McDonough: Assembly Should Follow Senate Lead When It Comes To Women’s Equality

Assemblyman Dave McDonough (R,C,I-Merrick) today called on members of the Assembly Majority to pass the bills in the Women’s Equality Act as separate pieces of legislation. McDonough said it is time for the Assembly to step up and join the State Senate in passing these historic protections for New York’s women.

“This would be a monumental step toward women’s equality reform,” McDonough said. “These bills would create comprehensive protections for women against matters such as domestic violence and wage discrimination. Women across New York have waited two years for these bills to become law, and bi-partisan support already exists for them to be brought up as separate bills.”

McDonough’s comments come after Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C-Canandaigua) held a press conference Tuesday morning with many members of the Assembly Minority calling for the components of the Women’s Equality Agenda to be voted on as separate bills. The State Senate passed the eight bills separately Monday.