Press Releases

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay on the Final 2020-2021 State Budget

“During unprecedented times that demand a concentrated focus, state Majority rushed out a cluttered state budget that offered nothing of the kind. Concocted behind closed doors and advanced under the cover of darkness, the state’s final spending...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay on Changes to Criminal Justice Laws

“Legislative majorities, along with Gov. Cuomo, may have walked back some of the abysmal criminal justice laws passed late last year. However, although they finally acknowledged their failed signature policy, they came up woefully short in an...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay on Public Campaign Financing

“Publicly funded campaigns take taxpayer money meant for infrastructure, emergency services and economic development and hand it over to politicians to pay for mailers and robocalls. There is no evidence this backward system does anything...

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay Statement on Changes to New York's Power Plant Siting Process

“Gov. Cuomo rarely misses a chance to increase his authority, and this week provided the perfect opportunity for another power grab. With a serious health crisis consuming the public’s attention, a broken budget process tipped heavily in his...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay on the Delay in Paychecks to 120,000 State Workers

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay issued the following statement on the failure of state officials to protect nearly 120,000 employees who did not receive their scheduled pay due to prolonged budget negotiations. “On a day when thousands...

Amid Massive Financial Crisis Caused by Covid-19 Assembly Majority Fails to Help Small Businesses

As small businesses across New York State try to manage the crushing impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, Assembly Majority on Wednesday rejected an effort to provide critical relief to job creators struggling to keep their doors open. Assembly Minority introduced...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

"I have been informed today that Assemblyman Brian Miller has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. He is currently hospitalized at St. Luke’s Hospital in Utica. *Assemblyman Miller participated in legislative session proceedings on March 18,...

Supporting Our Community Heroes, Helping Our Local Businesses Plays Important Role in Responding to Covid-19

The impact COVID-19 is having on our daily lives is unprecedented. Its reach has touched every part of our communities and the totality of its effect on the world remains to be seen. The state Department of Health, as of Friday morning, reported 44,635...

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay's District Office Closed to Walk-In Visitors

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay's district office, located at 200 North Second St., Fulton, is temporarily closed to walk-in visitors in an effort to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus and to comply with state mandates. "These are unprecedented...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

"By nearly every metric, the COVID-19 outbreak is having a more widespread impact on New York than any other state. Our response and recovery is likely to be a prolonged effort. With that in mind, I urge Gov. Cuomo to move the April 28 Primary...

A Strong Covid-19 Response Today Can Help Our Long-Term Recovery Tomorrow

The COVID-19 pandemic has become a national emergency, impacting nearly every community across the state and nation. As the public health crisis evolves, urgent measures are being put in place to contain the spread of the disease. From changing...

Amid Devastating Impacts of Covid-19 Outbreak Assembly Minority Conference Proposes "Small Business Emergency Recovery Act of 2020"

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski) and the Assembly Minority Conference today proposed the “Small Business Emergency Recovery Act of 2020”, which would provide immediate assistance to small businesses and employees as...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

“The news that Assembly Members Helene Weinstein and Charles Barron have tested positive for COVID-19 is deeply troubling. On behalf of the entire Assembly Minority Conference, I express my sincere hope that they both receive the best possible care...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

"When the Legislature returns to Albany tomorrow, it will do so with a goal of reaching an ‘accelerated’ final State Budget agreement over the next five days. While I recognize the governor would like to pass a policy-laden budget that includes...

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

"The state budget process is notoriously secretive and dysfunctional even under normal circumstances. In today’s current environment, trying to rush through a policy-heavy spending plan could be catastrophic.I am troubled by reports that indicate...

Localities Must Have A Say In New Energy Projects

Local governments are already under enormous stress in New York, between the crushing weight of unfunded mandates driving up property taxes, counties being forced to pay for a portion of Aid and Incentives for Municipalities funding and the Governor’s...

Assemblymen Ashby, Byrne Call For Funding Restoration For Critical Veterans’ Services

Assemblymen Jake Ashby (R,C,I,Ref-Castleton) and Kevin Byrne (R,C,Ref-Mahopac) co-hosted a “Voices for Veterans” event, alongside their colleagues in the Assembly Minority Conference, today at the Mental Health Association in Putnam County,...

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay Statement on the Coronavirus Appropriations Bill

The Assembly Minority Conference stands ready to assist in the prevention and containment of the coronavirus. We have seen the reports. We recognize the threat and the need for action. And as shown by tonight’s vote, we are more than willing to provide...

Cutting Millions In Library Funding Sends A Terrible Message To Our Communities

New York state’s local libraries are institutions that provide educational materials, meeting spaces, internet and computer access and a sense of community to their patrons. They are invaluable. Yet, Gov. Cuomo’s executive budget reduces their...

Assembly Ashby, Assembly Minority Leader Barclay, Senator Jordan, Assembly Minority Conference Call For Funding Restoration For Critical Veterans’ Services

Today at the State Capitol, Assemblyman Jake Ashby (R,C,I,Ref-Castleton), Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski), Sen. Daphne Jordan (R,C,I,Ref-Halfmoon) and the Assembly Minority Conference hosted a “Voices for Veterans”...