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A03752 Summary:

SPONSORPheffer Amato
Amd Art 5 §6, Constn
Relates to veterans' preferences with respect to civil service promotions; removes requirement of service during a time of war for additional points on civil service examinations for veterans.
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A03752 Actions:

02/07/2023referred to governmental employees
02/13/2023to attorney-general for opinion
02/17/2023opinion referred to judiciary
05/23/2023reported referred to judiciary
01/03/2024referred to judiciary
01/08/2024to attorney-general for opinion
01/26/2024opinion referred to judiciary
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A03752 Memo:

submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
SPONSOR: Pheffer Amato
  TITLE OF BILL: CONCURRENT RESOLUTION OF THE SENATE AND ASSEMBLY proposing an amendment to section 6 of article 5 of the constitution, in relation to civil service appointments and promotions; veterans' preferences and credits   PURPOSE OR GENERAL IDEA OF BILL: To allow all men and women who have served in the military to receive additional credits on competitive examinations for civil service appointments and promotions.   SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: This concurrent resolution would amend Section 6 of Article 5 of the New York State Constitution to eliminate the requirement that a veteran must have served in time of war in order to be eligible to receive 5 points additional credit in a competitive examination for original appointment and 2 1/2 points additional credit in an examination for promotion, or additional 10 or 5 points credit, respectively, if such veteran was disabled in the actual performance of duty in any war.   JUSTIFICATION: This constitutional amendment would allow anyone that has served in the armed forces to receive credits for civil service appointments and promotions. Currently, the Constitution provides additional credits for veterans who served during a period of war. This amendment will provide parity amongst our armed forces veterans.   PRIOR LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: 2021/2022: A. 5406 (Abbate) / S.0161 (Gounardes) - opinion referred to Judiciary 2020: 5.3647 (Gounardes) - opinion referred to judiciary 2019: S.3647 (Gounardes) - passed Senate 2018: 5.6755 (Golden) - opinion referred to Judiciary 2017: 5.6755 (Golden) - passed Senate   FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None to state   EFFECTIVE DATE: Immediately
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A03752 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 7, 2023
        Introduced  by  M.  of A. PHEFFER AMATO -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Governmental Employees
        proposing an amendment to section 6 of article 5 of the constitution, in
          relation to civil service appointments and promotions; veterans' pref-
          erences and credits

     1    Section 1. Resolved (if the Senate concur), That section 6 of  article
     2  5 of the constitution be amended to read as follows:
     3    § 6. Appointments and promotions in the civil service of the state and
     4  all of the civil divisions thereof, including cities and villages, shall
     5  be  made  according  to  merit  and fitness to be ascertained, as far as
     6  practicable, by examination which,  as  far  as  practicable,  shall  be
     7  competitive;  provided,  however, that any member of the armed forces of
     8  the United States [who served therein in time of war, and] who,  at  the
     9  time of such member's appointment or promotion, is a citizen or an alien
    10  lawfully  admitted  for  permanent  residence in the United States and a
    11  resident of this state and is honorably  discharged  or  released  under
    12  honorable  circumstances from such service, shall be entitled to receive
    13  five points additional credit in a competitive examination for  original
    14  appointment and two and one-half points additional credit in an examina-
    15  tion  for  promotion  or,  if  such  member  was  disabled in the actual
    16  performance of duty [in any war] and his or her disability is  certified
    17  by  the  United States department of veterans affairs to be in existence
    18  at the time of application for appointment or promotion, he or she shall
    19  be entitled to receive ten points additional  credit  in  a  competitive
    20  examination  for  original appointment and five points additional credit
    21  in an examination for promotion. Such additional credit shall  be  added
    22  to  the final earned rating of such member after he or she has qualified
    23  in an examination and shall be granted only at the time of establishment
    24  of an eligible list. No such member shall receive the additional  credit
    25  granted  by  this  section after he or she has received one appointment,
    26  either original entrance or promotion, from an eligible list on which he
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 3752                             2
     1  or she was allowed the additional credit granted by this section, except
     2  where a member has been appointed or promoted from an eligible  list  on
     3  which  he  or she was allowed additional credit for military service and
     4  subsequent to such appointment he or she is disabled as provided in this
     5  section,  such  member shall be entitled to ten points additional credit
     6  less the number of points of additional credit  allowed  for  the  prior
     7  appointment.
     8    §  2. Resolved (if the Senate concur), That the foregoing amendment be
     9  referred to the first regular legislative session  convening  after  the
    10  next  succeeding  general  election  of members of the assembly, and, in
    11  conformity with  section  1  of  article  19  of  the  constitution,  be
    12  published for 3 months previous to the time of such election.
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