J03172 Summary:

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J03172 Actions:

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J03172 Committee Votes:

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J03172 Floor Votes:

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J03172 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 3172
BY: Senator KAPLAN
        MEMORIALIZING Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim
        August  7,  2020,  as  Assyrian  Memorial Day in the
        State of New York
  WHEREAS, This  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to  memorialize
Governor  Andrew  M.  Cuomo  to  proclaim  August  7,  2020, as Assyrian
Memorial Day in the State of New York, as it is  observed  by  Assyrians
worldwide, celebrating the Assyrian cultural identity; and
  WHEREAS,  During  the  Assyrian  Genocide of 1915-1918, 750,000 men,
women, and children of Assyrian descent lost their lives at the hands of
the Ottoman Turkish Empire in its attempt  to  systematically  eliminate
the  Assyrian  race,  while  hundreds  of  thousands became homeless and
stateless refugees; and
  WHEREAS,  August  7,  1933,  is  recognized  by  the   International
Association  of  Genocide  Scholars as the date on which 3,000 Assyrians
were killed at the orders of the Iraqi government in an event  known  as
the   Simele   Massacre,  which  continued  the  legacy  of  persecution
exemplified by the 1915 Assyrian Genocide; and
  WHEREAS, August 7th, globally observed by the Assyrian community  as
Assyrian  Memorial  Day, is in remembrance of the Simele Massacre and of
all persecution the Assyrian people have faced  as  a  result  of  their
distinct and ancient ethnic and religious identity; and
  WHEREAS,  Starting  in  2014,  following ISIS' takeover of the Iraqi
government, the Assyrians have suffered persecution at the hands of ISIS
which has been recognized as a genocide by the European Parliament,  the
United States Department of State and House of Representatives; and
  WHEREAS, Between the years of 2003 and 2018, the Assyrian population
in  its ancestral homeland of Mesopotamia, where it has existed for over
6,000 years, dropped from 1,500,000 to under 250,000 people, due to  the
genocide committed against it by ISIS; and
  WHEREAS,  The  crimes  against  humanity  committed  by ISIS against
Assyrians have not only resulted in  the  killing  and  displacement  of
disturbing numbers of innocent people, but have also had the consequence
of  the  enslavement  and  rape of countless women and children, and the
destroying of ancient churches, artifacts, and cities that were bastions
of the Assyrian cultural heritage; and
  WHEREAS, The Assyrians living in their homeland of Mesopotamia speak
the Assyrian-Aramaic language, practice their distinct and ancient  rite
of  Christianity,  and  celebrate  their cultural customs regularly; and
Assyrians in diaspora cannot practice, and  in  effect  preserve,  these
cultural bastions to the degree that the homeland population does due to
the  effects  of cultural assimilation; therefore, the Assyrian homeland
population is the foundation that keeps the Assyrian identity alive; and
  WHEREAS, With the Assyrian population  in  Mesopotamia  having  been
nearly  destroyed  by  the  genocide  committed  by  ISIS,  Assyrians in
diaspora are losing hope for the future of their venerable  and  storied
ethnic identity, as it is now quickly fading away; and
  WHEREAS,  The  State  of New York endeavors to champion human rights
and  the  recognition  of  diverse  cultural,  ethnic,   and   religious
identities,  and  to uphold the support that constituents have shown for
underserved and persecuted minorities; and
  WHEREAS, By consistently remembering and forcefully  condemning  the
atrocities  committed  against  the  Assyrians,  honoring  the  cultural
identity of this suffering group, and calling for action to aid them  in
their  struggles,  we  can  provide  the  American public with a greater
awareness of their plight, and provide the Assyrian  diaspora  community
with  a symbol of hope for the future, which can in turn spur efforts to
enact justice on their behalf; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
memorialize  Governor  Andrew  M.  Cuomo  to proclaim August 7, 2020, as
Assyrian Memorial Day in the State of New York; and be it further
  RESOLVED, That copies of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted  to  The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of
New York; and the Assyrian American Association of Yonkers.
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