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J00506 Summary:

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J00506 Actions:

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J00506 Committee Votes:

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J00506 Floor Votes:

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J00506 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 506
BY: Senator PARKER
        MOURNING   the   death   of   Aracely   Courtenay,
        distinguished citizen  and  devoted  member  of  her
  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to
citizens  of  the  State  of New York whose lifework and civic endeavors
served to enhance the quality of life  in  their  communities  and  this
great Empire State; and
  WHEREAS,  Aracely  Courtenay of Brooklyn, New York, died on February
18, 2023 at the age of 50 years old; and
  WHEREAS, Born in 1973, Aracely Courtenay is a native of the Republic
of Panama and is a dynamic woman with a passion for assisting the  women
of her community; and
  WHEREAS,  Aracely Courtenay's passion for women's issues was birthed
during  her  tenure  as  a  property  manager;  her  message  for  women
everywhere  is  that no matter what difficulties may arise in a person's
life, the individual can rise above it; and
  WHEREAS, Paster Aracely Courtenay led worship at the Emmanuel Church
of God in Brooklyn, New  York,  alongside  her  husband,  Senior  Pastor
Bishop Curt Courtenay; and
  WHEREAS,  Pastor  Aracely  Courtenay  led  the  Talitha Cumi Women's
Ministry, which translates to "Damsel Arise"; it embodied her vision for
women; and
  WHEREAS, Holding eight years of experience in the field of  property
management and coordinated housing for low and moderate-income families,
especially  for  single  mothers,  Pastor  Aracely  Courtenay  was truly
devoted to helping women and the community; and
  WHEREAS, As a full-time minister, Pastor Aracely Courtenay dedicated
her life to encouraging, counseling, and assisting women of all ages  to
arise  out  of  their  situations; she is an inspiration, because of her
unique perspectives that allowed her to relate to those  who  looked  to
her for advice and assistance; and
  WHEREAS,  Pastor  Aracely  Courtenay's expertise was instrumental in
developing upcoming ministers to become community conscious, in  a  time
where fear and uncertainty about the future arose in the community; and
  WHEREAS,  Having  served  to coordinate local and international food
and clothing drives, as well  as  a  yearly  back-to-school  drive  that
distributes free school supplies to the community, Aracely Courtenay was
a  vibrant  light  to her community and all those she touched throughout
her lifetime; and
  WHEREAS, Aracely  Courtenay's  commitment  to  excellence,  and  her
spirit  of  humanity,  carried  over  into  all  fields  of  enterprise,
including charitable and civic endeavors; and
  WHEREAS, Aracely Courtenay is survived by her three children: Gesai,
Curt Jr., and Kayris, whom she deeply cherished; and
  WHEREAS,  Armed  with a humanistic spirit and imbued with a sense of
compassion, Aracely Courtenay leaves behind a  legacy  which  will  long
endure the passage of time and will remain as a comforting memory to all
she served and befriended; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
mourn the death of Aracely Courtenay; and be it further
  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to the family of Aracely Courtenay.
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