2001 Yellow Book
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                                 Adjusted     Executive                       
                            Appropriation      Request                 Percent 
                                  2000-01      2001-02      Change      Change 

  Special Rev.-Other           64,236,500   64,563,000     326,500       0.51%
  Total for Agency:            64,236,500   64,563,000     326,500       0.51%
  Total Contingency:            2,700,000    2,700,000           0       0.00%
  Total for AGENCY SUMMARY:    66,936,500   67,263,000     326,500       0.49%

  Special Rev.-Other           64,236,500   64,563,000     326,500       0.51%
  Total for STATE OPERATIONS:  64,236,500   64,563,000     326,500       0.51%

  Special Rev.-Other            5,756,400    5,828,000      71,600       1.24%
  Total for Program:            5,756,400    5,828,000      71,600       1.24%

  Special Rev.-Other           55,150,300   55,233,000      82,700       0.15%
  Total for Program:           55,150,300   55,233,000      82,700       0.15%

Analysis and Compliance
  Special Rev.-Other            3,329,800    3,502,000     172,200       5.17%
  Total for Program:            3,329,800    3,502,000     172,200       5.17%

  Fiduciary                     2,700,000    2,700,000           0       0.00%
  Total for CONTINGENCY:        2,700,000    2,700,000           0       0.00%

  Fiduciary                     2,700,000    2,700,000           0       0.00%
  Total for Program:            2,700,000    2,700,000           0       0.00%


                         ALL FUNDS PERSONNEL
                        BUDGETED FILL LEVELS
                            Current  Requested
Program                     2000-01    2001-02    Change
Administration                   64         64         0
Regulation                      517        497      (20)
Analysis and Compliance          38         38         0
Total All Other Funds :         619        599      (20)

TOTAL:                          619        599      (20)

                          BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS
                   (Executive Budget: pp. 303-305)

The Banking Department is charged with protecting the public interest by 
regulating and supervising an estimated 3,200 State-chartered banking 
institutions with total assets of approximately $1.9 trillion.  The 
Banking Department is included in the Public Protection and General 
Government appropriation bill.

The Governor proposes an All Funds Appropriation of $67,263,000, an 
increase of $326,500 over State Fiscal Year(SFY) 2000-2001.  The Banking 
Department is supported entirely by fees charged to regulated financial
institutions and organizations.

The Governor recommends an overall decrease of 20 Full-Time Equivalent 
(FTE) funded vacancies for an estimated savings of $1.5 million.

State Operations

There is a $1,849,000 net increase in State Operation funds, reflecting salary 
adjustments and inflation.  This increase is offset by the decrease in FTEs.

The Executive recommends support in SFY 2001-2002 for the following programs:

--     $683,600 to continue the ongoing efforts of the Holocaust Office.  
       This Office funds 12 FTE positions to assist survivors of the Holocaust 
       or their heirs in making claims on assets believed to havebeen in
       existence during the time period of 1933-1945.  In addition, the State 
       Insurance Department will suballocate $374,000 to the Banking Department
       to assist the Holocaust Office's efforts to recover properties belonging
       to Holocaust victim survivors.  

--     $1,452,000 for the Office of Regulatory Presence in Tokyo.  This proposal
       supports 5 New York State Banking Department positions located in Tokyo.
       The appropriation is the same as SFY 2000-2001.  This
       initiative provides the Banking Department with an opportunity to 
       establish a presence in Asia and facilitate
       a better working relationship with banking institutions located in 
       the Far East;  

--     $137,000 to support 3 FTE positions to enforce the Automated Teller 
       Machine (ATM) Safety Program, allowing the Banking Department to comply
       with the Automated Teller Machine Safety Act of 1996;
--     Funding for 8 trainee positions in the Bank Intern Program, a decrease 
       of 2 positions from SFY 2000-01.

The Executive budget provides $2,700,000 in a contingency appropriation for 
services and expenses related to the State transmitter of money insurance fund.

New York State Assembly
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