S03223 Summary:

Amd Art 21-B SS600 - 612, Exec L
Provides for the certification and training of persons employed in the manufacture, sale, installation and repair of modular homes; establishes dispute resolution procedures in the modular home industry.
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S03223 Actions:

03/25/2014PRINT NUMBER 3223A
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S03223 Floor Votes:

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S03223 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
            S. 3223--A                                            A. 4112--A
                               2013-2014 Regular Sessions
                SENATE - ASSEMBLY
                                    January 31, 2013
        IN SENATE -- Introduced by Sen. LAVALLE -- read twice and ordered print-
          ed,  and  when  printed  to  be committed to the Committee on Housing,
          Construction and Community Development -- recommitted to the Committee
          on Housing, Construction and Community Development in accordance  with

          Senate  Rule  6, sec. 8 -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered
          reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee
        IN ASSEMBLY -- Introduced by M. of A. THIELE, COOK,  JAFFEE,  MONTESANO,
          SWEENEY  --  Multi-Sponsored  by -- M.  of A. BRENNAN -- read once and
          referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations -- recommitted to
          the Committee on Governmental Operations in accordance  with  Assembly
          Rule  3,  sec.  2  --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,  ordered
          reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee
        AN ACT to amend the executive law, in  relation  to  providing  for  the
          certification  and  training  of  persons employed in the manufacture,
          sale, installation  and  repair  of  modular  homes  and  establishing
          dispute resolution procedures in the modular home industry

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Article 21-B of the executive law, as added by chapter  729
     2  of the laws of 2005, is amended to read as follows:
     3                                 ARTICLE 21-B
     4                       MANUFACTURED AND MODULAR HOMES
     5  Section 600. Application.
     6          601. Definitions.
     7          602. Certification required.
     8          603. Warranty seals; notice to the department.
     9          604. Powers of the department.
    10          605.  Resolution  of disputes regarding manufactured and modular
    11                 homes.
    12          606. Training and continuing education.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.


        S. 3223--A                          2                         A. 4112--A
     1          607. Penalties for violation of this article.
     2          608. Fees.
     3          609. State administrative agency requirements.
     4          610. State certified installers.
     5          611. Manufactured and modular housing advisory council.
     6          612. Powers and duties of the advisory council.
     7    §  600.  Application.  This article shall be applicable to persons and
     8  business entities engaged in the  manufacture,  sale,  installation  and
     9  service of manufactured or modular homes and to purchasers thereof.
    10    §  601.  Definitions.  For  the purposes of this article the following
    11  terms shall have the following meanings:

    12    1. "Business entity" means a  corporation,  association,  partnership,
    13  limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or other legal
    14  entity.
    15    2.  "Delivered  condition"  means  the  physical condition of the home
    16  after delivery and installation at the home site has been completed.
    17    3. "Department" means the department of state.
    18    4. "Installation" means:
    19    (a) the affixation of a manufactured or modular home to  a  foundation
    20  or supports at a building site;
    21    (b)  the  assembly  and fastening of structural components of manufac-
    22  tured or modular housing, including the completed roof system; and
    23    (c) the connection to electrical, oil, water, gas, sewage and  similar
    24  systems  that  are  necessary for the use of the manufactured or modular
    25  home for dwelling purposes.

    26    5. "Installer" means any person or business entity, including, but not
    27  limited to, a retailer or mechanic, who installs or sets up  a  manufac-
    28  tured or modular home for a buyer.
    29    6.  "Lending entity" means a financial institution, mortgage lender or
    30  other individual or entity that  holds  a  mortgage  or  other  security
    31  interest  in a manufactured or modular home, such home being the subject
    32  of a complaint filed with the department pursuant to the  provisions  of
    33  this article.
    34    7. "Manufactured home" means a structure, transportable in one or more
    35  sections,  which,  in  the traveling mode, is eight body feet or more in
    36  width or forty body feet or more in length, or, when erected on site, is
    37  three hundred twenty or more square feet, and which is built on a perma-
    38  nent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling  with  or  without  a

    39  permanent  foundation  when  connected  to  the  required utilities, and
    40  includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems
    41  contained therein. The term shall include any structure that  meets  all
    42  of the requirements of this subdivision except the size requirements and
    43  with respect to which the manufacturer voluntarily files a certification
    44  required by the United States secretary of housing and urban development
    45  and complies with the standards established under Title 42 of the United
    46  States  code;  and except that such term shall not include any self-pro-
    47  pelled recreational vehicle.
    48    8. "Manufacturer" means any person or business entity engaged in manu-
    49  facturing or producing manufactured or modular homes.
    50    9. "Mechanic" means any person or business entity engaged in the busi-

    51  ness of performing service on  or  installing  manufactured  or  modular
    52  housing.
    53    10.  "Retailer"  means  any  person  or business entity engaged in the
    54  retail selling or offering for sale, brokering or distribution of  manu-
    55  factured  or  modular  homes,  primarily to a person who, in good faith,
    56  purchases these homes for purposes other than resale.

        S. 3223--A                          3                         A. 4112--A
     1    11. "Secretary" means the secretary of state.
     2    12.  "Service"  means  the  modification,  alteration or repair of the
     3  structural systems of a manufactured or modular home.
     4    13. "State administrative agency" or "SAA"  means  the  department  of
     5  state  which  has  been approved to carry out the state plan and enforce

     6  the national manufactured housing construction and safety standards  act
     7  (42  USC  5401,  et  seq.) within the state of New York, and that office
     8  within the department of state that has been designated by the secretary
     9  to perform such duties.
    10    14. "Advisory council" shall mean the manufactured and modular housing
    11  advisory council.
    12    15. "Modular home" means any building or closed construction,  regard-
    13  less  of  type of construction or occupancy classification, other than a
    14  mobile or manufactured home, constructed off-site in accordance with the
    15  applicable codes, and transported to the point of use  for  installation
    16  or erection.
    17    §  602.  Certification required. 1. On and after July first, two thou-
    18  sand six, no person or business entity shall manufacture, including  the

    19  manufacture outside the state of New York for sale into the state of New
    20  York, sell, install or service any manufactured home in the state of New
    21  York, unless such person or business entity has obtained the appropriate
    22  certification  from  the  department  pursuant to this article.   On and
    23  after July first next succeeding the effective date of  the  chapter  of
    24  the  laws of two thousand fourteen which amended this section, no person
    25  or business entity shall manufacture, including the manufacture  outside
    26  the state of New York for sale into the state of New York, sell, install
    27  or service any modular home in the state of New York, unless such person
    28  or  business  entity has obtained the appropriate certification from the
    29  department pursuant to this article.

    30    2. On and after July first, two thousand  six,  no  manufactured  home
    31  shall  be  installed or serviced unless at least one person certified by
    32  the department to perform such work is present at the home  site  during
    33  the  installation  or service.   On and after July first next succeeding
    34  the effective date of the chapter of the laws of two  thousand  fourteen
    35  which  amended  this  section,  no  modular  home  shall be installed or
    36  serviced unless at least one  person  certified  by  the  department  to
    37  perform such work is present at the home site during the installation or
    38  service.
    39    3.  a. Each manufacturing plant that delivers or sells manufactured or
    40  modular homes in this state, each retail sales location and  each  busi-

    41  ness entity selling, installing or performing service on manufactured or
    42  modular homes must be separately certified.
    43    b. Each manufacturer, retailer, installer and mechanic shall employ at
    44  least one person who has been certified by the department.
    45    4.  Manufacturers  approved to construct manufactured or modular homes
    46  by the United States department of housing and urban  development  shall
    47  be  required  to  apply  for, and obtain, certification pursuant to this
    48  article. Any such manufacturer shall be deemed to meet the  requirements
    49  for  certification  under  this article, except that the department may,
    50  after a hearing, suspend or revoke the certification of any manufacturer
    51  as provided in subdivision seven of section six  hundred  four  of  this
    52  article.
    53    §  603. Warranty seals; notice to the department. 1. Before a manufac-

    54  tured or modular home may be installed in this state,  the  manufacturer
    55  shall obtain from the department a New York state manufacturer's warran-

        S. 3223--A                          4                         A. 4112--A
     1  ty  seal  and attach the seal to the manufactured or modular home in the
     2  manner to be prescribed by the department.
     3    2.  Before  a  manufactured  or  modular home may be installed in this
     4  state, the installer shall obtain from the department a New  York  state
     5  installer's  warranty  seal  and  attach the seal to the manufactured or
     6  modular home in the manner prescribed by the department.
     7    3. On a quarterly basis, every installer shall report to  the  depart-
     8  ment  all  installations  completed  by  that  person or business entity

     9  during the designated reporting period. The report shall be  on  a  form
    10  provided by the department and must include the location of each unit of
    11  manufactured  or  modular housing, the owner of each unit at the time of
    12  installation, the type or model of the unit,  the  manufacturer  of  the
    13  unit, written certification that the installation meets the standards of
    14  the  New  York  state  uniform fire prevention and building code and the
    15  name and address of the manufacturer, retailer,  mechanic  or  installer
    16  completing the notice.
    17    § 604. Powers of the department. The department shall have the follow-
    18  ing powers and duties with respect to manufactured and modular housing:
    19    1.  To  create  and maintain a registry accessible to the public which
    20  shall include, but not be limited to the following information:

    21    (a) a listing of certified manufacturers,  retailers,  installers  and
    22  mechanics of manufactured or modular homes; and
    23    (b)  records  of  all violations issued, disciplinary action taken and
    24  penalties paid and levied pursuant to this article;
    25    2. To retain records and all application materials submitted to it;
    26    3. To receive complaints, conduct investigations and establish  proce-
    27  dures  for  the  resolution  of  disputes  relating to the construction,
    28  installation, or servicing of  manufactured  or  modular  homes  and  to
    29  resolve  such  complaints  and  disputes pursuant to section six hundred
    30  five of this article;
    31    4. To establish administrative procedures for processing  applications
    32  for certification of persons and business entities required to be certi-
    33  fied  pursuant to this article; to receive such applications; to approve

    34  or disapprove applications for  certifications;  and  to  issue  certif-
    35  icates;
    36    5.  To  promulgate rules and regulations relating to the provisions of
    37  this article;
    38    6. To conduct adjudicatory hearings, pursuant to the state administra-
    39  tive procedure act to resolve violations of this article and  the  rules
    40  and regulations promulgated thereunder;
    41    7. To suspend and revoke certificates, and impose such other penalties
    42  as may be authorized pursuant to this article. The department may revoke
    43  or  suspend  the  certification of a person or business entity certified
    44  pursuant to this article for a substantial violation of this article, or
    45  for a material misstatement in the application for  such  certification,
    46  or  if  such  person or business entity is guilty of fraud or fraudulent
    47  practices, or of dishonest or  misleading  advertising,  or  has  demon-

    48  strated  untrustworthiness  or  incompetency  to  conduct  the certified
    49  activity or fails to comply with a decision issued pursuant  to  section
    50  six hundred five of this article;
    51    8.  To seek injunctive relief in the supreme court in the county where
    52  the complainant resides;
    53    9. To promulgate rules and regulations establishing the standards  for
    54  certification  of  manufacturers,  retailers,  installers  and mechanics
    55  pursuant to this article. In establishing such standards, the department
    56  shall provide for minimum requirements of experience  and  education  as

        S. 3223--A                          5                         A. 4112--A
     1  may  be  necessary  to protect the public interest. Such standards shall
     2  also include a  requirement  for  initial  training  of  installers  and

     3  mechanics seeking certification by the department. In establishing stan-
     4  dards,   the  department  shall  recognize  certifications  or  licenses
     5  obtained in other states without  requiring  additional  initial  educa-
     6  tional  testing,  provided  that  the  requirements for certification or
     7  licensing in such other states are comparable to  the  requirements  for
     8  certification  in  the  state of New York and provided further, that the
     9  individual or entity seeking certification otherwise  meets  the  quali-
    10  fications for certification in the state of New York;
    11    10.  To  promulgate  rules and regulations to require bonding, minimum
    12  capital requirements or other reasonable methods to ensure that manufac-
    13  turers, retailers, installers and mechanics are financially  responsible
    14  to  fully  comply  with this article and have the financial resources to

    15  meet their warranty, contractual and other obligations.   In  connection
    16  therewith,  the  department  may  require the posting of surety bonds to
    17  ensure the satisfactory completion of the installation or service; and
    18    11. a. To promulgate rules and regulations regarding  the  development
    19  and approval of courses and seminars required for original certification
    20  and  to  establish  requirements  for  continuing  education for persons
    21  certified pursuant to this article. Such regulations shall at a  minimum
    22  require that certified installers and mechanics attend courses and semi-
    23  nars  relating to the proper methods of installation and servicing manu-
    24  factured or modular homes not less than once every three years.
    25    b. Instructional services for  courses  leading  to  original  certif-
    26  ication or qualifying for continuing education may be provided either by

    27  the  department,  a  private trade association or other entity which has
    28  been approved as an instructional provider by  the  department  and  has
    29  paid the appropriate fee prescribed by rules and regulations promulgated
    30  under  this section. Approved instructional providers shall be permitted
    31  to charge a fee for such services, not  to  exceed  the  maximum  amount
    32  prescribed  by  the rules and regulations.  Persons electing to have the
    33  continuing education instructional services provided by the  department,
    34  shall pay for such services in accordance with fee schedules established
    35  by the department.
    36    c.  Fees charged by the department for approving or providing instruc-
    37  tional services shall be deposited in the department account established
    38  pursuant to section six hundred eight of this article.
    39    12. To create and maintain a consumer awareness pamphlet, in  conjunc-

    40  tion  with  the  advisory  council,  to  include, but not be limited to,
    41  detailing the certification process,  installer  selection  rights,  the
    42  dispute  resolution  process, the differences between the types of hous-
    43  ing, and other consumer protection issues. Such pamphlet shall be avail-
    44  able to the public, and published on the department's website.
    45    § 605. Resolution  of  disputes  regarding  manufactured  and  modular
    46  homes.  1. Any homeowner, retailer, manufacturer, installer, mechanic or
    47  lending entity may file a complaint  with  the  department  as  a  state
    48  administrative  agency  seeking  resolution  of  an  allegation  that  a
    49  substantial defect exists  in  the  delivered  condition,  installation,
    50  service  or construction of a manufactured or modular home.  The depart-
    51  ment shall promulgate forms for such complaints which forms  shall  also

    52  be available on the department's [web-site] website.  For the purpose of
    53  this  article,  a  substantial  defect  shall be a defect or a number of
    54  defects  or  other  conditions  which  collectively  can  reasonably  be
    55  expected to cost five hundred dollars or more to cure.

        S. 3223--A                          6                         A. 4112--A
     1    2.  Complaints  relating  to  the  delivered  condition, installation,
     2  service or construction of a manufactured or modular home shall be  made
     3  within one year and ten days after the date of the service, installation
     4  or  issuance  of  a  certificate  of occupancy, or the expiration of any
     5  applicable provision of a contract or warranty, whichever is later.
     6    3.  (a)  Upon  the department's determination that a complaint, on its

     7  face, alleges a substantial defect in the delivered condition, installa-
     8  tion, service, or construction of a manufactured or  modular  home,  the
     9  department  shall notify the homeowner, manufacturer, retailer, mechanic
    10  and installer, as appropriate.
    11    (b) Initially, the department may attempt to  informally  resolve  the
    12  complaint.  If informal resolution of the complaint is unsuccessful, the
    13  department shall resolve such complaints and disputes by  administrative
    14  hearing, pursuant to the state administrative procedure act.
    15    (c)  The decision shall provide compensation to the aggrieved party in
    16  an amount which shall include, but not be limited to:
    17    (i) Filing and recording fees,  inspection  fees  and  other  required
    18  costs  that the aggrieved party would not have incurred had the home met
    19  applicable standards; and

    20    (ii) The cost of conforming repairs or replacements.
    21    (d) The department may apportion liability between two or more parties
    22  or business entities where appropriate.
    23    (e) The decision resolving the complaint shall be in writing and shall
    24  provide the reason therefor, a copy of the decision shall be provided to
    25  all interested parties.
    26    (f)   The department may require, as  a  condition  of  receiving  and
    27  retaining  any certification pursuant to this article, that an applicant
    28  agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of  the  department  in  connection
    29  with the resolution of complaints and disputes and agrees to be bound by
    30  the  department's  determination subject to any administrative and judi-
    31  cial review provided for in this article.
    32    (g) Any party may seek judicial review of the administrative  determi-

    33  nation  pursuant  to article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and
    34  rules.
    35    § 606. Training and continuing education. 1. Beginning January  first,
    36  two  thousand  six,  all  persons certified as an installer or mechanic,
    37  must obtain initial training, including, but not limited to  the  stand-
    38  ards  for  proper installation of a manufactured home. Beginning January
    39  first next succeeding the effective date of the chapter of the  laws  of
    40  two  thousand fourteen which amended this section, all persons certified
    41  as an installer or mechanic, must obtain  initial  training,  including,
    42  but  not  limited  to the standards for proper installation of a modular
    43  home. Such training shall be provided in courses and  seminars  approved
    44  pursuant to this article.

    45    2.  All  persons  certified  under  this  article shall be required to
    46  attend continuing education courses and  seminars  not  less  than  once
    47  every three years.
    48    § 607. Penalties for violation of this article. Any person or business
    49  entity  found  guilty,  after a hearing, of a violation of this article,
    50  except for the provisions of section six hundred nine of  this  article,
    51  may  be  required  to  pay a civil penalty of not more than one thousand
    52  dollars for each such violation, but not more than five thousand dollars
    53  for more than one violation relating to each home. Such  fine  shall  be
    54  collected  and deposited in the state's general fund. In addition to the
    55  penalties set forth in  this section, the secretary shall also have  the

        S. 3223--A                          7                         A. 4112--A

     1  power to suspend or revoke licenses pursuant to section six hundred four
     2  of this article.
     3    § 608. Fees. The department shall, by regulation, establish reasonable
     4  fees  for  obtaining  certification, obtaining warranty and installation
     5  seals and for instructional services, training and continuing  education
     6  pursuant  to  this article. Such fees shall be paid and deposited into a
     7  segregated account established within the department which shall be used
     8  exclusively to defray the administrative expenses associated with carry-
     9  ing out the provisions of this article.
    10    § 609. State administrative agency requirements. 1.   In carrying  out
    11  its  responsibilities  and obligations pursuant to 42 USC 5401, et seq.,
    12  the department, by authorized representatives, may enter, at  reasonable
    13  times,  any factory, warehouse or establishment in which manufactured or

    14  modular housing is manufactured,  stored,  or  held  for  sale  for  the
    15  purpose of ascertaining whether the requirements of the federal manufac-
    16  tured  housing  construction and safety standards act, the provisions of
    17  this article and the rules of the department are being met.  The depart-
    18  ment's authority to enter and inspect shall be no less than the authori-
    19  ty provided in 42 USC 5413.
    20    2. Each manufacturer and retailer of manufactured or  modular  housing
    21  constructed  under  the  federal standards and any other party or entity
    22  covered by chapter 10 of title 42 of the United  States  Code  shall  be
    23  subject  to  and  comply with all applicable provisions of said laws any
    24  violation of which shall be deemed a violation of this section.
    25    3. The department by authorized representative, shall have all of  the

    26  powers  granted  to  the  secretary  of housing and urban development as
    27  provided in chapter 10 of title  42  of  the  United  States  Code  with
    28  respect  to the enforcement of manufactured home safety and construction
    29  standards promulgated under 42 USC 5403.
    30    4. The department is authorized to impose and collect fees to be  paid
    31  by  manufacturers  in amounts adequate to cover the costs of inspections
    32  conducted pursuant to the provisions of this article. Such fees shall be
    33  deposited in the department account established pursuant to section  six
    34  hundred eight of this article.
    35    5.  (a)  A manufacturer or retailer of manufactured or modular housing
    36  who violates any of the provisions set forth in this section relating to
    37  manufactured or modular housing or  rules  adopted  by  the  department,

    38  including  provisions  of the New York state uniform fire prevention and
    39  building code relating to manufactured or modular housing, is subject to
    40  a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand one hundred dollars for  each
    41  violation.  Each violation constitutes a separate violation with respect
    42  to each manufactured or modular housing unit, except  that  the  maximum
    43  penalty  may not exceed one million one hundred thousand dollars for any
    44  related series of violations occurring within one year from the date  of
    45  the first violation.
    46    (b) An individual or a director, officer, or agent of a corporation or
    47  a  principal  [on]  of  a  business  entity  who knowingly and willfully
    48  violates 42 USC 5409 in a manner which threatens the health or safety of
    49  any purchaser shall be fined not  more  than  one  thousand  dollars  or

    50  imprisoned not more than one year or both.
    51    (c)(i)  The  department may enforce the provisions of this article and
    52  may impose civil penalties administratively;
    53    (ii) Nothing in this article shall limit the powers and duties of  the
    54  attorney general, as defined in section sixty-three of this chapter; and
    55    (iii)  Nothing in this article shall diminish or limit any other right
    56  or cause of action existing under any other provision of law.

        S. 3223--A                          8                         A. 4112--A
     1    § 610. State certified installers. Manufacturers and retailers may  as
     2  a  condition  of the sale of a manufactured or modular home require that
     3  the home be installed by a state certified installer and may recommend a
     4  particular installer or installers.   Manufacturers  shall  not  void  a

     5  warranty for a manufactured or modular home if the [home buyer] homebuy-
     6  er utilizes a state certified installer. It shall be a violation of this
     7  article to restrict a homebuyer from using any state certified installer
     8  chosen  by  the  homebuyer,  or to void a warranty for a manufactured or
     9  modular home if the homebuyer utilizes a state certified installer.
    10    § 611. Manufactured and modular housing advisory council. 1. There  is
    11  hereby  established  within  the  department  a manufactured and modular
    12  housing advisory council. The advisory council shall consist of  fifteen
    13  members to be appointed as follows:
    14    a.  Four members shall be appointed by the governor; one of whom shall
    15  be a member, officer, or employee of an installer, one of whom shall  be

    16  a member, officer, or employee of a park residence advocacy association,
    17  one  of  whom shall be a member, officer, or employee of a retailer, and
    18  one of whom shall be a member, officer, or employee of a  trade  associ-
    19  ation representing the manufactured or modular home industry.
    20    b.  Four  members shall be appointed by the temporary president of the
    21  senate; one of whom shall  be  a  member,  officer,  or  employee  of  a
    22  manufacturer, one of whom shall be a member, officer, or employee of the
    23  engineering industry involved in manufactured or modular housing issues,
    24  one  of whom shall be a member, officer, or employee of a consumer advo-
    25  cacy association involved in manufactured or modular housing issues, and
    26  one of whom shall be a manufactured or modular housing resident owner.

    27    c. Four members shall be appointed by the speaker of the assembly; one
    28  of whom shall be a member, officer, or employee of a  manufacturer,  one
    29  of  whom shall be a member, officer, or employee of the banking industry
    30  involved in manufactured or modular housing issues, one of whom shall be
    31  a member, officer,  or  employee  of  a  consumer  advocacy  association
    32  involved  in  manufactured  or  modular  housing issues, and one of whom
    33  shall be a manufactured or modular housing resident owner.
    34    d. One member shall be appointed by the minority leader of the senate;
    35  who shall be a manufactured or modular home resident owner.
    36    e. One member shall be appointed by the minority leader of the  assem-
    37  bly; who shall be a manufactured or modular home resident owner.

    38    2.  The  secretary shall be a member of the advisory council and shall
    39  serve as chair to the council.
    40    § 612. Powers and duties of the advisory council. The advisory council
    41  shall have the following functions, powers, and duties:
    42    1. To assist in the  development  of  certification  requirements  and
    43  fees,  warranty  seal  requirements and fees, and warranty standards for
    44  manufacturers and installers;
    45    2. To assist in the development of training and  continuing  education
    46  requirements;
    47    3.  To assist in the creation of a consumer awareness pamphlet detail-
    48  ing the certification process and resolution  of  dispute  process.  The
    49  pamphlet  shall  also  explain  the  differences between types of houses
    50  (mobile, modular and manufactured);
    51    4. To examine consumer protection issues, including  but  not  limited

    52  to, manufactured and modular housing financing and sales practices;
    53    5.  To  examine  the  differences  of manufactured and modular housing
    54  regulations and make recommendations to the department and the  legisla-
    55  ture on an annual basis; and

        S. 3223--A                          9                         A. 4112--A
     1    6. To submit annual reports by December thirty-first, two thousand six
     2  and  each  year  thereafter, to the governor, the temporary president of
     3  the senate and the speaker of the assembly that details the  recommenda-
     4  tions of the advisory council regarding manufactured and modular housing
     5  in  New  York  state. The advisory council shall, as part of its report,
     6  detail the number of complaints  received  by  the  department  and  the
     7  number of disputes resolved through the department.

     8    § 2.  This act shall take effect on the first of January next succeed-
     9  ing  the  date  on  which  it shall have become a law, provided that the
    10  department of state shall immediately be  authorized  and  empowered  to
    11  take such steps, including the promulgation of rules and regulations, as
    12  may  be  necessary  for  the  proper  implementation of this act on such
    13  effective date.
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