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A03591 Summary:

Amd §13-0328, En Con L
Provides that where the total number of commercial food fish license, commercial crab permits, commercial whelk and conch licenses, and marine and coastal district party and charter boat license applications from persons who were not issued such license in the previous year exceeds the number of licenses that are available, the department of environmental conservation shall randomly select recipients of the available licenses from among those applications received by the first business day of the applicable license year; provides for a temporary authorization where in the event of a temporary emergency, a licensee or permittee may provide written authorization for a person to temporarily undertake any licensed activities on the licensee's or permittee's behalf; makes related provisions.
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A03591 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 28, 2025
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  SCHIAVONI  --  read once and referred to the
          Committee on Environmental Conservation
        AN ACT to amend the  environmental  conservation  law,  in  relation  to
          certain  commercial  food  fish  licenses,  commercial  crab  permits,
          commercial  whelk or   conch   licenses, marine and  coastal  district
          party  and  charter boat licenses and certain temporary authorizations
          for certain licenses and permits
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1. Subparagraph (i) of paragraph c of subdivision 1, subpara-
     2  graph (i) of paragraph c of subdivision 3, subparagraph (i) of paragraph
     3  c of subdivision 4 and subparagraph (i) of paragraph c of subdivision  5
     4  of  section 13-0328 of the environmental conservation law, as amended by
     5  chapter 306 of the laws of 2023, are amended and a new subdivision 8  is
     6  added to read as follows:
     7    (i)  [licenses  shall be issued in the order in which the applications
     8  were received, except that where multiple applications are  received  by
     9  the  department  on  the same day,] where the total number of commercial
    10  food fish license applications from persons who  were  not  issued  such
    11  license  in  the  previous  year exceeds the number of licenses that are
    12  available, the department shall randomly select recipients of the avail-
    13  able licenses from among those applications received by the first  busi-
    14  ness  day  of  the applicable license year, provided however that appli-
    15  cants shall receive one extra entry for each  previous  year  that  they
    16  applied  for such license and were not selected, and applicants for whom
    17  the department has  received  notice  of  successful  completion  of  an
    18  apprenticeship  pursuant  to subdivision seven of this section shall [be
    19  considered by the department prior  to  other  applicants]  receive  one
    20  extra  entry,  and provided further that the department is authorized to
    21  adopt regulations to  amend  or  supplement  this  process  for  issuing
    22  commercial food fish licenses;
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 3591                             2
     1    (i)  [permits  shall  be issued in the order in which the applications
     2  were received, except that where multiple applications are  received  by
     3  the  department  on  the same day,] where the total number of commercial
     4  crab permit applications from persons who were not issued such permit in
     5  the  previous year exceeds the number of permits that are available, the
     6  department shall randomly select recipients  of  the  available  permits
     7  from  among those applications received by the first business day of the
     8  applicable permit year, provided however that applicants  shall  receive
     9  one extra entry for each previous year that they applied for such permit
    10  and  were  not  selected,  and  applicants  for  whom the department has
    11  received notice of successful completion of an  apprenticeship  pursuant
    12  to subdivision seven of this section shall [be considered by the depart-
    13  ment  prior  to  other applicants] receive one extra entry, and provided
    14  further that the department is authorized to adopt regulations to  amend
    15  or supplement this process for issuing commercial crab permits;
    16    (i)  [licenses  shall be issued in the order in which the applications
    17  were received, except that where multiple applications are  received  by
    18  the  department  on  the same day,] where the total number of commercial
    19  whelk or conch permit applications from persons who were not issued such
    20  permit in the previous year exceeds  the  number  of  permits  that  are
    21  available, the department shall randomly select recipients of the avail-
    22  able  permits  from among those applications received by the first busi-
    23  ness day of the applicable permit year, provided however that applicants
    24  shall receive one extra entry for each previous year that  they  applied
    25  for  such  permit  and  were  not  selected, and applicants for whom the
    26  department has received notice of successful completion  of  an  appren-
    27  ticeship pursuant to subdivision seven of this section shall [be consid-
    28  ered  by  the  department  prior  to other applicants] receive one extra
    29  entry, and provided further that the department is authorized  to  adopt
    30  regulations  to  amend or supplement this process for issuing commercial
    31  whelk or conch permits;
    32    (i) [licenses shall be issued in the order in which  the  applications
    33  were  received]  where  the  total number of marine and coastal district
    34  party and charter boat license applications from persons  who  were  not
    35  issued  such license in the previous year exceeds the number of licenses
    36  that are available, the department shall randomly select  recipients  of
    37  the  available  licenses  from  among those applications received by the
    38  first business day of the applicable license year, provided however that
    39  applicants shall receive one extra entry for  each  previous  year  that
    40  they  applied  and  were  not  selected,  and  provided further that the
    41  department is authorized to adopt regulations  to  amend  or  supplement
    42  this  process  for issuing marine and coastal district party and charter
    43  boat licenses;
    44    8. Temporary authorization. In the event of a temporary  emergency,  a
    45  licensee  or permittee may provide written authorization for a person to
    46  temporarily undertake any  licensed  activities  on  the  licensee's  or
    47  permittee's  behalf.  Such authorization shall not be effective until it
    48  has been approved by the department. A copy  of  such  written  authori-
    49  zation  shall  be  filed  with  the department, and the department shall
    50  determine what constitutes a temporary  emergency  and  the  appropriate
    51  maximum  duration  of  a  temporary  emergency  for the purposes of this
    52  subdivision.   The department is  authorized  to  adopt  regulations  to
    53  establish requirements for this program.
    54    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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