Press Releases

With The Start Of A New Year, Looking Ahead With Optimism To 2022

While we’re closing the final chapter on 2021, and my colleagues and I gear up for a new Legislative Session, I am optimistic for a brighter and better 2022. To say that the last year has been littered with obstacles and unfortunate distractions is...

Statement From Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

“The Christmas season is one of great joy, love and charity. I hope this year is no different, and that you get to spend it surrounded by loved ones. In whatever way you celebrate the holiday, I urge everyone to take a moment to reflect on all the blessings...

Giving Back to Those in Our Community Is a Win-Win This Holiday Season

The holiday season, for many, is a time of celebration and gathering with family and loved ones. For too many, though, it is a time of economic uncertainty, stress and anxiety. As a community, there are plenty of ways we can help alleviate some of those...

Leader Barclay Delivers Donations to Local VA Medical Center

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The donations for the 2nd Annual Stockings for Veterans drive were made possible thanks to many generous individuals, school groups, churches, teams, organizations and elected officials.“It is overwhelming to see the outpouring of items people donated....

Celebrating The Holidays Right Here at Home

During the holiday season, we are fortunate to be able to spend time with family and friends as we celebrate old traditions and make new memories with those closest to our hearts. As most of us know, the holidays are filled with joy, happiness, nostalgia...

Statement From Assembly Minority Leader Barclay on Gov. Hochul’s Mask Mandate Announcement

“Despite 80 percent of adults in New York being fully vaccinated, we are once again being force-fed another statewide mandate announced without notice, with little information, from a podium at a press conference. Gov. Hochul is using the same heavy-handed...

Hospital Staffing Shortages Creating Critical Threat to Patients and Providers

Medical facilities across New York are facing massive staffing shortages that have not only jeopardized the available bed space for patients in immediate need, but are now also impacting the number of services offered in hospitals. It is clear that the...

Leader Barclay Welcomes New Vision Intern

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Ms. Pacyon is a senior at Pulaski High School and a participant in student government at New Vision. The internship is coordinated through New Vision’s Participation in Government program. Pictured with Leader Barclay and Ms. Pacyon (right) is New Vision...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay on NYC Council’s Decision Granting Noncitizens Voting Rights

“Today’s vote by the NYC Council undermines our elections and diminishes the value of American citizenship. The agenda of Majority lawmakers keeps moving in a more radical, extremist, and dangerous direction. This is just the latest example. Their...

‘Tithe My Shoes’ Collectors Meet to Deliver and Bless Shoes

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 Local leaders and elected officials met recently at Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay’s district office to deliver shoes that were donated to former Central Square Mayor Millard “Mudd” Murphy. Murphy leads the “Tithe My Shoes” effort in...

Drug Injection Sites Are A Public Health Disaster Waiting To Happen

New York state is at a public health and safety crossroads, and yet again current leadership has proven they are unable to discern the right direction. Recently, two decisions handed down from misguided liberals in New York have further put the public...

When We ‘Shop Small’ We Help Our Communities Thrive

New York’s local businesses are the driving force behind the state’s fiscal well-being, and the goods and services they supply are irreplaceable in our daily lives. To maintain the health of local economies, we must continue to support the small businesses...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay on Thanksgiving

“Thanksgiving is an opportunity for us to gather with family and friends and reflect on all of the things we are grateful for. While counting our own blessings, we must also think of those less fortunate within our communities and the numerous ways...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay on the Judiciary Committee Impeachment Report

“The Assembly Judiciary Committee’s report on its impeachment investigation confirms what I, and others, have said throughout 2021: Andrew Cuomo abused the power of his office and deserved to be impeached. The details of his misdeeds have been documented...

Leader Barclay Honors Local Career Conservationist

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Recently, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I-Pulaski) (right) presented Fran Verdoliva (center) with an Assembly resolution that recognizes his long-time contributions in his role as Special Assistant to the Salmon River Watershed for the Department...

New York Farmers Cannot Withstand another Round of Labor Cost Increases

In the coming weeks, the Farm Laborers Wage Board will make a determination with respect to the state’s overtime rules governing New York farms. Depending on what that board decides, New York farmers could be facing a devastating blow to their ability...

Assembly & Senate Minority Members Hold Listening Session with Stakeholders on Proposed Gas Tax

Members of the Senate and Assembly Minority Conferences today held a listening session with stakeholders across various industries to discuss the potential impacts of the Climate and Community Investment Act (CCIA), a proposal being advanced by Albany...

Supporting Our Veterans and Their Families

As Americans, we are blessed with a military comprised of the bravest men and women who are willing to continually risk their lives to keep our country safe. Their unwavering dedication to preserving our freedoms comes at a great expense – physical...

Minority Leader Barclay Announces Second Annual Stocking Drive for Syracuse VA

Today, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I-Pulaski) announced the second annual “Stockings for Veterans” drive – an effort to collect personal-care items for veterans who must spend the Christmas holiday at the VA Medical Center in Syracuse.“Our...

Assembly Minority Conference to Launch ‘No Surrender’ Veteran Initiative: Making PTSD A Priority

Today, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay and Assemblyman Jake Ashby, Ranking Minority Member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee and an Army veteran, announced the “No Surrender” Veteran Initiative: Making PTSD a Priority, a series of roundtable...