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A08612 Summary:

COSPNSRBarron, DeStefano, Giglio, Rozic, Griffin, Gottfried, Arroyo, Aubry
Add §6438-a, Ed L
Relates to allowing student-athletes to earn compensation as a result of the use of that student's name, image or likeness; prohibits an athlete or college from being prevented from participating in intercollegiate athletics because an athlete receives compensation; provides that a college shall not provide a prospective athlete with compensation in relation to the athlete's name, image and likeness.
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A08612 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     October 2, 2019
        Introduced  by  M. of A. RYAN -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Higher Education
        AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to allowing  student-ath-
          letes  to  earn  compensation as a result of the use of that student's
          name, image or likeness
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The education law is amended by adding a new section 6438-a
     2  to read as follows:
     3    §  6438-a.  Student-athlete  compensation.  1. (a) A college, except a
     4  community college, shall not uphold any rule, requirement, standard,  or
     5  other limitation that prevents a student of that institution participat-
     6  ing  in  intercollegiate athletics from earning compensation as a result
     7  of the use of the student's name, image, or  likeness.  Earning  compen-
     8  sation  from  the  use of a student's name, image, or likeness shall not
     9  affect the student's scholarship eligibility.
    10    (b) An athletic association, conference, or other group  or  organiza-
    11  tion  with  authority over intercollegiate athletics, including, but not
    12  limited to, the National  Collegiate  Athletic  Association,  shall  not
    13  prevent  a student of a college participating in intercollegiate athlet-
    14  ics from earning compensation as a result of the use  of  the  student's
    15  name, image, or likeness.
    16    (c)  An  athletic association, conference, or other group or organiza-
    17  tion with authority over intercollegiate athletics, including,  but  not
    18  limited  to,  the  National  Collegiate  Athletic Association, shall not
    19  prevent a college from participating in intercollegiate athletics  as  a
    20  result  of  the  compensation  of  a  student-athlete for the use of the
    21  student's name, image, or likeness.
    22    2. A college, athletic association,  conference,  or  other  group  or
    23  organization  with  authority  over  intercollegiate athletics shall not
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8612                             2
     1  provide a prospective student-athlete with compensation in  relation  to
     2  the athlete's name, image, or likeness.
     3    3.  (a) A college, athletic association, conference, or other group or
     4  organization with authority over  intercollegiate  athletics  shall  not
     5  prevent  a  student-athlete  participating  in intercollegiate athletics
     6  from obtaining professional representation in relation to  contracts  or
     7  legal matters, including, but not limited to, representation provided by
     8  athlete agents or legal representation provided by attorneys.
     9    (b)  Professional representation obtained by student athletes shall be
    10  from persons registered  and/or  licensed  by  the  state.  Professional
    11  representation provided by athlete agents shall be by persons registered
    12  pursuant  to  article  thirty-nine-e  of the general business law. Legal
    13  representation of student athletes shall be by attorneys licensed pursu-
    14  ant to article fifteen of the judiciary law.
    15    (c) Athlete agents representing student athletes shall comply with the
    16  federal Sports Agent Responsibility and Trust Act, established in  chap-
    17  ter  104  of  title 15 of the United States Code, in their relationships
    18  with student athletes.
    19    4. A scholarship from the college in which a student is enrolled  that
    20  provides  the student with the cost of attendance at that institution is
    21  not compensation for purposes of this section, and a  scholarship  shall
    22  not  be  revoked  as a result of earning compensation or obtaining legal
    23  representation pursuant to this section.
    24    5. (a) A student-athlete shall not enter  into  a  contract  providing
    25  compensation  to  the  athlete  for use of the athlete's name, image, or
    26  likeness if a provision of the contract is in conflict with a  provision
    27  of the athlete's team contract.
    28    (b)  A  student-athlete  who  enters into a contract providing compen-
    29  sation to the athlete for use of the athlete's name, image, or  likeness
    30  shall  disclose the contract to an official of the college, to be desig-
    31  nated by the college.
    32    (c) A college asserting a conflict described in paragraph (a) of  this
    33  subdivision  shall disclose to the athlete or the athlete's legal repre-
    34  sentation the relevant contractual provisions that are in conflict.
    35    6. After the effective date of this section, a new team contract or  a
    36  renewal  or  modification  of  a  team  contract of a college's athletic
    37  program shall not prevent a student-athlete  from  using  the  athlete's
    38  name,  image,  or  likeness for a commercial purpose when the athlete is
    39  not engaged in official team activities.
    40    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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