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S05355 Summary:

Add S755, Ed L
Enacts the "K12 student privacy and cloud computing act" to prohibit service providers who offer cloud computing services to primary and secondary educational services from processing student data for commercial purposes.
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S05355 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2013-2014 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                      May 16, 2013
        Introduced  by  Sen. MAZIARZ -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Education
        AN ACT to amend the education law, in  relation  to  enacting  the  "K12
          student privacy and cloud computing act" to prohibit service providers
          who  offer  cloud  computing  services to primary and secondary educa-

          tional  institutions  from  processing  student  data  for  commercial
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Short title. This act shall be known and may  be  cited  as
     2  the "K12 student privacy and cloud computing act".
     3    § 2. Legislative findings. The legislature hereby finds and declares:
     4    1.  Cloud  computing  services  enable  convenient,  on-demand network
     5  access to a shared pool of configurable computing  resources  (including
     6  networks,  servers,  storage,  applications,  and  services) that can be
     7  rapidly provisioned and  released  with  minimal  management  effort  or
     8  service provider interaction;
     9    2.  Cloud computing services offer tremendous potential to educational
    10  institutions in terms of helping consolidate  technical  infrastructure,

    11  reducing  energy  and  capital  costs,  increasing collaboration through
    12  "anytime-anywhere" access to applications and information, and realizing
    13  efficiencies, network resilience, and flexible deployment; and
    14    3. Cloud computing service providers hold the potential to invade  the
    15  privacy  of students by tracking students' online activities for commer-
    16  cial purposes, such as delivering behaviorally targeted  advertising  or
    17  otherwise  improving  advertising services that the service provider may
    18  offer in connection with or separate from the services it offers to  the
    19  educational institution.
    20    In  light  of  the  foregoing,  the  legislature deems it necessary to
    21  ensure that when an educational institution engages  a  cloud  computing
    22  service provider to process student data, that the service provider uses
    23  student  data  only  for  the benefit of the educational institution and

    24  does not use  such  data  for  the  service  provider's  own  commercial
    25  purposes.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 5355                             2
     1    §  3. The education law is amended by adding a new section 755 to read
     2  as follows:
     3    §  755.  Student  privacy and cloud computing. 1. Definitions. For the
     4  purposes of this section, the following terms shall have  the  following
     5  meanings:
     6    (a)  "Cloud  computing  service"  shall  mean  a  service that enables
     7  convenient, on-demand network access to a shared  pool  of  configurable

     8  computing  resources  to  provide  a  student,  teacher  or staff member
     9  account-based productivity applications such as email, document  storage
    10  and  document  editing that can be rapidly provisioned and released with
    11  minimal management effort or cloud  computing  service  provider  inter-
    12  action.
    13    (b)  "Cloud  computing  service  provider" shall mean an entity, other
    14  than  an  educational  institution,  that  operates  a  cloud  computing
    15  service.
    16    (c)  "Educational  institution"  shall  mean  any  public or nonpublic
    17  school, charter school, school district or board of  cooperative  educa-
    18  tional  services serving students in grades kindergarten through twelfth
    19  grade.

    20    (d) "Person" shall mean individual, partnership, corporation,  associ-
    21  ation, company or any other legal entity.
    22    (e)  "Process"  or "processing" shall mean to use, access, manipulate,
    23  scan, modify, transform, disclose, store,  transmit,  transfer,  retain,
    24  aggregate, or dispose of student data.
    25    (f)  "Student  data"  shall  mean  any information or materials in any
    26  media or format created or provided by: (i) a student in the  course  of
    27  the student's use of the cloud computing service; or (ii) an employee or
    28  agent  of  the  educational institution that is related to a student. In
    29  each case the term "student data" shall include, but not be  limited  to
    30  the  name,  electronic mail address, postal address, phone number, email

    31  message, word processing documents, unique identifiers, metadata,  of  a
    32  student, or any aggregations or derivatives thereof.
    33    2.  Prohibition on the use of student data. Any person who, with know-
    34  ledge that student data will be processed, provides  a  cloud  computing
    35  service  to  an  educational  institution, is prohibited from using that
    36  cloud computing service to process student data for any  secondary  uses
    37  that  benefit  the  cloud computing service provider or any third party,
    38  including, but not limited to, online behavioral  advertising,  creating
    39  or correcting an individual or household profile primarily for the cloud
    40  computing  service  provider's or any third party's benefit, the sale of

    41  the data for any commercial purpose, or  any  other  similar  commercial
    42  for-profit  activity;  provided,  however, a cloud computing service may
    43  process or monitor student data solely to provide such  service  to  the
    44  educational institution and maintain the integrity of such service.
    45    3.  Certification  of compliance. Any person who enters into an agree-
    46  ment to provide a cloud computing service to an educational  institution
    47  must  certify  in  writing  to the educational institution that it shall
    48  comply with the terms and conditions set forth  in  subdivision  two  of
    49  this section.
    50    § 4. This act shall take effect on the first of November next succeed-
    51  ing  the  date  on  which  it shall have become a law, provided that the

    52  commissioner of education and the board of  regents  are  authorized  to
    53  promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the timely
    54  implementation of this act on or before such effective date.
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