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A10336 Summary:

SPONSORRules (Jean-Pierre)
Amd §402, Transp L
Relates to the membership of the Republic airport commission; removes certain provisions of law requiring the commission to conduct a study on payments in lieu of taxes and improvement district taxes and charges with respect to aviation facilities which locate at Republic airport and existing aviation facilities whose leases were renewed.
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A10336 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      May 17, 2024
        Introduced by COMMITTEE ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Jean-Pierre)
          --  read  once and referred to the Committee on Corporations, Authori-
          ties and Commissions
        AN ACT to amend the transportation law, in relation to the membership of
          the Republic airport commission
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. Section 402 of the transportation law, as added by chapter
     2  370 of the laws of 1982, subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 55  of  the
     3  laws of 1992, and subdivision 3 as amended by chapter 197 of the laws of
     4  1984, is amended to read as follows:
     5    § 402. Republic  airport commission. 1. Upon assumption by the depart-
     6  ment of transportation of jurisdiction over  the  airport  facility  and
     7  surrounding  area  located  in  the county of Suffolk, known as Republic
     8  airport, there shall thereupon be created a Republic airport commission.
     9  This commission will be an advisory council  to  the  commissioner  with
    10  respect to administration and management of the Republic airport facili-
    11  ties and its surrounding areas with respect to projects to be undertaken
    12  and  operations  and  management  of the facilities at such airport. The
    13  commission shall be composed of nine members [to] who are  residents  of
    14  Nassau  county  or Suffolk county, one of whom shall be appointed by the
    15  governor [with the advice and consent of the senate and, except for  the
    16  initial appointment terms, shall serve for a term of four years] without
    17  recommendation from any other person, four of whom shall be appointed by
    18  the  governor  upon the recommendation of the temporary president of the
    19  senate, and four of whom shall be appointed by  the  governor  upon  the
    20  recommendation of the speaker of the assembly. All such members shall be
    21  appointed  for  a  term of four years, except in the case that a vacancy
    22  occurs and is filled before the  expiration  of  a  member's  term,  the
    23  member  appointed to fill such vacancy shall be appointed to the remain-
    24  der of such term. By virtue of [his or her] such commissioner's  office,
    25  the  commissioner of transportation or the commissioner's designee shall
    26  be an ex officio member of the commission. [Four of the members shall be
    27  appointed from a list submitted by the temporary president of the senate

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10336                            2

     1  setting forth the names of six persons who are residents  of  Nassau  or
     2  Suffolk  county,  three persons who are residents of the town of Babylon
     3  and three persons who are residents of the Nassau  county  part  of  the
     4  Farmingdale  school district. Two names shall be selected from the first
     5  class of residency and one name each shall be selected from  the  second
     6  and  third  classes of residency. Four of the members shall be appointed
     7  from a list submitted by the speaker of the assembly setting  forth  the
     8  names  of  six  persons  who  are residents of Nassau or Suffolk county,
     9  three persons who are residents of the town of Babylon and three persons
    10  who are residents of the Suffolk county part of the  Farmingdale  school
    11  district.  Two names shall be selected from the first class of residency
    12  and one name each shall be selected from the second and third classes of
    13  residency. The ninth member shall be selected by the  governor.  In  any
    14  event six members shall be residents of Suffolk county and three members
    15  shall  be  residents  of Nassau county. Initial appointments shall be to
    16  staggered terms with the nominee  of  the  governor  being  made  to  an
    17  initial  four-year  term,  with  the  members nominated by the temporary
    18  president of the senate to initial two-year,  three-year  and  four-year
    19  terms,  respectively,  and  the  members nominated by the speaker of the
    20  assembly to initial one-year, two-year and three-year terms, respective-
    21  ly. If any member shall thereafter no longer meet the residency require-
    22  ment of his appointment, such position shall be declared vacant. In  the
    23  event  of  a  vacancy, the vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as
    24  the initial appointments except that the term shall be for the unexpired
    25  portion of the term of such members.] All such members shall  be  deemed
    26  officers  of  the  state  in  connection  with the provisions of section
    27  seventeen of the public officers law.  The  members  of  the  commission
    28  shall  appoint a [chairman] chair from among their number. Members shall
    29  not receive a salary or other compensation, but shall be reimbursed  for
    30  their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their
    31  official duties.
    32    2.  The Republic airport commission shall assist in the development of
    33  a program relative to the administration and management of the  Republic
    34  airport  and to advise the commissioner of transportation with regard to
    35  such other programs relative to the Republic airport as  he  may  under-
    36  take.  Such  program shall include, but not be limited to identification
    37  of future capital needs, examining the means and  methods  of  financing
    38  such  future capital needs, the promotion and examination of the financ-
    39  ing means and methods for the economic development of  the  area  around
    40  the  airport,  the joining together of such economic development and the
    41  airport operations, the identification and  implementation  of  ways  of
    42  working with the local community to accomplish the program and the iden-
    43  tification  of  non-aviation  uses and purposes and prorations of use or
    44  purposes for determinations of in lieu of tax payments. Once the commis-
    45  sion has been established, the commissioner and/or the department  shall
    46  effectuate the authorizations, powers and/or duties set forth in section
    47  four  hundred of this article only following the consultation, guidance,
    48  advice and assistance of the commission. The Republic airport commission
    49  shall meet at least six times a year at the call of the commissioner  of
    50  transportation  or the [chairman] chair of the commission and shall keep
    51  a record of all its proceedings and recommendations. Staff services  for
    52  the  commission  shall  be  performed  by personnel of the department of
    53  transportation. In carrying out the functions  and  responsibilities  of
    54  the commissioner and the commission, the commissioner shall designate an
    55  executive  secretary from among the staff of the department of transpor-

        A. 10336                            3

     1  tation who will act as the administrative agent of  the  commission  and
     2  assist the commission in fulfilling its duties and functions.
     3    3. The arrival or departure of aircraft to or from the airport between
     4  the  hours  of  11 p.m. and 7 a.m., except in the case of emergency, and
     5  the development of additional runways at the airport are hereby  prohib-
     6  ited, provided, however, that such prohibitions may be altered, modified
     7  or  changed  by  resolution adopted by a majority vote of the members of
     8  the commission after giving public notice of such alteration,  modifica-
     9  tion  or  change  and  holding a public hearing thereon. Any alteration,
    10  modification or change which affects the  prohibition  with  respect  to
    11  arrival and departure of aircraft shall be made only after due consider-
    12  ation  has  been  given  to  the  period  of  daylight occurring at such
    13  airport. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of  this  subdivision,
    14  the  prohibition against the arrival or departure of aircraft to or from
    15  the airport between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.   shall  not  become
    16  effective  until  ninety  days after the effective date of this subdivi-
    17  sion. The commissioner upon the advice of the Republic  airport  commis-
    18  sion  shall  promulgate  regulations  establishing permissible levels of
    19  noise for aircraft  operating  at  the  airport.  The  operator  of  any
    20  aircraft to or from the airport which exceeds such permissible levels of
    21  noise  shall be guilty of a violation punishable by a fine not to exceed
    22  twenty-five hundred dollars.
    23    [4. The commission, within one year from its creation, shall conduct a
    24  study on payments in lieu of taxes and improvement  district  taxes  and
    25  charges  with  respect  to  aviation facilities which locate at Republic
    26  airport after the  effective  date  of  this  subdivision  and  existing
    27  aviation facilities whose leases are renewed after the effective date of
    28  this  subdivision.  The commission shall conduct public hearings as part
    29  of such study and report its findings and recommendations to the commis-
    30  sioner and the legislature within one year  after  the  commencement  of
    31  such  study  of  such findings and recommendations. The commissioner, in
    32  his discretion, may take such steps as may be necessary to implement any
    33  or all of such findings and recommendations.]
    34    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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