Press Releases

Rochester Area Legislators Hold Press Conference to Call for Increased Resources to Fight Crime, Boost Public Safety

Today, the Greater Rochester area members of the New York State Assembly Minority Conference hosted a press conference to discuss recent rises in violence and public safety concerns in the Greater Rochester area and throughout New York State. The delegation...

Gov. Hochul, Listen to The Experts & Keep Overtime Threshold At 60 Hours; Reject Farm Wage Board Recommendations

For nearly two years, my colleagues in the Assembly Minority Conference and I have been imploring the Farm Laborers Wage Board to keep the overtime threshold for farm workers at 60 hours per week. With the board set to make its recommendations to Gov....

Legislature Should Return to Albany for Special Session to Address Surge in Crime, Repeal Bail Reform

All one must do is open the morning paper or turn on the evening news to learn about the latest community devasted by a shooting, brutal attack or a laundry list of other random acts of violence taking place across New York state. It cannot be disputed...

Statement From Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

I am deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Mike Long. For decades, Mike was a giant in New York politics and a champion for the working-class families of the state.His voice and guidance have influenced countless individuals, and his leadership was...

Barclay Announces Enforcement Bill Protecting Parking Access For People With Disabilities Signed By Governor

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay today announced Gov. Kathy Hochul has signed legislation, A.9805/S.08822, that improves parking enforcement to benefit people with disabilities. The measure expands the ability of law-enforcement agencies to penalize...

Gov. Hochul Using COVID as A Political Tool Is Abhorrent

As a rule, most emergencies are obvious to the individuals experiencing them. In New York, though, that basic logic doesn’t apply. Gov. Kathy Hochul, again, extended her own “emergency powers” through Monday, August 22 despite COVID-19 cases and...

July Is Parks And Recreation Month

New York state is home to hundreds of exceptional parks and boasts some of the best outdoor and recreational spaces in the nation. During July, Parks and Recreation Month, I urge our state’s visitors and residents to consider utilizing these incredible...

Why Is Gov. Hochul Stalling the State’s Covid-19 Response Report?

Since taking office, Gov. Kathy Hochul has insisted a full review of the state’s COVID-19 pandemic response is forthcoming. Yet, as the weeks and months linger on, no such report has been released nor has the administration even hired any consultants...

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay Stands With Law Enforcement in Albany

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Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (far left) is shown here with Michael Powers (second from left), President of the New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA), today in Albany. NYSCOPBA officials came to the State...

Summer Reading Challenge: A Great Way To Maintain Mental Sharpness

Each summer, I challenge children in the 120th Assembly District to take some time and explore worlds both real and imaginary during the New York State Assembly Summer Reading Challenge. This year’s challenge, themed “Oceans of Possibilities,” encourages...

Enjoy New York’s Abundance of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables This Month

In June, National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, we celebrate all the great health and wellness benefits of our state’s delicious produce. New York continues to have one of the most prolific agriculture industries in the U.S., and I am amazed by...

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay Statement On First Meeting Of The Domestic Terrorism Task Force

“After the horrific violence we witnessed in Brooklyn and Buffalo, our Conference called upon the Domestic Terrorism Task Force to finally convene after inexcusably sitting dormant for two years. Today, they begin to do their work to help make our...

June Is National Dairy Month

National Dairy Month has been, in some form or another, part of our American tradition for more than 80 years, but in New York the month takes on even greater significance as we are one of the most prolific producers of the staple food group in the nation.According...

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay Appoints Brian Archie To Racial Equity Working Group

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I-Pulaski) today announced the appointment of Brian Archie to the state’s Racial Equity Working Group. The eight-member panel was established by legislation in 2021 to develop recommendations or legislative...

Assembly Minority Leader Barclay Pays Tribute to PBA Hall Of Famer Mark Roth

Bowling Legend Honored Posthumously With Assembly Resolution
Recently, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I-Pulaski) presented Denise Roth, wife of the late great Mark Roth, with a state Assembly resolution posthumously honoring the bowling icon who was said to revolutionize the sport. Denise is shown above...

Come Together, Get To Work and Fix This – Whatever It Takes

As a state and as a nation, we are facing a growing and unprecedented gun-violence and mental-health crisis that has completely shaken our most basic sense of security. The horrific events that have taken place recently, especially the mass shootings...

May Is Military Appreciation Month

Military Appreciation Month provides us with the opportunity to recognize the outstanding sacrifices our armed forces make each day to protect our freedoms and keep us safe. We owe a great deal to the men and women who have chosen to serve our nation,...

Barclay To Collect Food For ‘Blessings In A Backpack’ Drive

Today, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I-Pulaski) announced his district office, located at 19 Canalview Mall in Fulton, will once again collect food items needed for students in the summer months. The items will be distributed in partnership...

Assembly Minority Call for First Meeting of the Domestic Terrorism Task Force

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay and the members of the Minority Conference today called on Gov. Hochul and state leaders to immediately call a meeting of the state Domestic Terrorism Task Force (DTTF). In a letter to Rossana Rosado, Commissioner...

Statement From Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

“All of New York and the nation mourns the victims of the horrific shooting this afternoon in Buffalo. This senseless act of violence is truly devastating to our state and most especially the Buffalo community. We pray for the victims, their families...