BILL NO | A00420 |
SPONSOR | Rosenthal |
COSPNSR | Miller, Otis, Skoufis, Brennan, Markey, Stirpe, Cusick, Abinanti, Jaffee, Benedetto, Fahy,
Zebrowski |
MLTSPNSR | Braunstein, Buchwald, Ceretto, Duprey, Galef, Lalor, Lavine, Lupardo, Mayer, McDonough, Montesano,
Paulin, Skartados, Tenney, Woerner |
Add Art 166-A SS8720 - 8727, amd SS6507 & 7602, Ed L; amd S413, Soc Serv L |
Provides for the licensure of school psychologists; authorizes the use of the title "school psychologist" to licensed or exempt individuals; defines practice as a school psychologist; sets forth requirements for professional licensure (including educational attainment, experience, exam and fee); provides for issuance of limited permits under specified circumstances; identifies exempt persons. |