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S07508 Summary:

Amd Various Laws, generally
Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state transportation, economic development and environmental conservation budget for the 2018-2019 state fiscal year; enhances the ability of the state to enforce state and federal law relating to motor carriers, commercial drivers and bus operators (Part B); relates to enhancing the ability of the state to enforce state and federal law relating to the safety of rail fixed guideway public transportation systems under the oversight of the public transportation safety board (Part G); relates to the submission of reports relating to motor vehicles equipped with autonomous vehicle technology (Part H); relates to certain fines in the city of New York (Part N); extends certain provisions relating to the empire state economic development fund (Part O); relates to the powers of the New York state urban development corporation to make loans (Part R); extends the expiration date that permits the secretary of state to provide special handling for all documents filed or issued by the division of corporations and to permit additional levels of such expedited service to March 31, 2019 (Part T); relates to brownfield opportunity areas (Part U); repeals provisions relating to the local share requirement for providers under the federal community services block grant program (Part V); prohibits denials, suspensions, or revocations of professional licenses for failure to pay student loans (Part W); relates to the effectiveness of provisions relating to the powers and duties of the dormitory authority (Part X); relates to extending provisions of law relating to transferring the statutory authority for the promulgation of marketing orders from the department of agriculture and markets to the New York state urban development corporation (Part Z); relates to the environmental protection fund, the hazardous waste remedial fund and the mitigation and remediation of solid waste sites (Part BB); relates to the Central Pine Barrens area and core preservation area (Part CC); authorizes utility and cable television assessments to provide funds to the department of health from cable television assessment revenues and to the departments of agriculture and markets, environmental conservation, office of parks, recreation and historic preservation, and state from utility assessment revenues (Part DD); relates to authorizing the New York state energy research and development authority to finance a portion of its research, development and demonstration, policy and planning, and Fuel NY programs, as well as the department of environmental conservation's climate change program and the department of agriculture and markets' Fuel NY program, from an assessment on gas and electric corporations (Part GG); relates to foreclosure upon a reverse mortgage (Part II); requires lactation rooms in certain public buildings (Part JJ); directs the department of state to analyze and report on the feasibility of installing adult changing stations in public buildings (Part KK); relates to standards requiring assembly group A occupancies and mercantile group M occupancies to have diaper changing stations available for use by both male and female occupants (Part LL) relates to performance standards for aid to soil and water conservation districts (Part MM); relates to retrofit technology for diesel-fueled vehicles (Part NN); relates to fees for certification of pesticide applicators (Part OO); relates to beverage container requirements (Part PP); relates to the effectiveness of the New York state health insurance continuation assistance demonstration project (Part QQ); creates the small business innovation research/small business technology transfer technical assistance program; and repeals section 3102-c of the public authorities law relating thereto (Part RR); establishes the community development revolving loan program (Part SS); relates to the financing and construction of facilities by the dormitory authority for any not-for-profit affiliates or members of Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York State, Inc. and any successor in interest to any such organization (Part TT); relates to capital expenses relating to project necessary for the completion of Hudson River Park (Part UU); authorizes the taxation of certain lands owned by the state in Bowman Lake State Park (Part VV).
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