Press Releases

Eichenstein’s Bill to Reform Summer Youth Employment Program Passes Assembly

Assembly Member Simcha Eichenstein announced that legislation (A6753A) he authored to reform the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) passed the New York State Assembly. This new legislation will make it easier for young adults to participate in the...

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein Spends Day with Assembly Housing Chair Steven Cymbrowitz in the 48th Assembly District to Address Local Housing Concerns

Assembly Member Simcha Eichenstein and Assembly Housing Chair Steven Cymbrowitz visit Culver El in the Borough Park neighborhood of the Brooklyn borough of New York City on Monday, April 15.
On Monday, April 15th, Assembly Housing Chair Steven Cymbrowitz spent the day with Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein in the Borough Park portion of his district to address local housing concerns.“The affordable housing situation in Borough Park and...

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein Achieves Major Victory for Summer Camp Security

It is unprecedented for a freshman Assembly Member to have a major impact on the New York State budget, but this week Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein succeeded in expanding the NYS Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes Grants Program to include summer...

Camp Directors Express Appreciation to Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein for Safety Initiative

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein recently proposed an addition to the New York State budget that has been heralded as an important and innovative breakthrough by community leaders and summer camp directors. Concerned for the safety and security of tens...

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein Calls for Hate Crimes Grants Program to Include Summer Camps

The Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes Grant Program was introduced by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, and received its first funding allotment of $25 million in 2017. Its purpose is to boost safety and security at New York’s nonpublic schools,...

Assembly Member Simcha Eichenstein Commends Business Owner for Sharing Store with Competitor Whose Business was Damaged in Fire

On Sunday, February 3, Assembly Member Simcha Eichenstein presented an official citation to Mr. Shea Langsam, owner of Fish to Dish, to commend him for his kindness in welcoming a competitor, Yossi’s Fish Market, into his store following a fire that...

Assembly Member Simcha Eichenstein Appointed to Prominent Committee Assignments

Earlier today, Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie appointed Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein to serve on several prominent committees. Assemblyman Eichenstein will serve as a member of the Aging, Cities, Housing, Real Property Taxation and Social Services...