K00500 Summary:

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K00500 Actions:

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K00500 Committee Votes:

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K00500 Floor Votes:

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K00500 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 1747
BY: Senator RATH
        HONORING  Dr.  Geoffrey Hicks upon the occasion of
        his  designation  as  recipient  of   the   Lifetime
        Achiever  of  the Year Award by the Clarence Chamber
        of Commerce on March 3, 2022
  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize  and
commend  those distinguished citizens who would devote their life's work
and purpose to community service, contributing to  the  welfare  of  the
citizens of their communities and this great Empire State; and
  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Dr. Geoffrey Hicks upon the occasion of his designation as recipient  of
the  Lifetime  Achiever  of  the  Year  Award by the Clarence Chamber of
Commerce, to be celebrated at its 49th Annual Awards Dinner on Thursday,
March 3, 2022, at Samuel's Grande Manor in Clarence, New York; and
  WHEREAS, Dr. Geoffrey Hicks is receiving this prestigious award  for
his steadfast and unremitting commitment to his Clarence community; and
  WHEREAS,  Dr.  Geoffrey  M.  Hicks  began his long and distinguished
career in education as a social studies teacher, and  for  12  years  he
taught  at  the  middle  and  high school levels in both the Belfast and
Wellsville Central School Districts; for four years, he also  served  as
the  Technology  Coordinator  at Wellsville Central School District, and
for one year, as Interim Director of Pupil Personnel Services; and
  WHEREAS, He then served as  a  middle  school  principal,  first  at
Wellsville  and then Sweet Home Middle School for a total of eight years
before becoming Superintendent at Sweet Home, a  position  he  held  for
nine years; and
  WHEREAS, Dr. Geoffrey Hicks next moved to Poughkeepsie where he held
the  title  of  Superintendent at Arlington Central Schools for one year
before returning to Western New York to  become  the  Superintendent  at
Clarence  Central  Schools,  where he recently retired after 10 years of
service; and
  WHEREAS, Dr. Geoffrey Hicks and his late wife,  Patricia,  lived  in
Clarence,  and  have  two  children  a son, Joshua, and daughter, Megan;
today, Dr. Hicks is the loving grandfather of four grandchildren; and
  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative  Body  that  those  who
enhance the quality of life in their community and have shown a long and
sustained  commitment  to  the  maintenance  of  high standards in their
profession, certainly have earned the recognition and  applause  of  all
the citizens of this great Empire State; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Dr. Geoffrey  Hicks  upon  the  occasion  of  his  designation  as
recipient  of  the  Lifetime  Achiever of the Year Award by the Clarence
Chamber of Commerce on March 3, 2022; and be it further
  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to Dr. Geoffrey Hicks.
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