Upstate New York Roads And Bridges Deserve Fair Investment

Legislative Column from Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River)

The disparity in investment between upstate and downstate infrastructure is glaring. Announcement after announcement from the governor about the rebuild of the Tappan Zee Bridge, the redesign of LaGuardia Airport, and the most recent announcement about overhauling the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has been difficult for me to stomach.

In total, these projects could cost upward of $16 billion, and no one has explained how they would be paid for. Would the burden be borne on the backs of upstate New Yorkers? It is still unclear, but what is glaringly obvious is how much the needs in upstate New York, specifically in the North Country and the Mohawk Valley, are ignored or underappreciated.

Recently, I held a rally with many of our local highway superintendents and public officials calling for parity in funding for our roads and bridges. Our municipalities maintain roughly 87 percent of all roads in our state and nearly 50 percent of our bridges. Yet, it is a near battle every year to maintain our current levels of local aid. Fortunately, we were able to increase aid in the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program and winter recovery funding by $125 million.

The comptroller’s office estimated that there will be about $89 billion worth of unmet infrastructure needs over the next 20 years. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates that it would take about $40 million to keep up with current road conditions. However, current conditions include pothole-ridden, C-graded roads and about 30 closed bridges in my Assembly District.

Frankly, I think this is unacceptable.

I give a lot of credit to our local municipalities for managing the needs as best as they can without burdening taxpayers. However, it’s time for the state to step up and help.

The state does not recognize how far behind it is in investing and maintaining its roads. New York, as always, needs to be careful about funding, but it would be wise to invest in upstate infrastructure. This kind of investment is meaningful and important for the health and safety of our residents and the economy.

I am calling on the governor and my legislative colleagues to recognize and act on this great need in our upstate communities. I think with careful planning the state could responsibly invest in upstate roads and bridges. It is about parity, and I encourage the governor to consider the millions of people who live north of New York City.

I welcome your input on this or any other legislative topic. Please contact me by email at or by calling my office at 493-3909.