
Preserve Access to Reproductive Health Choice
2023 Planned Parenthood Day of Action
Homeowners Assistance Fund
Speaker Carl Heastie speaks on the “Less is More” law at a press conference with Governor Kathy Hochul, Lt Governor Brian Benjamin and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins.
Speaker Carl Heastie joins Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Reverend Al Sharpton at Governor Cuomo’s daily briefing to talk about reforming the criminal justice system after the death of George Floyd
Speaker Carl Heastie holds press conference on legislation to protect New Yorkers and bring transparency and accountability to the criminal justice system
Speaker Heastie and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins hold press conference to announce historic affordable housing legislation and tenant protections
Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins hold press conference on the intent to pass lifesaving school zone speed camera legislation for New York city and Buffalo
Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins hold press conference on legislation criminalizing revenge porn
Speaker Heastie and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins hold press conference on legislation that would help protect New Yorkers against gun violence
Speaker Carl Heastie holds press conference on the Jose Peralta DREAM Act
Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins hold press conference on women’s reproductive rights
Assembly Passes Legislative Package in Observance of Legislative Disabilities Awareness Day
66th Annual West Point Day
More Guns is Not the Answer
Tighten Gun Laws
Stop Unfettered Gun Access
Confront Gun Lobby
Speaker Carl Heastie holds press conference on gun violence prevention
Senate Should Pass DREAM Act
DREAM Act an Assembly Priority
Speaker Carl Heastie holds press conference on the DREAM Act
Criminal Justice Reform
State Support for Education
The Dream Act
Gun Control
Assembly to Pass Legislative Package in Observation of Legislative Disabilities Awareness Day
Needs of the Many
NY Millionaire Numbers Increase
Funding for Critical Services
Middle Class Support
Continuing Millionaire Tax
Criminal Justice Reform a Priority
Confront System's Faults
Opportunities for Success
Provide Intervention and Guidance
Raise the Age
Jim St. Germain, Criminal Justice Reform Advocate
Speaker Carl Heastie holds press conference on criminal justice reform
Protections Against Discrimination
Promise of Freedom
Protect Vulnerable
Speaker Carl Heastie holds press conference on immigration and the DREAM Act
End Attempts to Stifle Access to Choice
Must Fight to Protect Reproductive Freedoms
Speaker Carl Heastie holds press conference on legislation focused on women’s health
Access to Quality Education and Good Jobs
Protecting Women's Rights
Raise the Age
Competent Legal Counsel
Assembly Tax Plan
Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie delivered remarks at today's remembrance ceremony of the state's fallen police officers
Speaker Carl Heastie holds press conference on paid family leave
Opening the 239th Legislative Session
Speaker Carl Heastie holds press conference on legislation ensuring equal pay for all New Yorkers
Speaker Carl Heastie holds press conference on improving access to women’s reproductive health services
Speaker Carl Heastie holds press conference announcing comprehensive legislation to combat human trafficking
Speaker Carl Heastie holds press conference on the Assembly’s families first budget proposal
Speaker Carl Heastie holds press conference on the New York State DREAM Act
Assembly to Pass Legislation Protecting Women's...

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, at Capitol news conference, announced the Assembly's expected passage later in the day of the Reproductive Health Act, a bill to protect the reproductive rights of women and their access to affordable family planning.