feb. 22, 2024. Just a few years prior to my son’s death, on Aug. 21, 2022, Faith A. McFarland, 21, and Sean C. Bracken, 26, were tragically killed in a head-on collision when a drunk driver veered over into their lane and struck their car with incredible force. Fatal accidents like these are not rare—the number of vehicle deaths in our state continues to soar. To protect New Yorkers and reverse these deadly trends, we must act.”

To read more about the “Alexander John Smullen Traffic Safety Memorial Law” or Assembly Bill A.3938, please click here.

To view footage of the Assemblyman Smullen speaking at the Traffic Safety Memorial Law press conference on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025, please click here.