Press Releases

Budget Priorities That Will Break the Bank

The process of developing the annual State Budget officially begins when the governor presents his spending proposal in late January. But the terms of negotiations become clearer once legislative majority conferences offer their financial plans, which...

Despite Federal Bailout, State’s Long-Term Growth Requires Drastic Change Of Course

New York state is set to receive $12.7 billion in federal funding as part of the recently negotiated American Rescue Plan. These funds are much needed as the state was facing a major budget gap created by prolonged lockdowns and disruptions to businesses...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

“While I welcome the decision to launch an impeachment investigation to look into alleged misconduct by Gov. Cuomo, the Assembly Committee on Judiciary must proceed with urgency. Minority members have called for impeachment investigations for weeks....

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

“In the wake of mounting sexual harassment allegations and a potentially criminal nursing home cover-up, Andrew Cuomo has offered excuses, explanations and half-hearted apologies.He must now offer his immediate resignation.Assembly Minority members...

Cuomo Administration’s Continued Interference with Nursing Home Data Shows Proactive Malfeasance

The more information that comes out regarding the true nature of Gov. Cuomo’s pandemic response, the more obvious it is that he has always valued his reputation over providing New Yorkers with the truth. Recently published articles in the New York...

Assembly Minority Conference Rejects Majority’s Weak Attempt To ‘Repeal’ Governor’s Emergency Powers

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay today called out Assembly Majority for their inadequate agreement billed as a repeal of Gov. Cuomo’s expanded emergency powers. The bill, A.5967, removes the original April 30, 2021 expiration date of the governor’s...

Assembly Minority Expand Scope of Impeachment Commission to Incorporate Sexual Harassment Allegations

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay today announced that the Conference will expand its Impeachment Commission resolution to include recent sexual harassment allegations made against Gov. Cuomo by two former staff members. The resolution can be viewed...

Minority Leaders Will Barclay And Rob Ortt: Majority’s ‘Repeal’ Of Gov. Cuomo’s Emergency Powers A Bogus Bill

Today, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay and Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt blasted the proposal advanced by the Majorities in the Legislature to supposedly revoke Gov. Cuomo’s emergency powers. The leaders, joined by members of their respective...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay on Majority Members Canceling Monday's Legislative Session

"Assembly Majority members were elected to do a job, and they're running from it.There is a crisis going on. When has it been more important for us to act, to legislate or to lead?I thought last week was embarrassing, when the Assembly was in session...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

"With additional allegations against Gov. Cuomo coming to light, the response must be clear and decisive. A thorough investigation, conducted by an entity completely outside the governor's reach, must begin immediately."

Health Budget Hearing Offers No Closure in Nursing Home Cover-Up

Yesterday, Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker was questioned regarding the health department’s budget and response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The budget hearing was designed to review the public health portion of the executive’s budget proposal....

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay on Today’s Health Budget Hearing

“After an unexplained three-week delay, today’s budget hearing might provide a better picture of what happened in state nursing homes during the COVID-19 outbreak. But it is only the beginning of what the Legislature should require from Health Commissioner...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

“After spending last week away from legislative business in Albany, the state Assembly reconvened this week on Monday to resume its legislative activity.Apparently, someone forgot to tell Assembly Majority.Over the course of the past three days, the...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

“For the second straight day, the Assembly Majority avoided taking any action to end Gov. Cuomo’s emergency powers. Despite a Majority-led effort last week encouraging support for repealing the executive’s authority, the Majority now appears to...

Cuomo’s Calls to Focus On ‘Facts and Data’ Are Hypocritical as He Disregards Both

For months, we listened to Gov. Andrew Cuomo laud the importance of fact-based decision making and proclaim the values of objectivity and science. But “do as I say, not as I do” has always been a hallmark of this governor’s administration, so it...

Assembly Minority Moves to Form Impeachment Commission to Begin Review of Gov. Cuomo’s Nursing Home Cover-Up

The Assembly Minority Conference today announced they will introduce a measure to begin the process of forming an Impeachment Commission to gather facts and evidence surrounding Gov. Cuomo’s handling and subsequent cover-up of the COVID-19 crisis...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay on Proposed Legislation to End Gov. Cuomo’s Emergency Powers

“For several months, Minority members in both the Assembly and Senate have been calling for Gov. Cuomo’s expanded powers to be rolled back. While Majority members have repeatedly allowed the administration to hold onto its unilateral authority, it’s...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

“It has never been more clear that there must be a full and immediate investigation of Gov. Cuomo’s nursing home coverup and the circumstances surrounding the loss of 15,000 senior citizens to COVID-19. The governor’s deflections and finger-pointing...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

"We have only scratched the surface on getting complete answers and information on the Cuomo Administration’s nursing home cover-up. It’s clear there is much more to uncover.The people who admitted they intentionally hid information from the public,...

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay Calls for Special Session to Address Nursing Home Coverup

“To say that this has been a trying week in New York state government would be a gross understatement. The circumstances surrounding the governor’s nursing home coverup and revelations from his staff’s closed-door meeting with Majority legislators...