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J00139 Summary:

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J00139 Actions:

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J00139 Committee Votes:

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J00139 Floor Votes:

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J00139 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 139
        COMMENDING   Captain   Steve   Nichols,  upon  the
        occasion of his retirement after 23 years of service
        to the Buffalo Police Department
  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize  and
honor those distinguished officers who would devote themselves to public
service,  demonstrating great courage and diligence in providing for the
care and welfare of the citizens of their  communities  and  this  great
Empire State; and
  WHEREAS,  Within  every community of the State of New York there are
certain individuals who, by virtue of their commitment  and  dedication,
command  the  respect  and  admiration  of  their  community  for  their
exemplary contributions and service on behalf of others; and
  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud  to  commend  Captain
Steve  Nichols,  upon  the  occasion of his retirement after 23 years of
service to the Buffalo Police Department; he officially retired from the
Department in December of 2020; and
  WHEREAS, Throughout his career which spanned more than two  decades,
Captain  Steve  Nichols  truly epitomized the role of a community police
officer beginning with an ad for a chance to win an  ice  cream  social;
thinking  it  would  be  fun  for the young people in the Ferry-Fillmore
District (C-District), he partnered with the Crucial Center  on  Moselle
Street to host the party; and
  WHEREAS,  Captain  Steve  Nichols and the Crucial Center then held a
bicycle drive where they collected 100 bikes for the local kids; he went
on to hold several more drives  and  ultimately,  donated  thousands  of
bikes to the youth of Buffalo; and
  WHEREAS,  Captain Steve Nichols also became involved with the city's
Weed and Seed crime-reduction initiative  and  began  working  with  the
city's  anti-violence  groups  the Back to Basics Ministry, the Stop the
Violence Coalition and Fathers; and
  WHEREAS, Captain Steve Nichols eventually  became  the  department's
coordinator  for  all  community  policing,  from  overseeing  the  five
districts'  community  police  officers  to  heading  the   Neighborhood
Engagement Team to re-starting the department's Citizens Academy; and
  WHEREAS,  Always  looking  for  better  ways to serve the community,
Captain Steve Nichols diligently worked to bridge the gap with Buffalo's
new immigrant communities by providing cards  for  non-English  speaking
people  to  carry  that  identify their language, which they can show to
police when they need help; and
  WHEREAS, During the last couple months of  his  employment,  Captain
Steve  Nichols  navigated  the  challenges  of the COVID-19 pandemic and
continued to work on various events such as the annual Shop with  a  Cop
and several turkey and gift giveaways; and
  WHEREAS,  Captain  Steve  Nichols  will always be remembered for his
role in building a relationship between the  Buffalo  Police  Department
and  the  city's  varied  communities;  he  loved his job and his fellow
Buffalonians and has left an enduring  legacy  for  all  of  his  fellow
officers to follow; and
  WHEREAS,  Throughout  his tenure, Captain Steve Nichols truly served
the residents of the City of Buffalo  with  compassion,  integrity,  and
fairness,  attributes  which  will  forever  serve as an example for his
fellow officers; and
  WHEREAS, It is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body  that  those
dedicated  public  servants  who  unselfishly  devote their lives to the
preservation of order and the protection of others are  worthy  and  due
full praise for their commitment and noble endeavors; now, therefore, be
  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Captain Steve Nichols, upon the occasion of his retirement after
more than 23 years of service to the Buffalo Police Department,  and  to
wish him well in all his future endeavors; and be it further
  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Captain Steve Nichols.
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