A07408 Summary:

SAME ASNo same as
SPONSOREnglebright (MS)
COSPNSRTitone, Cymbrowitz, Espaillat, Gabryszak, Colton, Spano, Gunther, Castro, Millman
MLTSPNSRBing, Cook, Gottfried, John, McEneny, Weisenberg
Amd S14-0105, add S14-0115, En Con L; add S91-h, St Fin L
Establishes provisions for the stewardship of ocean resources and the establishment of an ocean management plan.
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A07408 Actions:

04/06/2009referred to environmental conservation
01/06/2010referred to environmental conservation
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A07408 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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A07408 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2009-2010 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      April 6, 2009
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  ENGLEBRIGHT,  TITONE, CYMBROWITZ, ESPAILLAT,
          Multi-Sponsored  by  -- M. of A. BING, BRADLEY, COOK, GOTTFRIED, JOHN,
          McENENY, WEISENBERG -- read once and  referred  to  the  Committee  on
          Environmental Conservation

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  environmental  conservation law, in relation to
          providing for the stewardship of ocean resources;  and  to  amend  the
          state  finance  law,  in  relation to establishing the ocean resources
          stewardship trust fund
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Section  14-0105 of the environmental conservation law is
     2  amended by adding three new subdivisions 6, 7 and 8 to read as follows:
     3    6. "Ocean-based development" shall include, but not be limited to, the
     4  development and installment of permanent or temporary structures and the
     5  mining, removal or other exploration of marine resources.
     6    7. "Ocean management planning board" or "board" means the board estab-

     7  lished pursuant to subdivision two of section 14-0115 of this article.
     8    8. "Ocean management plan" means the plan provided for under  subdivi-
     9  sion three of section 14-0115 of this article.
    10    §  2.  The  environmental  conservation law is amended by adding a new
    11  section 14-0115 to read as follows:
    12  § 14-0115. Stewardship of ocean resources.
    13    1. Legislative findings and purpose. Pollution from  terrestrial  land
    14  use,  coastal  population  growth  and  rapid advances in technology and
    15  commerce have led to  a  significant  increase  in  degradation  of  the
    16  state's  ocean  resources.  The New York ocean and Great Lakes ecosystem
    17  conservation act enacted by this article has established  the  ecosystem

    18  based  management  principles  that  can change often reactive and frag-
    19  mented public decisions based on particular resources to integrated  and
    20  effective management of ocean resources.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7408                             2
     1    It  is  the  purpose of this section to establish an ocean stewardship
     2  policy for  sound  ecosystem  based  management  practices  taking  into
     3  account  the  existing  natural, social, cultural, historic and economic
     4  characteristics of the ocean planning area; recognition that  commercial

     5  and  recreational  fisheries  are  an  integral and historic part of our
     6  culture and contribute substantial economic benefits  to  our  citizens,
     7  protecting  the public trust; valuing biodiversity and ecosystem health;
     8  protecting special, sensitive or unique estuarine and  marine  life  and
     9  habitats,  addressing  climate change and sea level rise; respecting the
    10  interdependence of ecosystems; and coordinating uses that include feder-
    11  al, state and local jurisdictions.
    12    2. a. There is hereby established the ocean management planning board.
    13  The board shall consist of the commissioner who shall chair  the  board,
    14  the secretary of state, the commissioners of general services and trans-

    15  portation,  the  president  of  the  New  York state energy research and
    16  development authority and three members appointed by the  governor.  The
    17  appointed  members  shall  include at least one member representative of
    18  the interests of recreational ocean  fishing.  Appointed  members  shall
    19  serve  for  terms  of four years. Members of the board shall not receive
    20  any compensation, but appointed members shall be entitled to their actu-
    21  al and necessary expenses in performing the duties of their office.
    22    b. The board shall advise the commissioner in the preparation  of  the
    23  ocean  management  plan  and  upon  its adoption shall have the power to
    24  review and act upon applications for amendments  and  variances  to  the
    25  plan.

    26    3.  a.  The  commissioner,  in  consultation with the ocean management
    27  planning board, the New York ocean and Great Lakes  ecosystem  conserva-
    28  tion  council and other advisory bodies, shall prepare and promulgate an
    29  ocean management plan for the ocean waters of the state of New York from
    30  the Montauk Light House to the New  York  Harbor,  which  shall  include
    31  maps,  illustrations  and other media setting forth, among other things,
    32  the state's goals, policies and standards  for  ensuring  the  effective
    33  stewardship  of  the  ocean  waters held in trust for the benefit of the
    34  public. Such plan shall include a plan for ocean use including:  (i) the
    35  state's goals, siting priorities and standards for the use and  steward-

    36  ship  of  the  ocean; (ii) taking into account existing natural, social,
    37  cultural, historic and economic resources; (iii) preserving and protect-
    38  ing the public trust; (iv) reflecting the importance of  the  waters  to
    39  the  commercial and recreational fishermen; (v) identifying and protect-
    40  ing sensitive aquatic, estuarine and marine life and habitats which  are
    41  important  for  biodiversity and ecosystem health that support our fish-
    42  ery; (vi) addressing climate change and sea level rise; (vii)  fostering
    43  sustainable uses that capitalize on economic opportunity without signif-
    44  icant  environmental  impacts;  (viii)  preserving  and enhancing public
    45  access; (ix) supporting the  infrastructure  necessary  to  sustain  the

    46  economy,  including  commercial  shipping;  (x) fostering public partic-
    47  ipation in decision-making; and (xi) identifying  appropriate  locations
    48  and  performance  standards for various offshore economic uses including
    49  energy generation facilities. The plan shall identify  management  meas-
    50  ures, including but not limited to, setting performance standards, miti-
    51  gation requirements and use limitations, as may be applicable to specif-
    52  ic geographic areas and shall include standards and  criteria for siting
    53  small-scale  offshore  renewable  energy  facilities,  including but not
    54  limited to compatibility with existing uses, appropriateness of technol-
    55  ogy and scale, environmental protection,  public  safety  and  community

    56  benefit.    The  plan shall also provide for application of the require-

        A. 7408                             3
     1  ments of the spatial plan including procedures for approval of uses  and
     2  activities  and  for  variances  in cases of hardships. In preparing the
     3  plan, the commissioner shall reach out to stakeholders and other  inter-
     4  ested parties seeking their recommendations.
     5    b.  A  draft  plan  shall be subject to three public hearings before a
     6  final version is submitted for review  and  approval  of  the  governor.
     7  Within  ninety  days  of  receiving  the plan from the commissioner, the
     8  governor shall approve the plan or return the plan to  the  commissioner

     9  with  recommended  changes.  This process of submittal and review by the
    10  governor shall continue until there is a governor  approved  plan.  Upon
    11  approval by the governor, the plan shall apply to uses and activities in
    12  the  ocean  planning  area and applications for such uses and activities
    13  shall be made, reviewed and acted upon as provided in the plan.
    14    § 3. The state finance law is amended by adding a new section 91-h  to
    15  read as follows:
    16    §  91-h.  Ocean  resources  stewardship trust fund. 1. There is hereby
    17  established in the joint  custody  of  the  state  comptroller  and  the
    18  commissioner  of  taxation and finance a special fund to be known as the
    19  "ocean resources stewardship trust fund".

    20    2. The ocean resources stewardship trust fund  shall  consist  of  all
    21  revenue  from  the  compensation or mitigation related to ocean develop-
    22  ment, income derived from the investment of amounts credited to the fund
    23  and any appropriation or grant explicitly made to the fund.
    24    3. Moneys of the fund, following  appropriation  by  the  legislature,
    25  shall  have  the  priority  use  of restoration or enhancement of marine
    26  habitat and resources related to the impacts  of  the  specific  project
    27  from which the compensation or mitigation came.
    28    §  4.  The commissioner of environmental conservation, in consultation
    29  with the New York ocean and Great Lakes ecosystem conservation  council,
    30  shall  examine  the establishment and/or modification of fees, licenses,

    31  permits, rents, leases and adjustment or development of revenue  sources
    32  for  the purposes of ocean resource enhancement and restoration. Nothing
    33  in this section shall provide for new or  additional  saltwater  fishing
    34  licenses  or  any  similar  fees  or user permits for saltwater fishing.
    35  Recommendations from such examination shall be made to the governor  and
    36  the legislature.
    37    §  5.  This  act shall take effect on the thirtieth day after it shall
    38  have become a law.
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