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A01435 Summary:

COSPNSRSimon, Forrest, Seawright, Gonzalez-Rojas, Epstein, Mamdani, Gallagher, Colton, Zinerman, Cook, Reyes, Burgos, Mitaynes, Jackson, Carroll, Hevesi, Dinowitz, Ardila, Raga, Fall, Simone
Add §12-141, NYC Ad Cd
Enacts the "New York city teleworking expansion act"; provides that each agency shall establish a policy and program to allow employees to perform all or a portion of their duties through teleworking to the maximum extent possible without diminished employee performance; defines the term "telework" to mean to perform normal and regular work functions on a workday that ordinarily would be performed at the agency's principal location at a different location, thereby eliminating or substantially reducing the physical commute to and from such agency's principal location.
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A01435 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 17, 2023
          read  once  and  referred  to  the  Committee  on  Cities -- committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to said committee
        AN ACT to amend the administrative code of the  city  of  New  York,  in
          relation to enacting the "New York city teleworking expansion act"
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Short title.  This act shall be known and may be  cited  as
     2  the "New York city teleworking expansion act".
     3    §  2. Legislative findings.  The legislature hereby finds and declares
     4  that the health and safety of the population living in  and  around  the
     5  densely populated New York city metropolitan region is a matter of state
     6  concern, as is the economic vitality and the effectiveness of mass tran-
     7  sit in that region, all of which are threatened by the amount of traffic
     8  congestion  inside  of,  and  into,  New  York city, and the overcrowded
     9  buses, subways and railroads within the region.  Traffic  congestion  is
    10  particularly  harmful  to the mass transit bus systems run by the Metro-
    11  politan Transportation Authority,  creating  delays  and  hindering  the
    12  growth  of essential surface mass transportation systems, and the entire
    13  mass transit system  suffers  from  severe  overcrowding.  The  negative
    14  impact of traffic congestion in New York city on the health, economy and
    15  mass  transit systems of the downstate region, as well as the overcrowd-
    16  ing of the region's mass transit systems, were established  at  legisla-
    17  tive  hearings in the spring of 2007, as well as during the hearings and
    18  reports of the legislatively created New York  City  Traffic  Mitigation
    19  Commission.  During these hearings, it was established that a very large
    20  number of New York city employees drive to work both from points  within
    21  New  York  city  and  without,  that  New  York city lacks a working and
    22  adequate telecommuting program for its employees, and that an  effective
    23  telecommuting  program  would  significantly  reduce  the number of such
    24  employees driving to work.  Likewise, a telecommuting  program  for  New
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1435--A                          2
     1  York  city  employees would also allow employees who use mass transit to
     2  work from home, thereby alleviating  the  current  overcrowding  in  the
     3  region's  mass  transit  systems.  Such a program as established by this
     4  legislation  would  address the state's concern that the health, safety,
     5  economic vitality and mass transit operations of the downstate region be
     6  preserved and protected.
     7    § 3. The administrative code of the city of New  York  is  amended  by
     8  adding a new section 12-141 to read as follows:
     9    §  12-141  Teleworking  programs.  a.    As  used in this section, the
    10  following terms shall have the following meanings:
    11    1. "City agency" shall mean a city, county, borough or  other  office,
    12  position,  administration,  department, division, bureau, board, commis-
    13  sion, authority, corporation, public benefit corporation,  committee  or
    14  other  agency  of government, the expenses of which are paid in whole or
    15  in part from the city treasury, and shall include but not be limited  to
    16  the  council,  the  offices  of each elected city official, the board of
    17  education, community boards, the health and hospitals  corporation,  the
    18  New York city industrial development agency, the offices of the district
    19  attorneys  of  the  counties of Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens and Rich-
    20  mond, and of the special narcotics prosecutor, the New York city housing
    21  authority, and the New York city housing development corporation.
    22    2. "Telework" shall mean to perform normal and regular work  functions
    23  on  a workday that ordinarily would be performed at the agency's princi-
    24  pal location at a different location, thereby  eliminating  or  substan-
    25  tially reducing the physical commute to and from such agency's principal
    26  location.  Provided,  however,  that  the  different  location shall not
    27  conflict with the requirements of any applicable New York city residency
    28  requirements.
    29    b. Each agency shall establish a policy and program to allow employees
    30  to perform all or a portion of their duties through teleworking  to  the
    31  maximum  extent  possible  without diminished employee performance. Each
    32  agency shall designate a "telework coordinator" to  be  responsible  for
    33  overseeing  the  implementation  of teleworking programs.   All employee
    34  performance standards shall be reduced to writing with clear metrics for
    35  employee productivity success and failure  via  teleworking.    Periodic
    36  evaluations  shall  be  included  in  the  telework  policy and program.
    37  Provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not  super-
    38  sede  an  existing  telework  policy  and  program that is the result of
    39  agreement between an employer and a  recognized  or  certified  employee
    40  organization,  unless such existing telework policy and program provides
    41  less protection than provided for under this  section.  Nothing  in  the
    42  section  shall  be  interpreted  as  discouraging  the use of collective
    43  bargaining as the primary tool for  developing  a  telework  policy  and
    44  program.
    45    c.  Eligibility  for  teleworking  shall be determined by a reasonable
    46  assessment of the tasks required by each title or title  category,  with
    47  recognized  or certified employee organization input, and applied fairly
    48  across the employees within such title or category.
    49    d. Nothing in this section shall supersede existing  law,  regulation,
    50  or  personnel policies applicable to employees with injuries, illnesses,
    51  environmental health conditions, or disabilities or with the  reasonable
    52  application of employee earned leave time including, but not limited to,
    53  sick, compensatory, paid or unpaid family leave, or vacation.
    54    § 4. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    55  it shall have become a law.
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