Jeffrey Dinowitz
Reports to the People of the 81st Assembly District
October 2011
Dear Constituent,
I hope you had a great summer. Fall has arrived and the new school year has begun.
The American and world economy continues to face great difficulties, and the State is
still in dire fiscal straits.
In spite of these challenges, this year’s legislative session was both productive and
exciting. While there is always more work to be done, we did address many key issues.
We passed an on-time (although less than satisfactory) budget. Through my efforts as
Chair of the Aging Committee, we prevented the closing of over 100 senior centers in New
York City. We renewed the rent protection laws and strengthened them for the first time
ever. With the leadership of Governor Cuomo, we passed marriage equality in New York.
We also enacted strong ethics reform.
Locally, I continue to fight to improve our wonderful communities. I am particularly concerned
about strengthening our schools and improving student performance. I am very proud of the
work of my district office; my staff and I resolve countless issues brought to us by constituents.
We are especially effective at cutting through government red tape. So, if you have a constituent
problem or complaint, want to bring an issue to our attention, or wish to voice your opinion,
please do not hesitate to contact me.

Jeffrey Dinowitz
Member of Assembly
Assemblyman Dinowitz Named Chair of Consumer Affairs Committee
I am honored to have been appointed as the new Chair of the Assembly
Committee on Consumer Affairs and Protection by Assembly Speaker
Sheldon Silver. I have always been a consumer advocate as the Assembly
Member representing the 81st Assembly District, and this chairmanship
will give me the opportunity to shape legislation and impact consumer issues
to benefit people in my district and throughout the state.
Among the many issues on which the committee will be working include
consumer and child product safety, food safety, cracking down on unfair
practices in the debt management, credit card, mortgage, and other financial
services industries, protecting seniors against scams, and combating identity
It has been a privilege serving for the past four years as Chair of the Assembly
Committee on Aging, and I am proud to have led the way this year to stop the
closing of over 100 senior centers. I look forward to serving my district and the
state as Chair of the Committee on Consumer Affairs and Protection.

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and Congressman Eliot Engel attended RiverFest,
a celebration of the Hudson River and the Greenway in Riverdale, where they were
treated to a spectacular performance by the Riverdale Rising Stars, Jr.
Marriage Equality Becomes Law in New York
Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, State Senator Gustavo Rivera, and other Bronx elected
officials spoke at a rally in support of marriage equality in front of the Bronx County
Court House.
I am extremely pleased that marriage equality is now a reality in New York. After the
Assembly passed the Marriage Equality Act four times, the Senate finally passed the
bill in a truly historic session on June 24, with support from members of both parties.
Governor Cuomo signed the bill into law shortly thereafter.
I am proud to be a co-sponsor of this landmark legislation and to have spoken on the
floor of the Assembly in support of the bill (A.8354). I firmly
believe it promotes stronger families and equal rights. Equal treatment under the law is
a basic tenet of our democracy, and now all committed couples have the same access
to the benefits, protections, and responsibilities of marriage.
The road to true equality for all has been a long and bumpy one in this country. The
Marriage Equality Law is truly a major step forward.
New Law Strengthens Rent Regulations
I have long fought for strong, pro-tenant rent regulations in New York City, and this year
the fighting paid off. With the city’s rent regulations up for renewal in June, the state
legislature passed the Affordable Housing Act (A.8518),
a sweeping new set of regulations that will offer relief for many middle class New
York tenants. Under the new legislation:
Rent laws are extended for another 4 years.
The income threshold for deregulation is raised from $175,000 to $200,000.
The high rent deregulation threshold is raised from $2,000 to $2,500.
The amount a landlord can increase rent after a capital improvement to an
individual apartment is reduced from 1/40th the cost of the improvement to 1/60th
on buildings with more than 35 units.
The Division of Housing and Community Renewal’s authority to regulate the provisions
of the act is enhanced.
And a limit of one vacancy increase is allowed per year.
While I would have liked to have seen even more pro-tenant provisions in the bill, what
was eventually passed is significantly better than what had been in place. This was the
first time ever that the rent protection laws were strengthened. This victory couldn’t have
come at a better time, but we won’t let it go to our heads. I promise to never stop fighting
for NYC tenants!
Governor Cuomo Signs Five Bills by Assemblyman Dinowitz
Governor Andrew Cuomo recently signed five bills I sponsored into law. Several of the
bills addressed senior citizen issues that I fought for as the former Chair of the Committee
on Aging. I am very pleased these important bills are now law in New York, and I thank
Governor Cuomo for helping me to address the needs of senior citizens by signing them.
These bills will positively impact the lives of many seniors throughout New York State.
One will bring programs to senior centers for the prevention of domestic violence and
elder abuse (A.6736). Another will ensure that our senior
military veterans have access to high-quality programs that serve their needs
(A.544). And another will strengthen the Naturally Occurring
Retirement Community (NORC) supportive service program
Now that I’ve been appointed Chair of the Committee on Consumer Affairs and Protection,
my tenure as Chair of the Aging Committee has ended, but my commitment to fighting for
the needs of seniors will never waver.
Fighting Vehicle Wheel Villains with VINs
I have sponsored legislation that would finally give law enforcement a tool to track down
vehicle wheel thieves. Jeffrey Klein is sponsoring the bill in the State Senate. The bill
(A.7646/S.5414) would require that vehicle identification numbers
(VINs) be engraved on the wheels of all motor vehicles sold in New York.
With VINs engraved on the wheels, citizens can report their wheels stolen, and law
enforcement can identify the stolen goods and return them to their owners. Currently,
this is nearly impossible due to the lack of identification on vehicle wheels. This bill,
crafted in direct consultation with the New York City Police Department, will give law
enforcement another weapon in its arsenal of crime-fighting laws, help deter one of the
most common crimes in New York, and save money and grief for thousands of people.
Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz attended a forum sponsored by the Bronx Clergy
Legislative Roundtable with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Assemblywoman Vanessa
Gibson, and others to discuss the Urban Jobs Act of 2011.
Standing with Verizon Strikers
I joined Verizon strikers picketing outside the Verizon Wireless store on Fordham
Road in August. 45,000 workers from the Communications Workers of America (CWA)
and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) went on strike around
the nation to protest Verizon’s efforts to take away benefits won over the course of
decades. Verizon wants to strip their workers of their retirement, health care, and job
security, reduce paid sick leave days, and cut benefits for workers injured on the
job. This is happening while Verizon pays its top executive millions of dollars,
makes billions of dollars in profits, and continues to outsource countless jobs to
non-union contractors and low-wage countries.
The unions and Verizon are back at the negotiating table, and I am hopeful they
will reach an agreement that does not hurt our middle class workers, their families,
and our communities. Efforts to break unions and tear down the middle class must
be fought at every step, and I applaud the hardworking men and women who stood
up for their rights and for their families.
Promising Proposals for the Kingsbridge Armory
I am pleased to learn that sports facilities are among the possible uses being
contemplated for the Kingsbridge Armory. I have long believed that the Kingsbridge
Armory should be used for the people of the Bronx. The possibilities are endless,
including real ice skating rinks for the entire Bronx to enjoy, ice hockey, basketball,
running tracks, community facilities, and finally giving the community what it has long
demanded: new public schools adjacent to the armory. I wrote to the Bronx Overall
Economic Development Corporation to express my support for such proposals and
to offer any assistance I can.
I opposed the proposal to construct a shopping mall in the armory that would have
received tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies. Such a mall would
undoubtedly have decimated the Fordham Road and Kingsbridge Road shopping
districts and cost countless jobs. I am certain that Bronx Borough President Ruben
Diaz, Jr. took the correct position for the borough on this matter, and as a result, we
now have a golden opportunity to do something really special for the Bronx.
We’ve waited a long time for the right development of the armory site. We dodged
a bullet when we avoided the heavily-subsidized, job-killing shopping mall. Now we
must redouble our efforts to develop the site for the best interests of Kingsbridge
Heights and the entire Bronx.
Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz presented a proclamation to the Bronx River Alliance
celebrating their 10th anniversary at the Bronx River Festival. Receiving the proclamation
are Charles Vasser, founder and board member of the Bronx River Alliance, and Maggie
Greenfield, their Deputy Director.
Hurricane Irene
Residents persevered through power and phone outages, downed trees and lampposts,
and flooding during Hurricane Irene. My office worked with various agencies, including
Con Ed, Verizon, the Parks Department, DOT, and Sanitation, to assist in the clean-up
effort. If you are aware of any remaining problems caused by Hurricane Irene, please
report them to 311 and my office.
Assemblyman Dinowitz Sponsors Town Hall Meetings
In a democracy, it is imperative that the people let their representatives know what’s
on their mind and what issues are important to them. That’s why I’m hosting several
town halls to give my constituents the opportunity to share with me their concerns
and questions. I encourage you to attend one of the following events:
Sunday, October 23 • 1:30pm
Vladeck Hall
74 Van Cortlandt Park South
Meet and Greet Your Elected Officials Sponsored by the Amalgamated Housing Cooperative
With Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Congressman Eliot Engel, Council Member Oliver Koppell, and State Senator Gustavo Rivera
Monday, October 24 • 7:30pm
St. Barnabas High School
425 East 240th Street
Town Hall Meeting Sponsored by the Woodlawn Heights Taxpayers and Community Association
With Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Council Member Oliver Koppell, and State Senator Jeffrey Klein
Tuesday, October 25 • 7:30pm
Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale
475 West 250th Street
(on Henry Hudson Parkway East)
Special Forum on Environmental Issues With Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz,
Council Member Oliver Koppell, and State Senator Adriano Espaillat
Wednesday, November 2 • 7:30pm
Mosholu Montefiore Community Center
3450 Dekalb Avenue
Town Hall Meeting Sponsored by the Mosholu Montefiore Community Center
With Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Council Member Oliver Koppell, and State
Senator Gustavo Rivera
Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and Congressman Eliot Engel marched with students from
SAR Academy and High School in the Celebrate Israel Parade.
Fighting for New Shopping and Jobs in Kingsbridge
The Kingsbridge community is on the verge of a major renewal. Three new apartment
buildings have risen, all market-rate condos within a block of West 231st Street. The
beautiful new Kingsbridge Public Library has recently opened. The old Stella D’Oro site
was recently purchased and will be the location of a new shopping center. Just a few
years ago two new apartment buildings containing affordable housing opened on
Putnam Avenue.
And now at long last the development of the lot at West 230th Street and Broadway
is within sight. I have advocated for 10 years for the construction of a shopping mall at
this location. I believe that bringing top-notch stores into our community would not only
provide new jobs and shopping, but would bring additional shoppers to the area, giving
a shot-in-the-arm to the existing stores along Broadway. While some have advocated
for constructing housing on this site, I find it hard to believe that housing located between
the Major Deegan Expressway and the Broadway elevated subway makes any sense at
Commercial development will provide the best possible use of this land for our neighborhood,
and I am excited this may soon become a reality. I see a future where this area will become
a major shopping destination for the northwest Bronx and beyond.
Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating the opening
of the beautiful new Kingsbridge Library with Council Member Oliver Koppell and former
Council Member June Eisland.
Greenstreet Installed in Woodlawn
I am pleased to announce that a Greenstreet at the intersection of Van Cortlandt Park East,
Kepler Avenue, and East 239th Street will be completed very soon. I included this site in my
proposal to the City to add more green spaces to my Assembly district.
I have long been an advocate for greening our communities, and this Greenstreet will further
beautify the Woodlawn neighborhood. I am thankful to both the Parks Department and the
Department of Transportation for their assistance with this project, and I will continue to
advocate for additional Greenstreets to be installed throughout my district.
Dinowitz to Parks Department: Finish the Job in the Williamsbridge Oval
I have requested that the Department of Parks & Recreation complete the renovations
that are long overdue in the Williamsbridge Oval, our beloved neighborhood park in Norwood.
Last month I set up a meeting with Council Member Oliver Koppell, Parks Commissioner
Hector Aponte, and the Friends of the Williamsbridge Oval to express our desire to see the
outstanding projects completed. Those projects include the recreation center, the basketball
courts, and the dog run, among many others. I am glad to say that work in the park has
resumed and these projects should be completed shortly. It is only right that the residents
of Norwood get the necessary amenities in their park that they deserve!
I have also requested that the Parks Department plant more trees in the Williamsbridge
Oval. I recently walked through the park with local activists and estimated that approximately
one hundred more trees can and should be planted! I hope the Parks Department heeds this
request because more trees will only enhance the beauty of the Oval.
Free Notary Service
My office provides free notary public service during our regular office hours, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Monday through Friday. Please bring two forms of identification, at least one with your photo
and signature, if you would like your signature notarized.