A00355 Summary:

COSPNSRGottfried, Ortiz, Hooper, Mosley, Englebright, Jaffee, Peoples-Stokes, Ryan, Thiele, Kearns, Jean-Pierre, Ramos, Cusick, Woerner, Paulin, Bichotte, Barron, Richardson, Walker, Lavine, Lupardo
MLTSPNSRArroyo, Ceretto, Dinowitz, Galef, Murray, Perry, Rivera, Saladino, Simon
Amd §3309-a, Pub Health L
Authorizes the commissioner of health to establish standards, and review and implement requirements for the performance of continuing medical education on pain management, palliative care and addiction.
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A00355 Actions:

01/07/2015referred to health
02/19/2015advanced to third reading cal.20
01/06/2016referred to health
02/22/2016amend (t) and recommit to health
02/22/2016print number 355a
05/26/2016advanced to third reading cal.731
06/01/2016substituted by s4348a
 05/19/20151ST REPORT CAL.822
 05/20/20152ND REPORT CAL.
 06/09/2015PASSED SENATE
 06/25/2015referred to health
 01/06/2016died in assembly
 01/06/2016returned to senate
 01/20/2016PRINT NUMBER 4348A
 01/26/20161ST REPORT CAL.79
 02/01/20162ND REPORT CAL.
 05/17/2016PASSED SENATE
 05/17/2016referred to health
 06/01/2016substituted for a355a
 06/01/2016ordered to third reading cal.731
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A00355 Memo:

submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
SPONSOR: Rosenthal (MS)
  TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the public health law, in relation to the prescription pain medication awareness program; and providing for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof   PURPOSE: To require health care professionals authorized to prescribe controlled substances to complete medical education on pain management, palliative care, and addition.   SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: Section one amends the Prescription Pain Medication Awareness Program under Public Health Law § 3309-a to require health care professionals licensed under title 8 of the education law to treat humans and author- ized to prescribe controlled substances to complete three hours of continuing medical education every two years that involves pain manage- ment. The curricula must include but is not limited to, I-Stop and drug enforcement administration requirements for prescribing control substances; pain management; appropriate proscribing; managing acute pain; pain; palliative medicine; preventative, screening and signs of addiction; responses to abuse and addiction; and end of life care. The Commissioner may allow for exemptions if the health care professionals met requirements per the commissioners satisfaction. The commissioner must report on the impact of this legislation and any recommendations no later than three years after its enactment.   JUSTIFICATION: Many patients suffer endlessly from debilitating pain and other symptoms caused by the inadequate treatment of pain or other symptoms which could be controlled. Many health care professionals are unaware of the resources available to their patients to relieve chronic and acute pain. This issue has lead to an increase in the prescribing of prescription medications to help ease patients suffering, which has resulted in and increase of prescription drug abuse throughout the state. This bill will require health care professionals who prescribe controlled substances to take a continuing medical education (CME) course regarding pain manage- ment. This training in pain management will assist in curbing the prescription drug crisis the state currently faces by educating practi- tioners on proper practices. This bill will ensure that health care practitioners stay current on pain management and palliative care tech- niques, and not over or under prescribing pain medications.   LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: A.1124 of 2013-2014   FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None.   EFFECTIVE DATE: This bill shall take effect one year after it becomes law.
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A00355 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2015-2016 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     January 7, 2015
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  ROSENTHAL, GOTTFRIED, ORTIZ, HOOPER, MOSLEY,
          ARDSON -- Multi-Sponsored by --  M.  of  A.  ARROYO,  CERETTO,  CLARK,
          and referred to the Committee on Health -- recommitted to the  Commit-
          tee  on Health in accordance with Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to said committee
        AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to  the  prescription
          pain  medication  awareness  program;  and providing for the repeal of
          such provisions upon expiration thereof
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Section  3309-a  of  the  public  health law, as added by
     2  section 52 of part D of chapter 56 of the laws  of  2012,  subparagraphs
     3  (i),  (ii)  and  (iii)  of paragraph (b) of subdivision 2 as amended and
     4  subparagraph (iv) of paragraph (b) of subdivision 2 as added by  section
     5  1  and subdivisions 3 and 4 as amended by section 2 of part D of chapter
     6  447 of the laws of 2012, is amended to read as follows:
     7    § 3309-a. Prescription pain medication awareness program. 1. There  is
     8  hereby  established within the department a prescription pain medication
     9  awareness program to educate the public and  health  care  practitioners
    10  about  the  risks  associated  with  prescribing  and  taking controlled
    11  substance pain medications.
    12    2. Within the amounts appropriated, the commissioner, in  consultation
    13  with  the  commissioner  of the office of alcoholism and substance abuse
    14  services, shall[:
    15    (a) Develop] develop and  conduct  a  public  health  education  media
    16  campaign  designed  to  alert  youth, parents and the general population

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 355--A                           2
     1  about the risks associated with prescription pain  medications  and  the
     2  need  to  properly  dispose of any unused medication. In developing this
     3  campaign, the  commissioner  shall  consult  with  and  use  information
     4  provided  by  the  work  group established pursuant to subdivision [(b)]
     5  four of this section and other relevant professional organizations.  The
     6  campaign  shall  include  an  internet website providing information for
     7  parents, children and health care professionals on the risks  associated
     8  with  taking opioids and resources available to those needing assistance
     9  with prescription pain medication addiction.  Such  website  shall  also
    10  provide  information regarding where individuals may properly dispose of
    11  controlled substances in their community and  include  active  links  to
    12  further  information  and  resources.  The campaign shall begin no later
    13  than September first, two thousand twelve.
    14    [(b)] 3. The commissioner, in consultation with  the  commissioner  of
    15  education,  shall establish standards, and review and implement require-
    16  ments for the  performance  of  continuing  medical  education  on  pain
    17  management,  palliative  care and addiction.   Every health care profes-
    18  sional licensed, registered or certified under title eight of the educa-
    19  tion law to treat humans and registered  under  the  federal  controlled
    20  substances  act and in possession of a registration number from the drug
    21  enforcement administration, United States Department of Justice, or  its
    22  successor  agency,  shall, prior to renewal of registration to practice,
    23  complete three hours of course  work  as  set  forth  in  this  section;
    24  provided,  however,  that said hours shall be deemed to count toward the
    25  professional's obligation for board certification or existing continuing
    26  education requirement for licensure.
    27    (a) Existing curricula, including curricula developed by a  nationally
    28  recognized health care professional, specialty, or provider association,
    29  or  nationally recognized pain management association, may be considered
    30  in implementing this section.
    31    (b) Curricula shall include, but not be limited to:  I-STOP  and  drug
    32  enforcement   administration  requirements  for  prescribing  controlled
    33  substances; pain management;  appropriate  prescribing;  managing  acute
    34  pain; palliative medicine; prevention, screening and signs of addiction;
    35  responses to abuse and addiction; and end of life care.
    36    (c)  The commissioner shall provide an exemption from this requirement
    37  to anyone who requests such an exemption and  who  demonstrates  to  the
    38  commissioner's satisfaction that:
    39    (i) there would be no need for him or her to complete such course work
    40  or training because of the nature, area or specialty of his or her prac-
    41  tice; or
    42    (ii)  he  or  she  has completed course work or training deemed by the
    43  commissioner to be equivalent to the standards for course work or train-
    44  ing approved under this section.
    45    (d) The commissioner, in consultation with the commissioner of  educa-
    46  tion  and  stakeholders  shall  report to the temporary president of the
    47  senate, the speaker of the assembly and the chairs  of  the  health  and
    48  higher  education  committees no later than three years after the effec-
    49  tive date of this subdivision on the success and impact of this  section
    50  and any recommendations.
    51    4.  Establish  a  work  group,  no later than June first, two thousand
    52  twelve, which shall be composed of experts in the fields  of  palliative
    53  and  chronic care pain management and addiction medicine. Members of the
    54  work group shall receive no compensation for their services,  but  shall
    55  be  allowed  actual  and  necessary expenses in the performance of their
    56  duties pursuant to this section. The work group shall:

        A. 355--A                           3
     1    [(i)] (a) Report to the  commissioner  regarding  the  development  of
     2  recommendations  and  model  courses  for  continuing medical education,
     3  refresher courses and other training materials for licensed health  care
     4  professionals  on  appropriate use of prescription pain medication. Such
     5  recommendations,  model  courses  and  other training materials shall be
     6  submitted to the commissioner, who shall make such information available
     7  for  the  use  in  medical  education,  residency  programs,  fellowship
     8  programs,  and  for  use  in continuing medication education programs no
     9  later than January first, two thousand  thirteen.  Such  recommendations
    10  also shall include recommendations on: [(A)] (i) educational and contin-
    11  uing  medical  education  requirements  for practitioners appropriate to
    12  address prescription pain medication awareness among health care profes-
    13  sionals; [(B)] (ii) continuing education  requirements  for  pharmacists
    14  related  to  prescription  pain  medication  awareness;  and [(C)] (iii)
    15  continuing education in palliative care as it relates  to  pain  manage-
    16  ment,  for which purpose the work group shall consult the New York state
    17  palliative care education and training council;
    18    [(ii)] (b) No later than January first, two thousand thirteen, provide
    19  outreach and assistance to health  care  professional  organizations  to
    20  encourage  and facilitate continuing medical education training programs
    21  for their members regarding appropriate prescribing  practices  for  the
    22  best  patient  care  and  the  risks associated with overprescribing and
    23  underprescribing pain medication;
    24    [(iii)] (c) Provide information to the commissioner  for  use  in  the
    25  development  and  continued  update  of  the  public awareness campaign,
    26  including information, resources, and active web links  that  should  be
    27  included on the website; and
    28    [(iv)]  (d) Consider other issues deemed relevant by the commissioner,
    29  including how to protect and promote  the  access  of  patients  with  a
    30  legitimate  need  for  controlled  substances,  particularly medications
    31  needed for pain management by oncology patients, and whether and how  to
    32  encourage or require the use or substitution of opioid drugs that employ
    33  tamper-resistance  technology  as  a  mechanism  for  reducing abuse and
    34  diversion of opioid drugs.
    35    [3.] 5. On or before September first, two thousand twelve, the commis-
    36  sioner, in consultation with the commissioner of the office of  alcohol-
    37  ism and substance abuse services, the commissioner of education, and the
    38  executive  secretary  of  the  state board of pharmacy, shall add to the
    39  workgroup such additional members as appropriate so that  the  workgroup
    40  may  provide guidance in furtherance of the implementation of the I-STOP
    41  act. For such purposes, the workgroup shall include but not  be  limited
    42  to  consumer  advisory  organizations,  health  care  practitioners  and
    43  providers, oncologists,  addiction  treatment  providers,  practitioners
    44  with  experience  in  pain  management,  pharmacists and pharmacies, and
    45  representatives of law enforcement agencies.
    46    [4.] 6. The commissioner shall report to the governor,  the  temporary
    47  president  of  the  senate and the speaker of the assembly no later than
    48  March first, two thousand thirteen, and annually thereafter, on the work
    49  group's findings. The report shall include information on  opioid  over-
    50  dose  deaths,  emergency  room  utilization  for the treatment of opioid
    51  overdose, the utilization of pre-hospital addiction services and  recom-
    52  mendations to reduce opioid addiction and the consequences thereof.  The
    53  report shall also include a recommendation as to whether subdivision two
    54  of  section thirty-three hundred forty-three-a of this article should be
    55  amended to require practitioners prescribing or dispensing certain iden-

        A. 355--A                           4
     1  tified schedule V controlled substances to comply with the  consultation
     2  requirements of such subdivision.
     3    §  2. This act shall take effect one year after it shall have become a
     4  law and shall expire and be deemed repealed 4  years  after  such  date.
     5  Provided,  however,  that effective immediately, the addition, amendment
     6  and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implementation
     7  of this act on its effective date is authorized and directed to be  made
     8  and completed on or before such effective date.
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