J01796 Summary:

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J01796 Actions:

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J01796 Committee Votes:

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J01796 Floor Votes:

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J01796 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 1796
        HONORING  Mike  Bowers  upon  the  occasion of his
        designation as recipient of the Lifetime Achiever of
        the Year Award by the Clarence Chamber  of  Commerce
        on March 21, 2024
  WHEREAS,  It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize and
commend those distinguished citizens who would devote their life's  work
and  purpose  to  community  service, contributing to the welfare of the
citizens of their communities and this great Empire State; and
  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Mike  Bowers  upon  the  occasion of his designation as recipient of the
Lifetime Achiever of the Year Award by the Clarence Chamber of Commerce,
to be celebrated at its Annual Awards Gala on Thursday, March 21,  2024,
at Samuel's Grande Manor in Clarence, New York; and
  WHEREAS,  Mike  Bowers  was nominated for this prestigious award for
his steadfast and unremitting commitment to  his  beloved  community  of
Clarence Center, New York; and
  WHEREAS,  Mike Bowers and his wife of nearly 49 years, Debbie, moved
to Clarence, New York, in 1986, when they were employed by the  Clarence
Church  of  Christ  to  serve as student ministers and assist in general
ministry; and
  WHEREAS, A love of sports began Mike Bowers' community connection in
town; his three children, Josh, Caleb, and Krista, all attended Clarence
High School, during which time he served as a  Coach  for  the  Town  of
Clarence  Baseball  Association;  he  also  assisted with Clarence Youth
Basketball and has attended hundreds of sports and musical events at the
local schools; and
  WHEREAS, Under the able leadership  of  Mike  Bowers,  the  Clarence
Church of Christ started the renowned Upward Basketball program for boys
and girls in grades K-4; he has also led several food packing events for
International  Disaster  Emergency  Services  where,  with  the  help of
community groups, the church can pack 65,000 meals in one weekend; and
  WHEREAS, Mike Bowers has been instrumental in the success of several
church  initiatives,  including   its   day-habilitation   program   for
individuals  from  Heritage  Christian  Services,  as well as its Family
Promise program, providing space for displaced  and  homeless  families;
furthermore,  each  December the church provides meals and toys to local
families through the Christmas Giving Project; and
  WHEREAS, Rare indeed  is  the  impressive  dedication  shown  by  an
individual  for  the  benefit  of others which Mike Bowers has displayed
throughout his life; and
  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative  Body  that  those  who
enhance  the well-being and vitality of their community and have shown a
long and sustained commitment to excellence certainly  have  earned  the
recognition and applause of all the citizens of this great Empire State;
now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Mike Bowers upon the occasion of his designation as  recipient  of
the Lifetime Achiever Award by the Clarence Chamber of Commerce on March
21, 2024; and be it further
  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Mike Bowers.
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