S04142 Summary:

Add S6829, Ed L
Establishes under the direction of the state board of pharmacy a drug repository program to accept and dispense donated drug prescriptions; authorizes such board and the commissioner of health to promulgate rules and regulations; makes definitions; exempts such persons or entities who dispense such donated drugs from criminal or tort liability or professional disciplinary action.
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S04142 Actions:

04/12/2011PRINT NUMBER 4142A
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S04142 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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S04142 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2011-2012 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                     March 21, 2011
        Introduced  by  Sens. HANNON, BONACIC -- read twice and ordered printed,
          and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Higher  Education
          --  committee  discharged,  bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended
          and recommitted to said committee
        AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to establishing under the

          direction of the state board of pharmacy a drug repository program  to
          accept and dispense donated prescription drugs
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The education law is amended by adding a new  section  6829
     2  to read as follows:
     3    §  6829.  Repository program; accept and dispense donated prescription
     4  drugs. 1. As used in this section: a. "Hospital" has the same meaning as
     5  in subdivision one of section twenty-eight hundred  one  of  the  public
     6  health law.
     7    b.  "Nonprofit  clinic" means a corporation as defined in subparagraph
     8  five of paragraph (a) of section one hundred two of  the  not-for-profit

     9  corporation  law,  or  any charitable organization not organized and not
    10  operated for profit, that provides health care services to indigent  and
    11  uninsured  persons. "Nonprofit clinic" shall not include a hospital or a
    12  facility as defined in subdivision one of section  twenty-eight  hundred
    13  one of the public health law.
    14    c. "Prescription drug" means any drug to which the following applies:
    15    (1)  Under  the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 52 Stat. 1040 (1938), 21
    16  U.S.C.A. 301, as amended, the drug is required to bear a label  contain-
    17  ing  the  legend,  "Caution:  Federal  law  prohibits dispensing without
    18  prescription" or "Caution: Federal law restricts this drug to use by  or

    19  on  the  order  of  a  licensed veterinarian" or any similar restrictive
    20  statement, or the drug may be dispensed only upon a prescription.
    21    (2) Under this  article,  the  drug  may  be  dispensed  only  upon  a
    22  prescription.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4142--A                          2
     1    (3)  Drugs that can only be dispensed to a patient registered with the
     2  drug's manufacturer in accordance with federal Food  and  Drug  Adminis-
     3  tration  requirements  may  not  be  accepted  or  distributed under the
     4  provisions of this section.

     5    2.  The  state  board  of  pharmacy  shall establish a drug repository
     6  program to accept  and  dispense  prescription  drugs  donated  for  the
     7  purpose  of  being  dispensed  to  individuals who are residents of this
     8  state and meet eligibility standards  established  in  rules  and  regu-
     9  lations  adopted  by  the  board under subdivision five of this section.
    10  Only prescription drugs in their original sealed and tamper-evident unit
    11  dose packaging shall be accepted and dispensed. The packaging  shall  be
    12  unopened,  except  that  drugs  packaged  in  single unit doses shall be
    13  accepted and dispensed when the  outside  packaging  is  opened  if  the
    14  single unit dose packaging is undisturbed. Prescription drugs donated by

    15  individuals bearing an expiration date that is less than six months from
    16  the  date  the  drug  is  donated  shall not be accepted or dispensed. A
    17  prescription drug shall not be accepted or dispensed if there is  reason
    18  to  believe  that  it is adulterated as described in section sixty-eight
    19  hundred fifteen of this article. Subject to the limitation specified  in
    20  this  subdivision,  unused  prescription drugs dispensed for purposes of
    21  the medicaid program may be accepted and dispensed under the drug repos-
    22  itory program.
    23    3. a. Any person, including a drug manufacturer  or  any  health  care
    24  facility  may  donate prescription drugs to the drug repository program.
    25  The drugs shall be donated at a pharmacy, hospital or  nonprofit  clinic

    26  that  elects  to  participate  in  the drug repository program and meets
    27  criteria for participation in the program established in rules and regu-
    28  lations adopted by the state board of pharmacy under subdivision five of
    29  this section. Participation in the program by pharmacies, hospitals  and
    30  nonprofit clinics is voluntary. Nothing in this section requires a phar-
    31  macy, hospital or nonprofit clinic to participate in the program.
    32    b. A pharmacy, hospital or nonprofit clinic eligible to participate in
    33  the program shall dispense prescription drugs donated under this section
    34  to  individuals who are residents of this state and meet the eligibility
    35  standards established in rules and  regulations  adopted  by  the  board

    36  under  subdivision  five of this section or to other government entities
    37  and nonprofit private entities to be dispensed to individuals  who  meet
    38  the  eligibility standards.  A prescription drug shall be dispensed only
    39  pursuant to a prescription issued  by  a  licensed  health  professional
    40  authorized to prescribe drugs, as defined in section sixty-eight hundred
    41  two  of  this  article.  A  pharmacy,  hospital or nonprofit clinic that
    42  accepts donated drugs shall comply with all applicable federal laws  and
    43  laws  of  this  state dealing with storage and distribution of dangerous
    44  drugs and shall inspect all prescription drugs prior to dispensing  them
    45  to determine that such drugs are not adulterated. The pharmacy, hospital

    46  or   nonprofit   clinic   shall  charge  individuals  receiving  donated
    47  prescription drugs a handling fee established in accordance  with  rules
    48  and  regulations  adopted  by  the  board under subdivision five of this
    49  section. Prescription drugs donated  to  the  repository  shall  not  be
    50  resold.
    51    4. a. As used in this section, "health care professional" means any of
    52  the  following who provide medical, dental or other health-related diag-
    53  nosis, care or treatment:
    54    (1) Individuals authorized under this title to practice  medicine  and
    55  surgery or podiatric medicine and surgery;

        S. 4142--A                          3
     1    (2)  Registered  professional  nurses  and  licensed  practical nurses

     2  licensed under article one hundred thirty-nine of this title;
     3    (3)  Physician  assistants  authorized  to  practice under article one
     4  hundred thirty-one-B of this title;
     5    (4) Dentists and dental hygienists licensed under article one  hundred
     6  thirty-three of this title;
     7    (5)  Optometrists  licensed  under  article one hundred forty-three of
     8  this title;
     9    (6) Pharmacists licensed under this article.
    10    b. The state board  of  pharmacy;  the  commissioner  of  health;  any
    11  person,  including a drug manufacturer or government entity that donates
    12  prescription drugs to the repository program;  any  pharmacy,  hospital,
    13  nonprofit  clinic  or health care professional that accepts or dispenses

    14  prescription drugs under the program;  and  any  pharmacy,  hospital  or
    15  nonprofit clinic that employs a health care professional who, reasonably
    16  and  in  good  faith,  accepts or dispenses prescription drugs under the
    17  program shall not be subject to any of the following for matters related
    18  to donating,  accepting  or  dispensing  prescription  drugs  under  the
    19  program:  criminal  prosecution; liability in tort or other civil action
    20  for injury, death or loss to person or property; or professional  disci-
    21  plinary action.
    22    A  drug manufacturer, who acts reasonably and in good faith, shall not
    23  be subject to criminal prosecution or liability in tort or  other  civil
    24  action  for  injury,  death  or  loss  to person or property for matters

    25  related to the donation, acceptance or dispensing of a prescription drug
    26  manufactured by the drug manufacturer that  is  donated  by  any  person
    27  under the program, including but not limited to liability for failure to
    28  transfer  or  communicate product or consumer information or the expira-
    29  tion date of the donated prescription drug.
    30    5. In consultation with the commissioner of health, the state board of
    31  pharmacy shall adopt rules and regulations governing the drug repository
    32  program that establish all of the following:
    33    a. Eligibility criteria for pharmacies, hospitals and nonprofit  clin-
    34  ics  to  receive  and  dispense  donated  prescription  drugs  under the
    35  program;

    36    b. Standards and procedures for accepting, safely storing and dispens-
    37  ing donated prescription drugs;
    38    c. Standards and procedures for inspecting donated prescription  drugs
    39  to  determine  that  the  original  unit  dose  packaging  is sealed and
    40  tamper-evident and that the drugs are unadulterated, safe  and  suitable
    41  for dispensing;
    42    d.  Eligibility  standards  based  on economic need for individuals to
    43  receive prescription drugs;
    44    e. A means, such as an identification card, by which an individual who
    45  is eligible to receive  donated  prescription  drugs  shall  demonstrate
    46  eligibility to the pharmacy, hospital or nonprofit clinic dispensing the
    47  drugs;

    48    f.  A  form  that an individual receiving a prescription drug from the
    49  repository shall sign before receiving the  drug  to  confirm  that  the
    50  individual understands the immunity provisions of the program;
    51    g.  A  formula  to determine the amount of a handling fee that pharma-
    52  cies, hospitals and nonprofit clinics shall charge to prescription  drug
    53  recipients to cover restocking and dispensing costs;
    54    h.  In  addition,  for prescription drugs donated to the repository by
    55  individuals:

        S. 4142--A                          4
     1    (1) A list of prescription drugs, arranged either by  category  or  by
     2  individual drug, that the repository shall accept from individuals;

     3    (2)  A  list  of prescription drugs, arranged either by category or by
     4  individual drug, that the repository shall not accept from  individuals.
     5  The  list shall include but not be limited to, a statement as to why the
     6  drug is ineligible for donation.
     7    (3) A form each donor shall sign stating that the donor is  the  owner
     8  of  the  prescription drugs and intends to voluntarily donate such drugs
     9  to the repository.
    10    i. In addition, for prescription drugs donated to  the  repository  by
    11  health care facilities:
    12    (1)  A  list  of prescription drugs, arranged either by category or by
    13  individual drug, that the  repository  shall  accept  from  health  care
    14  facilities;

    15    (2)  A  list  of prescription drugs, arranged either by category or by
    16  individual drug, that the repository shall not accept from  health  care
    17  facilities.  The  list  shall include a statement as to why such drug is
    18  ineligible for donation.
    19    j. Any other standards and procedures the board considers appropriate.
    20    § 2. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    21  it shall have become a law; provided, however, that effective immediate-
    22  ly, the addition, amendment and/or repeal  of  any  rule  or  regulation
    23  necessary  for  the implementation of this act on its effective date are
    24  authorized and directed to be made  and  completed  on  or  before  such
    25  effective date.
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