J01725 Summary:

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J01725 Actions:

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J01725 Committee Votes:

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J01725 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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J01725 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 1725
        COMMENDING  Honor  Flight  Long  Island  upon  the
        occasion of its  designation  as  recipient  of  the
        Front   Runner   Award  by  the  Tribute  and  Honor
        Foundation on February 3, 2024
  WHEREAS, Members of the United States Armed Forces,  who  served  so
faithfully and courageously in wars in which our Nation's freedom was at
stake, as well as in the preservation of peace during peacetime, deserve
the highest commendation of this Legislative Body; and
  WHEREAS,  The  dedication  and  sacrifices of our military personnel
ensure our continued role as a  Nation  which  embodies  the  ideals  of
democracy and is a defender of liberty for peoples throughout the world;
  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to commend Honor
Flight Long Island upon the occasion of its designation as recipient  of
the  Front  Runner  Award  by  the  Tribute  and Honor Foundation, to be
celebrated at its 3rd Annual Phoenix Rising Awards ceremony on Saturday,
February 3, 2024, at Crescent Beach Club in Bayville, New York; and
  WHEREAS, The Tribute and  Honor  Foundation  exists  to  honor,  pay
tribute,  and  celebrate  our  veterans and the veteran community, while
also seeking out opportunities to support our heroes and their families;
  WHEREAS, The Front Runner Award is presented to an organization that
has made a major impact by being the "front runner" in  the  support  of
veterans and their families; and
  WHEREAS,  Honor  Flight  Long  Island's  mission  is to sponsor Long
Island veterans with a complimentary trip to  view  their  memorials  in
Washington,  D.C.;  since  its  inception,  the Honor Flight Network has
supported the veteran community by flying more than 250,000 veterans  of
World  War  II,  the  Korean War, and the Vietnam War and critically ill
veterans of any service era to  see  their  memorials  at  our  Nation's
Capital; and
  WHEREAS,  Receiving this honorable award on behalf of the foundation
will  be  Honor  Flight  Long  Island's  President,  Bill  Jones,   Vice
President, Roger Kilfoil, and the organization's board; and
  WHEREAS, Residents of this great State must never forget the courage
with  which  these men and women served their country and must recognize
that no greater debt is owed than that owed  to  those  who  gave  their
lives  for  their beloved Nation and to those who continue to be missing
in action; and
  WHEREAS, Having exhibited its patriotism both at  home  and  abroad,
Honor Flight Long Island demonstrates its appreciation and reverence for
this  country's  veterans  and merits forevermore the highest respect of
this State and Nation; and
  WHEREAS, Our Nation's veterans deserve to be recognized,  commended,
and thanked by the people of the State of New York for their service and
for  their  dedication  to  their  communities,  their  State, and their
Nation; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Honor Flight Long Island upon the occasion of its designation as
recipient of the Front Runner Award by the Tribute and Honor  Foundation
on February 3, 2024; and be it further
  RESOLVED,  That  copies  of  this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted  to  Honor  Flight  Long  Island  and   the   organization's
President, Bill Jones, Vice President, Roger Kilfoil, and the members of
the board.
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