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A10027 Summary:

Authorizes the Hudson River-Black River Regulating District to transfer certain lands to the village of Northville, town of Northampton, county of Fulton, for the use and maintenance of the dam, roadway, and bridge located on such lands, in consideration of $1.
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A10027 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                       May 1, 2024
        Introduced  by M. of A. SIMPSON -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Governmental Operations
        AN ACT to authorize the Hudson River-Black River Regulating District  to
          transfer  certain  state  lands  to the village of Northville, town of
          Northampton, county of Fulton
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1. The Hudson River-Black River Regulating District is hereby
     2  authorized and empowered to transfer and convey to the village of North-
     3  ville, town of Northampton, county of Fulton, in  consideration  of  one
     4  dollar,  the  state  lands more particularly described in section two of
     5  this act, for the use and maintenance of the dam,  roadway,  and  bridge
     6  located upon such state lands.
     7    §  2.  The  state  lands  authorized  by section one of this act to be
     8  transferred and conveyed are as follows:
     9    Beginning at a common point between lands belonging to The  People  of
    10  the  State  of  New York, reference Tract 437 and 437a and the Northerly
    11  line of lands belonging to The Robert D'Antonio Living Trust,  reference
    12  Tax map ID number 32.10-7-1, Book 2017 of Deeds at Page 44876 located in
    13  the  Village Of Northville, County of Fulton and State of New York. Said
    14  point is marked by a HRBRRD Iron pipe in  concrete  monument  being  the
    15  point or place of beginning, thence:
    16    1) N 39°01' 16" E a distance of 95.23 feet to a point, thence:
    17    2) N 67°06'W a distance of 36.81 feet to a point, thence:
    18    3) N 43°077'02' W a distance of 37.94 feet to a point, thence:
    19    4) N 23°37'39" W a distance of 68.72 feet to the point, thence:
    20    5) N 07°05'27" W a distance of 332.69 feet to a point, thence:
    21    6) N 25°10' 09" E a distance of 24.0 feet to a point, thence:
    22    7) N 06°00' 27" E a distance of 111.47 feet to a point, thence:
    23    8) N 33°28'55" W a distance of 165.68 feet to the point, thence:
    24    9) S 51°04' 48" W a distance of 27.7 feet to a point, thence:
    25    10) S 06°54' 05" E a distance of 141.35 feet to a point, thence:
    26    11) S 05°04' 27" E a distance of 119.66 feet to a point, thence:
    27    12) S 08°58' 27" E a distance of 426.2 feet to a point, thence
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10027                            2
     1    13) S 38°37'37" E a  distance  of 104.97 feet to the point or place of
     2  beginning.
     3    Containing 1.17 Acres More or Less.
     4    All Bearings are Referenced to the True North Meridian.
     5    Subject  to  any  Rights  of  Way, Easements, Restrictions, Covenants,
     6  Conditions or Regulations.
     7    Subject to the Rights of the Public to South Main Street  for  highway
     8  purposes.
     9    Being  Portions  of  Tracts  #  447a,  447, and 437 on Sheet 26 of the
    10  HRBRRD 1927 Property Line Maps.
    11    § 3. The description in section two of this act is not intended to  be
    12  a legal description, and is intended to identify the parcel conveyed. As
    13  a  condition  of  the  transfer, the Hudson River-Black River Regulating
    14  District may elect, but shall not be required, to submit to the  village
    15  of  Northville, town of Northampton, county of Fulton, for its approval,
    16  an accurate survey and description of the lands to  be  conveyed,  which
    17  may be used in the conveyance thereof.
    18    §  4.  The land to be transferred pursuant to this act, and all struc-
    19  tures, facilities, and roadways situated on such land,  shall  be  main-
    20  tained,  owned  and  operated  by  the  village  of  Northville, town of
    21  Northampton, county of Fulton.
    22    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.
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