J01535 Summary:

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J01535 Actions:

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J01535 Committee Votes:

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J01535 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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J01535 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 1535
BY: Senator ORTT
        COMMENDING former Senator Joseph E. Robach for his
        illustrious  service as a dedicated political leader
        and strong advocate for the people of the  State  of
        New York
  WHEREAS,  It  is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize and
commend those individuals of distinguished purpose whose lives have been
committed to public service and the pursuit of excellence in the conduct
of the legislative process in this noble Empire State; Joseph E.  Robach
is one such individual; and
  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
commend former Senator Joseph E. Robach for his illustrious service as a
dedicated  political  leader  and  strong advocate for the people of the
State of New York; and
  WHEREAS, Senator Joseph E. Robach was elected in 2002  to  represent
the  Rochester  residents  of  the 56th Senate District, where he served
with honor and distinction from 2003 until 2020; and
  WHEREAS,  In  this  capacity,  Senator  Joseph  E.   Robach   worked
diligently to expand economic development in Rochester, increase funding
for education, cut taxes, and improve Upstate New York's infrastructure;
  WHEREAS,  Furthermore,  Senator  Joseph E. Robach served as a strong
voice for veterans, the hardworking men and women in trades, and  senior
citizens; and
  WHEREAS,  Throughout  his tenure, Senator Joseph E. Robach was often
referred to as the hardest working and most vocal proponent  of  Upstate
New   York;   he   earned   a   reputation   for  being  an  accessible,
community-oriented  legislator  who  was  always   available   for   his
constituents; and
  WHEREAS,  Prior  to  his  election  to  the Senate, Joseph E. Robach
served as a member of  the  New  York  State  Assembly  from  the  134th
Assembly District for 11 years; and
  WHEREAS,  With  a steadfast and unwavering commitment to serving all
New Yorkers, Senator Joseph E. Robach worked  tirelessly  on  behalf  of
those individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities; and
  WHEREAS, Joseph E. Robach has been recognized by many organizations,
police departments, healthcare facilities, businesses and not-for-profit
organizations,  both  locally  and  statewide,  for his outstanding work
while a member of the Legislature; and
  WHEREAS, Joseph E. Robach resides in Greece, New York,  and  is  the
proud father of three children; and
  WHEREAS,  Every  citizen  in  New  York  State  has  most  certainly
benefited, in one way or another, from the deep dedication, intelligence
and commitment former Senator Joseph E. Robach brought to his work as  a
legislator, loyal friend, and trusted advisor; and
  WHEREAS,  It  is the custom of this Legislative Body to reflect upon
those outstanding individuals who have made everlasting contributions on
behalf of their fellow man and have truly left their mark on this  great
Empire State; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
recognize and applaud the many accomplishments of former Senator  Joseph
E.  Robach,  and to wish him well in all his future endeavors; and be it
  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to former New York State Senator Joseph E. Robach.
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