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AB5547 Summary:

Add §390-e, Gen Bus L; add Art 21 §§21.01 - 21.19, Ment Hyg L; amd §§17 & 143-b, Soc Serv L
Relates to the improvement and operation of sober living homes including the process for certification, inspections, and violations and the establishment of a toll free hotline to respond to complaints.
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AB5547 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     March 16, 2023
        Introduced  by M. of A. SMITH -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
        AN ACT to amend the general business law, the mental hygiene law and the
          social services law, in relation to the improvement and  operation  of
          sober living homes
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Declaration of findings and legislative intent. The  legis-
     2  lature hereby finds and declares that there is an urgent need to improve
     3  the  operation of sober living homes. A sober living home is intended to
     4  provide affordable, drug and alcohol free environments for  persons  who
     5  are enrolled in out-patient treatment or recovering from a drug or alco-
     6  hol addiction. The mission of a sober living home is to promote recovery
     7  and  allow  individuals to become self-supporting. In order to meet this
     8  mission, residents must be afforded a safe, sanitary, and  secure  envi-
     9  ronment.
    10    The  legislature  further  finds  that  far too many sober living home
    11  operators fail to provide the atmosphere necessary for residents.  While
    12  there  certainly  are some well-run sober living homes that truly aim to
    13  assist those in recovery, many of these  homes  are  often  overcrowded,
    14  drug  and  alcohol  infested,  unsanitary, and incompetently managed. In
    15  order to ensure that appropriate living standards are being  maintained,
    16  regulations  pertaining  to  the operation of sober living homes must be
    17  established and enforced.
    18    The legislature further finds and declares that it is  the  intent  of
    19  the  legislature  to prevent recidivism, injury, and death among persons
    20  seeking housing in a sober living home  by  establishing  and  enforcing
    21  operational standards. By ensuring that appropriate standards are estab-
    22  lished  and  enforced,  communities  which host a sober living home will
    23  also benefit. By authorizing the state to certify establishments meeting
    24  the criteria necessary to provide an  appropriate  environment,  and  by

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 5547                             2
     1  allowing  localities  to  inspect  the establishment, safe and effective
     2  sober living homes can continue to improve people's lives.
     3    § 2. The general business law is amended by adding a new section 390-e
     4  to read as follows:
     5    §  390-e.  Sober living homes.   1. A "sober living home" shall mean a
     6  home that is operated, whether  for  profit  or  not,  for  transitional
     7  recovery  purposes  of  individuals  afflicted with alcohol or substance
     8  abuse dependencies. Such homes shall have, as its primary  purpose,  the
     9  reintegration  of  such afflicted persons into society with accompanying
    10  monitoring and support, and shall provide a safe, supportive,  drug-free
    11  living  environment.  Homes  established  as  "half-way houses or homes"
    12  and/or "recovery houses or homes" shall be included in this definition.
    13    2. An owner, operator, or landlord, may not hold themselves out to  be
    14  or  advertise  to be a "sober living home" unless they are certified by,
    15  and remain in good standing with, the New York state office of addiction
    16  services and supports.
    17    3. Any violation of this section shall result in a fine in the  amount
    18  of ten thousand dollars.
    19    §  3.  The mental hygiene law is amended by adding a new article 21 to
    20  read as follows:
    21                                 ARTICLE 21
    22                     CERTIFICATION OF SOBER LIVING HOMES
    23  Section 21.01 Authority.
    24          21.03 Definition.
    25          21.05 Certification process.
    26          21.07 Certification fee.
    27          21.09 Revocation of certificates.
    28          21.11 Inspections.
    29          21.13 Violations.
    30          21.15 Exclusivity of sober living home title.
    31          21.17 Listing of certified sober living homes.
    32          21.19 Toll-free hotline.
    33  § 21.01 Authority.
    34    The legislature hereby declares that alcoholism, substance  abuse  and
    35  chemical  dependence  pose major health and social problems for individ-
    36  uals. It has been proven that transitional living environments can  help
    37  to  prevent  recidivism  after  an  individual has ceased using alcohol,
    38  illegal substances and chemicals. The tragic, cumulative and often fatal
    39  consequences of recidivism can be prevented through the establishment of
    40  quality sober living homes.
    41    The legislature recognizes  locally  implemented  transitional  living
    42  programs  as  an effective avenue to avert recidivism. The primary goals
    43  of rehabilitation and recovery are to restore social, family, lifestyle,
    44  vocational, and economic supports by stabilizing an  individual's  phys-
    45  ical  and psychological functioning. By ensuring that sober living homes
    46  are offering the environment necessary for such success, positive treat-
    47  ment outcomes can be further attained.
    48    The state of New York and local governments have a  responsibility  to
    49  coordinate  the  delivery  of  alcoholism  and substance abuse services,
    50  through the entire process of recovery. To accomplish these  objectives,
    51  the legislature declares that the establishment of a program for certif-
    52  ication  of  sober  living homes will provide an integrated framework to
    53  further plan, oversee, and regulate the state's prevention and treatment
    54  network. In recognition of the growing trends and incidences of recidiv-
    55  ism, this oversight allows the state to respond to the recovery needs of

        A. 5547                             3

     1  individuals suffering from  alcoholism,  substance  abuse  and  chemical
     2  dependency.
     3  § 21.03 Definition.
     4    For  the  purposes of this section, a "sober living home" shall mean a
     5  home that is operated, whether  for  profit  or  not,  for  transitional
     6  recovery  proposes  of  individuals  afflicted with alcohol or substance
     7  abuse dependencies. Such homes shall have, as its primary  purpose,  the
     8  reintegration  of  such afflicted persons into society with accompanying
     9  monitoring and support, and shall provide a safe, supportive,  drug-free
    10  living  environment.  Homes  established  as  "half-way houses or homes"
    11  and/or "recovery houses or homes" shall be included in this definition.
    12  § 21.05 Certification process.
    13    1. The office shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the
    14  implementation of a program for certification  of  sober  living  homes.
    15  Provided  however,  that any rules or regulations adopted must include a
    16  provision requiring an inspection of  the  proposed  sober  living  home
    17  prior to the completion of the certification process.
    18    2.  In  addition to any standards promulgated by the office, operators
    19  of sober living homes shall, at a minimum:
    20    (a) Operate in accordance with all federal, state, and local  building
    21  codes  and  ordinances  to the extent practicable in accordance with the
    22  Federal Fair Housing Act.
    23    (b) Be operated or managed by people with at least two  years  employ-
    24  ment  experience  with  people with substance abuse disorders. Operators
    25  may not have any prior felony convictions.
    26    (c) Be affiliated with a treatment program approved by the  office  of
    27  addiction services and supports.
    28    (d)  Establish  and enforce a zero tolerance policy for alcoholism and
    29  substance abuse.
    30    (e) Provide furnished living  spaces  in  accordance  with  all  local
    31  zoning and housing standards.
    32    (f)  Have an OASAS certified abuse counselor on staff who follows each
    33  individual's aftercare plan as well as assists each individual, as need-
    34  ed, in furthering their education, acquiring job training, and  securing
    35  employment so they can transition out of the sober living home.
    36    3. Such certificate shall specify:
    37    (a) The name of the holder of the certificate.
    38    (b) The address to which the certificate applies.
    39    (c) The maximum number of persons to reside in the home.
    40    4. Such certificate shall be publicly displayed at the home.
    41    5.  Certificates  are  non-transferable  to  new  ownership  or  other
    42  locations.
    43    6. Nothing in this section  shall  relieve  certificate  holders  from
    44  complying  with  other  provisions  of this article, nor shall powers or
    45  duties of the office granted or imposed by other sections of this  arti-
    46  cle  be  circumscribed by this section. Further, nothing in this section
    47  shall relieve certificate holders from complying with  other  applicable
    48  provisions  of  county law or regulation which do not violate this arti-
    49  cle.
    50  § 21.07 Certification fee.
    51    The office is hereby authorized to impose a reasonable  fee  to  apply
    52  for  a  certificate. The office is also authorized to collect a biannual
    53  re-certification fee of five hundred dollars from applicants and holders
    54  of sober living home certificates in  order  to  implement  the  certif-
    55  ication  process and oversee compliance therewith. Certification must be
    56  renewed every two years. One-half of the revenue generated by  this  fee

        A. 5547                             4
     1  shall  be remitted to the county. The office shall have the authority to
     2  waive this fee at its discretion.
     3  § 21.09 Revocation of certificates.
     4    1.  The  office  shall have the authority to revoke a certificate if a
     5  sober living home ceases to meet the  standards  provided  or  with  the
     6  provisions  of  any  other applicable state or county law or regulation.
     7  The holder of the certificate shall be given at least thirty days  writ-
     8  ten notice and the opportunity to be heard prior to revocation.
     9    2.  The commissioner may immediately revoke a certificate if there are
    10  reasonable grounds to believe that the continued operation of the  sober
    11  living home presents an immediate danger to residents of the home or the
    12  general  public.  Such action must be made in writing to the certificate
    13  holder, and may last no longer than thirty days, during which  time  the
    14  commissioner  shall  make a final determination after giving the certif-
    15  icate holder an opportunity to be heard.
    16  § 21.11 Inspections.
    17    The office shall, in coordination with the county department of commu-
    18  nity mental hygiene services, promulgate rules and regulations regarding
    19  the inspection of certified sober living homes in order to  ensure  that
    20  each home is in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations.
    21  § 21.13 Violations.
    22    Any  certified  sober living home that is found by the office to be in
    23  violation of any provision of this article or any other  state,  county,
    24  town,  or  village law or regulation may be fined. A fine may be imposed
    25  for each day that a sober living home remains in violation of this arti-
    26  cle or any other state or county law or regulation. The daily  fine  may
    27  not  exceed  one thousand dollars per day, and in no event may the total
    28  fine amount exceed five thousand dollars annually. Such fine may  be  in
    29  lieu  of,  or  in  addition to, certificate revocation.  One-half of any
    30  fines assessed shall be remitted to the county.
    31  § 21.15 Exclusivity of sober living home title.
    32    No owner, operator or landlord may hold a property out to be or adver-
    33  tise a property as a sober living home unless the property is  certified
    34  by the office.
    35  § 21.17 Listing of certified sober living homes.
    36    The  office shall maintain an online listing, available to the public,
    37  of all certified sober living homes which are in good standing.
    38  § 21.19 Toll-free hotline.
    39    The office shall establish a toll-free telephone line to  receive  and
    40  respond to complaints regarding sober living homes.
    41    §  4. Section 17 of the social services law is amended by adding a new
    42  subdivision (h-1) to read as follows:
    43    (h-1) ensure that all recipients of public assistance  who  reside  in
    44  sober  living  homes,  as  defined  by  article twenty-one of the mental
    45  hygiene law, reside in housing accommodations  that  are  in  compliance
    46  with  all  applicable  building codes, ordinances and regulations of the
    47  municipality in which the housing accommodation is  located.  Reasonable
    48  accommodations  from building codes, ordinances and regulations shall be
    49  made pursuant to the Federal Fair Housing Act. Upon discovery that  such
    50  housing accommodation is not in compliance recipients shall be housed in
    51  emergency housing or other alternative temporary housing until such time
    52  as  the initial housing accommodation in which such recipient or recipi-
    53  ents resided is brought into compliance  with  all  applicable  building
    54  codes,  ordinances and regulations of the county and the municipality in
    55  which such housing accommodation is located or until a  suitable  perma-
    56  nent housing accommodation is located, whichever occurs earlier;

        A. 5547                             5
     1    §  5.  Subdivision  2  of section 143-b of the social services law, as
     2  added by chapter 997 of the laws of 1962, is amended to read as follows:
     3    2.  Every public welfare official shall have power to and may withhold
     4  the payment of any such rent, or portion comprising  rent  in  instances
     5  where  the  public welfare department makes room and board payments to a
     6  sober living home as defined by the mental  hygiene  law,  in  any  case
     7  where  he  has  knowledge  that there exists or there is outstanding any
     8  violation of law in respect  to  the  building  containing  the  housing
     9  accommodations  occupied by the person entitled to such assistance which
    10  is dangerous, hazardous or detrimental to life or health.  A  report  of
    11  each  such  violation  shall  be  made to the appropriate public welfare
    12  department by the appropriate department or agency  having  jurisdiction
    13  over violations.
    14    §  6. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this
    15  act shall be adjudged by any  court  of  competent  jurisdiction  to  be
    16  invalid,  such  judgment  shall  not  affect,  impair  or invalidate the
    17  remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause,
    18  sentence, paragraph or part thereof directly involved in the controversy
    19  in which such judgment shall have been rendered.
    20    § 7. This act shall take effect one year after it shall have become  a
    21  law.    Effective  immediately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal of
    22  any rule or regulation necessary for the implementation of this  act  on
    23  its  effective date are authorized to be made and completed on or before
    24  such effective date.
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