J02251 Summary:

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J02251 Actions:

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J02251 Committee Votes:

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J02251 Floor Votes:

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J02251 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 2251
BY: Senator JORDAN
        COMMENDING  Elton Joseph Baldwin posthumously upon
        the occasion of his designation as  recipient  of  a
        Liberty  Medal,  the  highest honor bestowed upon an
        individual by the New York State Senate
  WHEREAS, Members of the Armed Services from the State of  New  York,
who  have  served  so  valiantly  and  honorably  in  wars in which this
country's freedom was at stake, as well as in the preservation of  peace
in peacetime, deserve a special salute from this Legislative Body; and
  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to commend Elton
Joseph Baldwin posthumously upon the  occasion  of  his  designation  as
recipient  of  a  Liberty  Medal,  the  highest  honor  bestowed upon an
individual by the New York State Senate; and
  WHEREAS, The New York State Senate Liberty Medal was established  by
Resolution  and  is  awarded  to  individuals  who  have merited special
commendation for exceptional, heroic, or humanitarian acts on behalf  of
their fellow New Yorkers; and
  WHEREAS,  The  son  of the late Elton and Anna Baldwin, Elton Joseph
Baldwin was born on August 28, 1928, in Detroit, Michigan;  he  attended
high school in Glens Falls, New York; and
  WHEREAS, Elton Joseph Baldwin enlisted in the United States Army and
proudly served his country, from 1946 through 1951, during which time he
was  stationed  in  Germany  and France as part of a humanitarian relief
effort following World War II; he also spent time in the Korean War; and
  WHEREAS, While stationed in France, Elton  Joseph  Baldwin  met  the
love  of  his  life,  Pierrette  Pia  Baldwin,  the couple was united in
marriage on February 3, 1953; and
  WHEREAS, Upon the completion of his military service, at the rank of
Corporal, Elton Joseph Baldwin and his wife settled in Wilton, New York,
and purchased an abandoned restaurant; with hard work and  determination
they  turned  it into the thriving landmark, The Chez Pierre Restaurant;
  WHEREAS, Elton Joseph Baldwin supported his community in many  ways;
his legacy lives on through his children and grandchildren, most of whom
continue  to  live  in  the  area and make positive contributions to the
community through work, volunteerism and commitment to family; and
  WHEREAS, Elton Joseph Baldwin died on November 26, 2013, at the  age
of  85,  he  is  buried  at  the  Gerald  B.H. Solomon Saratoga National
Cemetery; and
  WHEREAS, Having exhibited his patriotism both at  home  and  abroad,
Elton  Joseph  Baldwin  demonstrated his love for his country and merits
forevermore the highest respect of his State and Nation; and
  WHEREAS, Our Nation's veterans deserve to be  recognized,  commended
and thanked by the people of the State of New York for their service and
for their dedication to their communities, their State and their Nation;
now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Elton Joseph Baldwin  posthumously  upon  the  occasion  of  his
designation  as recipient of a Liberty Medal, the highest honor bestowed
upon an individual by the New York State Senate; and be it further
  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to the family of Elton Joseph Baldwin.
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