K02109 Summary:

MLTSPNSRButtenschon, Santabarbara, Seawright
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K02109 Actions:

05/06/2024referred to calendar
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K02109 Committee Votes:

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K02109 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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K02109 Text:

Assembly Resolution No. 2109
BY: M. of A. Cunningham
        MEMORIALIZING  Governor  Kathy  Hochul to proclaim
        May 2024 as Maternal Mental Health  Awareness  Month
        in the State of New York
  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  custom  of this Legislative Body to recognize
official months that are set aside  to  increase  awareness  of  serious
health  conditions  that affect the lives of citizens of New York State;
  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to
memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul  to  proclaim  May  2024  as  Maternal
Mental  Health Awareness Month in the State of New York, coinciding with
the observance of World Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month; and
  WHEREAS, The maternal health  and,  more  specifically,  the  mental
health of women before, during, and after pregnancy is an issue of great
concern  to  women  and their families; one out of every five mothers in
New York State will experience a perinatal  mood  and  anxiety  disorder
which   is   the  number  one  medical  complication  of  pregnancy  and
childbirth; each year, in New York State, there are  more  than  100,000
mothers, fathers, and families affected; and
  WHEREAS,  Between 10 and 20 percent of new and expectant mothers are
affected by  perinatal  mood  and  anxiety  disorders  (PMADs)  such  as
depression,  anxiety, and psychosis; they may also experience associated
symptoms which are often overlooked and heavily stigmatized because  new
and expectant mothers suffering from perinatal mood disorders often feel
confused, ashamed, and isolated; and
  WHEREAS,  Many  at-risk women may not seek help because they are not
informed about perinatal depression and related mood disorders, as  part
of  their  healthcare  options,  due  to  a lack of knowledge and use of
screening and assessment  tools;  they  are  unaware  of  treatment  and
community supportive services for these mental health issues; and
  WHEREAS,  Heightened  awareness  and  increased  education among all
residents of the State of New York, regarding the incidence of perinatal
depression, is critical; less than 20 percent of pregnant and postpartum
women are assessed for mental health concerns, and only  half  of  those
who are positive for these disorders receive care; and
  WHEREAS,  Perinatal  depression and associated mood disorders affect
all categories of women and teenage  girls,  regardless  of  their  age,
race,  or  income  level;  this  condition can have a profound impact on
their families and significantly contribute to adverse developmental and
behavioral outcomes, as well as attachment disorders, in the children of
affected women; and
  WHEREAS, An alarming statistic related to these mental health issues
is maternal mortality; in the United States, this figure is  double  the
number  of  deaths  of  most  other  developed  countries; a majority of
suicide  or  overdose  deaths  are  caused  by  a  lack  of   behavioral
healthcare;  these  disorders  are  highly  treatable  with  therapeutic
intervention such as medication, professional  therapy  and  counseling,
and community support services, including crisis hotlines; and
  WHEREAS,  It  is  imperative that there be greater awareness of this
serious health condition, and more must be done to increase activity  at
the local, state, and national levels; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul  to  proclaim  May  2024  as  Maternal
Mental  Health  Awareness  Month  in  the  State  of New York; and be it
  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted  to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of New
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