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A.+6328 Summary:

SAME ASNo same as
COSPNSRGottfried, Englebright, Weisenberg, Ortiz, Dinowitz, Colton, Cymbrowitz, O'Donnell, Peoples-Stokes, Jaffee, Kavanagh, Schimel, Titone, Zebrowski, Abinanti, Hooper, Millman, Paulin, Kellner, Titus, Scarborough, Rosenthal, Roberts, Lupardo, Lifton, Otis, Rozic, Mosley, Weprin, Kearns, Simotas, Clark, Pichardo, Fahy, Skoufis, Steck, Benedetto
MLTSPNSRArroyo, Bronson, Cahill, Cook, Crespo, Cusick, Galef, Glick, Hevesi, Jacobs, Magee, Markey, Miller, Perry, Rivera, Rodriguez, Sepulveda, Solages, Thiele, Weinstein
Add Art 37 Title 9 SS37-0901 - 37-0915, En Con L
Relates to regulation of toxic chemicals in children's products; establishes the interstate chemical clearinghouse.
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