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A10676 Summary:

SPONSORRules (Blumencranz)
Add §390-cc, Gen Bus L; add Art 157 §§157.00 & 157.05, amd §60.27, Pen L
Enacts the "wireless security enforcement act" to prohibit the sale of wireless signal jammer devices; defines terms; provides that a person is guilty of prohibited use of a wireless signal jammer device if they engage in the possession, manufacture, importation, marketing, or sale of wireless signal jammer devices; requires restitution.
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A10676 Actions:

08/28/2024referred to consumer affairs and protection
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A10676 Memo:

submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
SPONSOR: Blumencranz
  TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the general business law and the penal law, in relation to the enforcement of the prohibition on the use of wireless signal jammer devices   PURPOSE OR GENERAL IDEA OF BILL: Enacts the "wireless security enforcement act".   SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: Section 1: This act shall be known as the "wireless security enforcement (WiSE) act". Section 2: Subdivision 1: Amends the general business law by adding a new section 390-cc by defining "wireless signal jammer device", Subdivi- sion 2: establishes that upon notice by any law enforcement agency, any establishment that engages in the manufacture, importation, marketing, or sale of wireless signal jammers shall be prohibited from doing busi- ness in NY for at least one year. Businesses can also be subject to additional penalties. Subdivision 3(a): Gives the Attorney General power to bring action or a special proceeding on behalf of the people of NY against persons that have violated this section. This proceeding or action can be used to obtain resitution, disgorgement, including but not limited to unlawfully obtained data and algorithms, to obtain civil penalties which may exceed one hundred thousand dollars per violation, and to obtain any further relief. 3(b): Any property or business owner who has been injured by a violation of this section which resulted in the commission of a crime to a person, person's property or business may bring an action to obtain (i) Damages which may exceed one hundred thou- sand dollars per incident or actual damages, whichever is greater; (ii) Injunctive or declaratory relief; and/or (iii) Any other relief the court deems proper. Subdivision 4: The court may award reasonable attor- neys' fees to a prevailing plaintiff. Section 3: Amends the penal law by a new article 157; Establishes offenses involving prohibited wireless jammer devices and defines terms. A person guilty of prohibited use of a wireless signal jammer device is guilty of a class D felony. Section 4: Section 60.27 of the penal law is amended by adding a new subdivision 15, which states when a person is convicted of prohibited use of a wireless signal jammer device the court, in addition to any other sentence, shall order the payment of restitution to the person who was harmed, directly or indirectly, by the prohibited use of a wireless signal jammer. Section 5: Sets forth the effective date.   JUSTIFICATION: In the wake of the CrowdStrike Software meltdown, New York must bolster its cyber security and take measures to combat illicit items that disrupt communications and transportation on a global scale. Federal law clearly prohibits wireless jammers, yet New York State law lacks the same clarity. While federal law is supreme, states can enhance prohibi- tions and consequences. The use of wireless jammers to disarm residen- tial and commercial security systems is escalating crime in our suburban communities. Police departments nationwide have issued warnings to help the public protect themselves from these criminal tactics. Alarmingly, despite federal prohibitions, establishments continue to sell wireless jammers to criminals without facing repercussions. The proposed Wireless Security Enforcement (WiSE) Act aims to be a stronger deterrent than current federal law by taking a comprehensive approach to address this issue head-on. The WISE Act represents a pioneering effort to enhance law enforcement capabilities, hold criminals accountable, and protect the safety of New Yorkers. This comprehensive bill responds to the urgent call from law enforcement and takes decisive action to combat th e growing threat posed by wireless jammers.   PRIOR LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: New Bill.   FISCAL IMPLICATIONS FOR STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS: Minimal.   EFFECTIVE DATE: This act shall take effect immediately.
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A10676 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     August 28, 2024
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  BLUMENCRANZ -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Consumer Affairs and Protection
        AN ACT to amend the general business law and the penal law, in  relation
          to  the  enforcement  of the prohibition on the use of wireless signal
          jammer devices
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  This act shall be known and may be cited as the "wireless
     2  security enforcement (WiSE) act".
     3    § 2. The general business law is amended by adding a new section  390-
     4  cc to read as follows:
     5    §  390-cc.  Sale  of prohibited wireless signal jammer devices. 1. For
     6  the purposes of this section, "wireless signal jammer device" means  any
     7  device  that  prohibits the operation, manufacture, importation, market-
     8  ing, and sale of equipment designed to jam or otherwise  interfere  with
     9  authorized  radio  communications, such as radar, internet, global posi-
    10  tioning system (GPS), and cell phone communications.
    11    2. Upon notice by any local or state law enforcement agency, any busi-
    12  ness or establishment that  engages  in  the  manufacture,  importation,
    13  marketing, or sale of wireless signal jammer devices shall be prohibited
    14  from  operating  said  business  or establishment within the state for a
    15  period of at least one year. This provision shall not  be  construed  to
    16  absolve said business or establishment from any other penalties pursuant
    17  to local, state or federal law.
    18    3.  (a)  Whenever  it  appears  to  the  attorney general, either upon
    19  complaint or otherwise, that any person, within or  outside  the  state,
    20  has  engaged  in  or  is about to engage in any of the acts or practices
    21  stated to be unlawful in this section, the attorney general may bring an
    22  action or special proceeding in the name and on behalf of the people  of
    23  the state of New York to enjoin any violation of this section, to obtain
    24  restitution of any moneys or property obtained directly or indirectly by
    25  any  such  violation,  to  obtain  disgorgement  of any profits or gains
    26  obtained directly or indirectly by any such violation, including but not
    27  limited to the destruction of unlawfully obtained  data  and  algorithms
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10676                            2
     1  trained on such data, to obtain damages caused directly or indirectly by
     2  any  such  violation,  to  obtain  civil  penalties which may exceed one
     3  hundred thousand dollars per violation, and to obtain any such other and
     4  further  relief  as  the  court  may  deem proper, including preliminary
     5  relief.
     6    (b) Any property owner or business owner who has  been  injured  by  a
     7  violation of this section which resulted in the commission of a crime to
     8  a  person, person's property, or a person's business may bring an action
     9  to obtain:
    10    (i) Damages which may exceed one hundred thousand dollars per incident
    11  or actual damages, whichever is greater;
    12    (ii) Injunctive or declaratory relief; and/or
    13    (iii) Any other relief the court deems proper.
    14    4. The court may award reasonable  attorneys'  fees  to  a  prevailing
    15  plaintiff.
    16    §  3.  The penal law is amended by adding a new article 157 to read as
    17  follows:
    18                                  ARTICLE 157
    20  Section 157.00 Offenses  involving  prohibited  wireless  signal  jammer
    21                   devices; definitions of terms.
    22          157.05 Prohibited use of wireless signal jammer devices.
    23  § 157.00 Offenses  involving  prohibited wireless signal jammer devices;
    24             definitions of terms.
    25    For the purposes of this  article,  "wireless  signal  jammer  device"
    26  means any device that prohibits the operation, manufacture, importation,
    27  marketing,  and sale of equipment designed to jam or otherwise interfere
    28  with authorized radio communications, such as  radar,  internet,  global
    29  positioning system (GPS), and cell phone communications.
    30  § 157.05 Prohibited use of wireless signal jammer devices.
    31    A  person  is  guilty  of  prohibited  use of a wireless signal jammer
    32  device if they  engage  in  the  possession,  manufacture,  importation,
    33  marketing, or sale of wireless signal jammer devices.
    34    Prohibited use of a wireless signal jammer device is a class D felony.
    35    §  4. Section 60.27 of the penal law is amended by adding a new subdi-
    36  vision 15 to read as follows:
    37    15. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contra-
    38  ry, when a person is convicted of prohibited use of  a  wireless  signal
    39  jammer  device  as defined in section 157.05 of this chapter, the court,
    40  in addition to any other sentence, shall order the payment  of  restitu-
    41  tion  to  the  person  who  was  harmed,  directly or indirectly, by the
    42  prohibited use of a wireless signal jammer device.
    43    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.
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