A05022 Summary:

SAME ASNo same as
Amd S14-f, Transp L
Establishes a task force relating to voluntary re-routing of hazardous cargoes by railroad carriers.
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A05022 Actions:

02/10/2009referred to transportation
01/06/2010referred to transportation
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A05022 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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A05022 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2009-2010 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 10, 2009
        Introduced by M. of A. ALESSI -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Transportation
        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  transportation  law,  in  relation to voluntary
          re-routing of hazardous cargoes by railroad carriers
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 14-f of the transportation law is amended by adding
     2  a new subdivision 7 to read as follows:
     3    7. (a) The commissioner shall appoint a task force on railroad routing
     4  of  security  sensitive  cargoes.  The  task force shall consist of five
     5  members, appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate, one each
     6  to be recommended by the governor, speaker of the assembly,  the  tempo-
     7  rary  president  of the senate, and the minority leaders of the assembly
     8  and senate who shall be representative of the rail industry,  the  state
     9  transportation department, state homeland security and local government.
    10  The  task  force shall be charged with developing optimal designation of
    11  safe and secure routing and storage of hazardous materials,  as  defined

    12  in  subdivision one of this section, by rail carriers in this state. The
    13  task force shall study past, current and  possible  future  patterns  of
    14  rail  transportation  of hazardous materials through the state including
    15  interchanges between carriers.
    16    (b) The task force shall, as soon  as  possible,  negotiate  voluntary
    17  agreements  with  carriers  for  daily,  as well as for special security
    18  events, alternative routing, wherever possible, to eliminate  or  reduce
    19  the  safety and security risks of transportation of hazardous materials.
    20  The task force shall prepare and transmit to the governor and the legis-
    21  lature a report on the progress and status of  the  development  of  the

    22  optimal  designation of safe and secure routing and storage of hazardous
    23  materials.
    24    (c) The task force shall hire an independent consultant to  assist  in
    25  developing  an  assessment tool for weighting the comparative safety and
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 5022                             2
     1  security risks of existing and alternative patterns of routing and stor-
     2  age of hazardous materials. This assessment  tool  shall  place  central
     3  weight  on the potential worst case disaster consequences in high-conse-

     4  quence  areas  from either accidental or terrorism-caused release of one
     5  or more cargoes of hazardous materials. The  task  force  shall  consult
     6  with experts in the field of "disaster avoidance routing" in considering
     7  appropriate  weights  for  accident  probabilities and consequences. The
     8  task force shall apply this tool in  the  major  high-consequence  urban
     9  areas  of the state, make it available for use by all local governments,
    10  and issue urban-area specific reports on the results.
    11    (d) "High-consequence areas" shall be defined as the high threat urban
    12  areas in the state which have since September eleventh, two thousand one
    13  received funding under  the  federal  Urban  Areas  Security  Initiative

    14  program  by  the  U.S.  Department  of Homeland Security, along with any
    15  additional areas designated by the department.
    16    (e) The task force shall prepare a summary report on the  major  costs
    17  and benefits of re-routing of the covered materials to avoid major urban
    18  high-consequence areas.
    19    (f)(i)  The  task  force  shall meet with the appropriate shippers and
    20  carriers to discuss potentials for market swaps that can greatly shorten
    21  the distances over which covered hazardous materials are transported. If
    22  necessary and appropriate, the task  force  shall  seek  waivers  of  or
    23  amendments  to federal anti-trust provisions and/or to any provisions of
    24  state law that might prevent such risk-reduction arrangements.

    25    (ii) The task force shall assess the  adequacy  of  the  accident  and
    26  terrorism  insurance  coverage of the shippers and carriers of security-
    27  sensitive cargoes in the state.
    28    (iii) The task force shall make recommendations on how to provide  for
    29  appropriate  state  and  local  government agencies' access to available
    30  tracking mechanisms for covered  hazardous  cargoes,  and  for  enhanced
    31  access to such information during times of emergency or security threat.
    32    (iv)  The  task  force  shall make recommendations on the state agency
    33  capabilities needed on an ongoing basis to monitor the transportation of
    34  security-sensitive cargoes and to reduce over time the overall risks  of

    35  these,  including,  as  appropriate, recommendations for substitution of
    36  safer chemicals in facilities.
    37    (v) The task force shall engage the public  in  a  process  of  public
    38  education concerning the general risks of security-sensitive cargoes, so
    39  the  public  can  assist,  using already available information tools, in
    40  monitoring transportation  security  risks  and  in  pressing  for  risk
    41  reductions.   Such public education shall include, but not be limited to
    42  a series of state-wide public hearings.
    43    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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