McDonough Takes Action To Help Prevent Bullying

Introduces legislation following California city’s passage of anti-bullying ordinance

Assemblyman Dave McDonough (R,C,I-Merrick) recently introduced new legislation aimed at stemming the rapidly growing issue of bullying, especially cyber-bullying, that has been plaguing the nation. Following numerous incidents where cyber-bullying led to young people inflicting violence against themselves and others, as well as reports about a proposal by the city of Carson, California, McDonough felt compelled to introduce the legislation.

“Today’s world is very different than the world many of us grew up in. Young people today spend more time online than previous generations and this has allowed bullies to expand their platform,” said McDonough. “However, there is one thing that hasn’t changed and that is the negative consequences of bullying. My goal with this proposal is to find another way to deter bullying and the long-lasting effects it can have on kids.”

Assembly Bill 9850, which McDonough introduced, would define the crime of cyber-bullying and bullying. Anyone 18 or older who violated the new section would be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine based upon offense and number of previous violations.