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A09289 Summary:

Amd SS5102, 5103 & 5104, Ins L
Makes comprehensive motor vehicle insurance reparations (no-fault insurance) applicable to motorcycles.
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A09289 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 14, 2012
        Introduced  by M. of A. ORTIZ -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Insurance -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered  reprinted
          as amended and recommitted to said committee
        AN  ACT  to amend the insurance law, in relation to making comprehensive
          motor vehicle insurance reparations applicable to motorcycles

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Subsection  (f)  of  section 5102 of the insurance law is
     2  amended to read as follows:
     3    (f) "Motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle as defined in section  three
     4  hundred eleven of the vehicle and traffic law and also includes fire and
     5  police  vehicles, and motorcycles.  It shall not include any motor vehi-
     6  cle not required to carry financial security pursuant  to  article  six,
     7  eight  or forty-eight-A of the vehicle and traffic law [or a motorcycle,
     8  as defined in subsection (m) hereof].
     9    § 2. Subsections (a) and (f) of section 5103  of  the  insurance  law,
    10  subsection  (f)  as  amended  by  chapter  402  of the laws of 1986, are
    11  amended to read as follows:

    12    (a) Every owner's policy of liability  insurance  issued  on  a  motor
    13  vehicle  in  satisfaction of the requirements of article six or eight of
    14  the vehicle and traffic law shall also  provide  for;  every  owner  who
    15  maintains  another  form  of  financial  security  on a motor vehicle in
    16  satisfaction of the requirements of such articles shall be  liable  for;
    17  and  every  owner  of  a  motor  vehicle  required  to be subject to the
    18  provisions of this article by subdivision two of section  three  hundred
    19  twenty-one  of  the  vehicle  and  traffic  law shall be liable for; the
    20  payment of first party benefits to:
    21    (1) Persons, other than occupants  of  another  motor  vehicle  [or  a
    22  motorcycle],  for loss arising out of the use or operation in this state
    23  of such motor vehicle. In the case of occupants  of  a  bus  other  than

    24  operators,  owners,  and  employees of the owner or operator of the bus,
    25  the coverage for first party benefits shall be afforded under the policy
    26  or policies, if any, providing  first  party  benefits  to  the  injured
    27  person  and  members of his or her household for loss arising out of the
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 9289--A                          2
     1  use or operation of any motor vehicle of such household.  In  the  event
     2  there  is  no such policy, first party benefits shall be provided by the
     3  insurer of such bus.
     4    (2) The named insured and members of his or her household[, other than

     5  occupants of a motorcycle,] for loss arising out of the use or operation
     6  of  (i)  an  uninsured  motor vehicle [or motorcycle], within the United
     7  States, its territories or possessions, or Canada; and (ii)  an  insured
     8  motor  vehicle  [or  motorcycle]  outside  of  this state and within the
     9  United States, its territories or possessions, or Canada.
    10    (3) Any New York resident who is neither the owner of a motor  vehicle
    11  with  respect  to which coverage for first party benefits is required by
    12  this article nor, as a member of a household, is entitled to first party
    13  benefits under paragraph two of this subsection, for loss arising out of
    14  the use or operation  of  the  insured  or  self-insured  motor  vehicle
    15  outside  of  this state and within the United States, its territories or
    16  possessions, or Canada.

    17    (4) The estate of any covered person, other than an occupant of anoth-
    18  er motor vehicle [or a motorcycle], a death benefit in the amount of two
    19  thousand dollars for the death of such person arising out of the use  or
    20  operation  of such motor vehicle which is in addition to any first party
    21  benefits for basic economic loss.
    22    (f) Every owner's policy of liability insurance issued on [a  motorcy-
    23  cle  or]  an  all terrain vehicle in satisfaction of the requirements of
    24  [article six or eight of the vehicle and traffic law or]  section  twen-
    25  ty-four  hundred  seven of [such] the vehicle and traffic law shall also
    26  provide for; every owner who maintains another form of financial securi-
    27  ty on [a motorcycle or] an all terrain vehicle in  satisfaction  of  the

    28  requirements  of  such  [articles  or]  section shall be liable for; and
    29  every owner of [a motorcycle or] an all terrain vehicle required  to  be
    30  subject  to the provisions of this article by subdivision two of section
    31  three hundred twenty-one of such law shall be liable for; the payment of
    32  first party benefits to  persons,  other  than  the  occupants  of  such
    33  [motorcycle or] all terrain vehicle, another [motorcycle or] all terrain
    34  vehicle, or any motor vehicle, for loss arising out of the use or opera-
    35  tion of the [motorcycle or] all terrain vehicle within this state. Every
    36  insurer  and self-insurer may exclude from the coverage required by this
    37  subsection a person who intentionally causes his or her own injury or is
    38  injured while committing an act which would constitute a felony or while

    39  seeking to avoid lawful apprehension or  arrest  by  a  law  enforcement
    40  officer.
    41    §  3. Subsections (a) and (b) of section 5104 of the insurance law are
    42  amended to read as follows:
    43    (a) Notwithstanding any other law, in any action by or on behalf of  a
    44  covered  person  against  another  covered  person for personal injuries
    45  arising out of negligence in the use or operation of a motor vehicle  in
    46  this  state,  there shall be no right of recovery for non-economic loss,
    47  except in the case of a serious injury, or for basic economic loss. [The
    48  owner, operator or occupant of a motorcycle  which  has  in  effect  the
    49  financial  security  required by article six or eight of the vehicle and
    50  traffic law, or which is referred to in subdivision two of section three

    51  hundred twenty-one of such law, shall not be subject to an action by  or
    52  on behalf of a covered person for recovery for non-economic loss, except
    53  in the case of a serious injury, or for basic economic loss.]
    54    (b)  In any action by or on behalf of a covered person, against a non-
    55  covered person, where damages for personal injuries arising out  of  the
    56  use  or operation of a motor vehicle [or a motorcycle] may be recovered,

        A. 9289--A                          3
     1  an insurer which paid or is liable for first party benefits  on  account
     2  of  such injuries has a lien against any recovery to the extent of bene-
     3  fits paid or payable by it to the covered person. No such action may  be
     4  compromised by the covered person except with the written consent of the

     5  insurer,  or with the approval of the court, or where the amount of such
     6  settlement exceeds fifty thousand dollars. The failure of such person to
     7  commence such action within two years after accrual gives the insurer  a
     8  cause  of  action for the amount of first party benefits paid or payable
     9  against any person who may be liable  to  the  covered  person  for  his
    10  personal injuries. The insurer's cause of action shall be in addition to
    11  the  cause  of  action  of  the covered person except that in any action
    12  subsequently commenced by the covered  person  for  such  injuries,  the
    13  amount of his or her basic economic loss shall not be recoverable.
    14    § 4. This act shall take effect January 1, 2014.
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