J01995 Summary:

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J01995 Actions:

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J01995 Committee Votes:

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J01995 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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J01995 Text:

Assembly Resolution No. 651
BY: M. of A. Buttenschon
        COMMENDING Captain Don Cinque upon the occasion of
        his  retirement  after  20  years  of service to the
        Utica Police Department
  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize  and
honor those distinguished officers who would devote themselves to public
service,  demonstrating great courage and diligence in providing for the
care and welfare of the citizens of their  communities  and  this  great
Empire State; and
  WHEREAS,  Within  every community of the State of New York there are
certain individuals who, by virtue of their commitment  and  dedication,
command  the  respect  and  admiration  of  their  community  for  their
exemplary contributions and service on behalf of others; and
  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud  to  commend  Captain
Don Cinque upon the occasion of his retirement after 20 years of service
to the Utica Police Department; and
  WHEREAS,  Captain  Don  Cinque  began  his  esteemed law enforcement
career, spanning two decades, with the Utica Police Department in  2002;
throughout  his  many years of service, he worked in several departments
including Tactical Unit, K-9 with  partner  Rock,  and  Patrol  Division
where  he  served  as  Captain  and  most  recently,  as  Captain of the
Logistics and Resources unit, the  position  from  which  he  officially
retired on February 25, 2022; and
  WHEREAS,  In  this  role,  Captain Don Cinque oversaw the day-to-day
operations of the department's finances, budget, and staff; and
  WHEREAS, Captain Don Cinque was also a team leader  of  METRO  SWAT,
and  modernized the unit with the most recent updated tactics, equipment
and industry standards; and
  WHEREAS, Under his able leadership, METRO SWAT  became  a  New  York
State  Accredited  team  and  the  Utica  Police  Department and the New
Hartford  Police  Department  joined  forces  with  the  Oneida   County
Sheriff's  Office  to  create  a  larger  METRO  team;  he  also  formed
partnerships with outside agencies to ensure teams  within  the  greater
area would be able to work together in case of a major event; and
  WHEREAS,  Throughout his tenure, Captain Don Cinque truly served the
residents of the City of Utica with compassion, integrity, and fairness,
attributes which will  forever  serve  as  an  example  for  his  fellow
officers; and
  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body that those
dedicated public servants who unselfishly  devote  their  lives  to  the
preservation  of  order  and the protection of others are worthy and due
full praise for their commitment and noble endeavors; now, therefore, be
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
commend  Captain Don Cinque upon the occasion of his retirement after 20
years of service to the Utica Police Department, and to wish him well in
all his future endeavors; and be it further
  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Captain Don Cinque.
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