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A10581 Summary:

SPONSORRules (Pheffer Amato)
Add §13-157.5, amd §13-125.2, NYC Ad Cd; amd §§444, 445, 604-e, 613 & 603, add §§445-j & 604-k, R & SS L
Relates to the establishment of a twenty-two and one-half year retirement program for members of the New York city employees' retirement system employed as emergency medical technicians and advanced emergency medical technicians and to the establishment of such program for such members who are subject to articles 11 and 15 of the retirement and social security law.
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A10581 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      June 20, 2024
        Introduced   by   COMMITTEE  ON  RULES  --  (at  request  of  M.  of  A.
          Pheffer Amato) -- read once and referred to the Committee  on  Govern-
          mental Employees
        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  administrative code of the city of New York, in
          relation to the  establishment  of  a  twenty-two  and  one-half  year
          retirement program for members of the New York city employees' retire-
          ment  system  employed  as  emergency medical technicians and advanced
          emergency medical technicians; and to amend the retirement and  social
          security  law, in relation to the establishment of twenty-two and one-
          half year retirement programs for such  members  who  are  subject  to
          articles 11 and 15 of such law
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The administrative code of the city of New York is  amended
     2  by adding a new section 13-157.5 to read as follows:
     3    § 13-157.5 Twenty-two  and  one-half  year  retirement program for EMT
     4  members.  a. Definitions. The following words and  phrases  as  used  in
     5  this  section shall have the following meanings unless a different mean-
     6  ing is plainly required by the context.
     7    1. "EMT member" shall mean (i) a member of the retirement  system  who
     8  is  employed  by the city of New York or by the New York city health and
     9  hospitals corporation in a title whose duties are those of an  emergency
    10  medical  technician  or  advanced emergency medical technician, as those
    11  terms are defined in section three thousand one  of  the  public  health
    12  law,  and  (ii)  a member of the retirement system who, on the effective
    13  date of this section or thereafter, was employed by the city of New York
    14  or by the New York city health and  hospitals  corporation  in  a  title
    15  whose  duties  are  those of an emergency medical technician or advanced
    16  emergency medical technician, as those  terms  are  defined  in  section
    17  three thousand one of the public health law and who, subsequent thereto,
    18  became  employed  by the city of New York or by the New York city health
    19  and hospitals corporation in a title whose  duties  require  the  super-
    20  vision of employees whose duties are those of an emergency medical tech-
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10581                            2
     1  nician  or  advanced  emergency  medical  technician, as those terms are
     2  defined in section three thousand one of  the public health law.
     3    2.  "Twenty-two  and  one-half year retirement program" shall mean all
     4  the terms and conditions of this section.
     5    3. "Starting date of  the  twenty-two  and  one-half  year  retirement
     6  program"  shall mean the effective date of this section, as such date is
     7  certified pursuant to section forty-one of the legislative law.
     8    4.  "Participant  in  the  twenty-two  and  one-half  year  retirement
     9  program"  shall mean any EMT member who, under the applicable provisions
    10  of subdivision b of this section, is entitled to  the  rights,  benefits
    11  and  privileges  and is subject to the obligations of the twenty-two and
    12  one-half year retirement program as applicable to such member.
    13    5. "Discontinued member" shall mean a participant  in  the  twenty-two
    14  one-half  year  retirement  program  who, while they were an EMT member,
    15  discontinued service as such a member and has  a  right  to  a  deferred
    16  vested benefit under the provisions of subdivision d of this section.
    17    6.  "Creditable  city service" for purposes of this section shall mean
    18  (i) all service while employed by the city of New York  or  by  the  New
    19  York  city  health and hospitals corporation in a title whose duties are
    20  those of an emergency medical technician or advanced  emergency  medical
    21  technician,  as those terms are defined in section three thousand one of
    22  the public health law; and (ii) with respect to an  individual  who  was
    23  employed  on  the effective date of this section in a title whose duties
    24  are those of an  emergency  medical  technician  or  advanced  emergency
    25  medical technician, as those terms are defined in section three thousand
    26  one  of  the public health law, all such service subsequent thereto in a
    27  title whose duties require the supervision of employees whose duties are
    28  those of an emergency medical technician or advanced  emergency  medical
    29  technician,  as those terms are defined in section three thousand one of
    30  the public health law; and (iii) all service while employed by the  city
    31  of  New York or by the New York city health and hospitals corporation in
    32  the title motor vehicle operator.
    33    b. Participation in twenty-two and one-half year  retirement  program.
    34  1. Subject to the provisions of paragraphs five and six of this subdivi-
    35  sion,  any person who is an EMT member on the starting date of the twen-
    36  ty-two and one-half year  retirement  program  may  elect  to  become  a
    37  participant  in  the  twenty-two and one-half year retirement program by
    38  filing, within one hundred eighty days after the starting  date  of  the
    39  twenty-two  and one-half year retirement program, a duly executed appli-
    40  cation for such participation with the retirement system of  which  such
    41  person  is  a  member, provided such person is such an EMT member on the
    42  date such application is filed.
    43    2. Subject to the provisions of paragraphs five and six of this subdi-
    44  vision, any person who becomes an EMT member after the starting date  of
    45  the  twenty-two and one-half year retirement program may elect to become
    46  a participant in the twenty-two and one-half year retirement program  by
    47  filing,  within  one  hundred  eighty  days  after  becoming such an EMT
    48  member, a duly executed application  for  such  participation  with  the
    49  retirement system of which such person is a member, provided such person
    50  is such an EMT member on the date such application is filed.
    51    3.  Any  election  to  be a participant in the twenty-two and one-half
    52  year retirement program shall be irrevocable.
    53    4. Where any participant in the twenty-two and one-half  year  retire-
    54  ment  program  shall  cease  to be employed as an EMT member, they shall
    55  cease to be such a participant and, during  any  period  in  which  such
    56  person  is not so employed, they shall not be a participant in the twen-

        A. 10581                            3
     1  ty-two and one-half year retirement program and shall  not  be  eligible
     2  for the benefits of subdivision c of this section.
     3    5.  Where  any participant in the twenty-two and one-half year retire-
     4  ment program terminates service as an EMT member  and  returns  to  such
     5  service as an EMT member at a later date, they shall again become such a
     6  participant on that date.
     7    6.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision of law to the contrary, any
     8  person who is eligible to become a participant  in  the  twenty-two  and
     9  one-half  year  retirement  program  pursuant to paragraph one or two of
    10  this subdivision for the full one hundred eighty day period provided for
    11  in such applicable paragraph  and  who  fails  to  timely  file  a  duly
    12  executed  application for such participation with the retirement system,
    13  shall not thereafter  be  eligible  to  become  a  participant  in  such
    14  program.
    15    c. Service retirement benefits. 1. A participant in the twenty-two and
    16  one-half year retirement program:
    17    (i) who has completed twenty-two and one-half or more years of credit-
    18  able city service; and
    19    (ii)  who  files with the retirement system an application for service
    20  retirement setting forth at what time, not less than thirty days  subse-
    21  quent  to  the execution and filing thereof, such participant desires to
    22  be retired; and
    23    (iii) who shall be a participant in the twenty-two and  one-half  year
    24  retirement  program  at  the  time  so  specified for such participant's
    25  retirement; shall be retired pursuant to the provisions of this  section
    26  affording early service retirement.
    27    2.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision of law to the contrary, the
    28  early service retirement benefit for a participant in the twenty-two and
    29  one-half year retirement program who retires pursuant to  paragraph  one
    30  of this subdivision shall be a retirement allowance consisting of:
    31    (i)  an  amount, on account of the required minimum period of service,
    32  equal to the sums of (A) an annuity which shall be the actuarial  equiv-
    33  alent  of  the accumulated deductions from such participant's pay during
    34  such period, (B) a pension for increased-take-home-pay  which  shall  be
    35  the  actuarial  equivalent of the reserve-for-increased-take-home-pay to
    36  which such participant may be  entitled  for  such  period,  and  (C)  a
    37  pension  which,  when  added  to  such  annuity  and  such  pension  for
    38  increased-take-home-pay,  produces  a  retirement  allowance  equal   to
    39  fifty-five percent of the salary earned or earnable in the year prior to
    40  their retirement; plus
    41    (ii) an amount for each additional year of creditable city service, or
    42  fraction  thereof,  beyond such required minimum period of service equal
    43  to one and seven-tenths percent of the final  average  salary  for  such
    44  creditable  service  during the period from the completion of twenty-two
    45  and one-half years of creditable city service to the date of retirement.
    46    d. Vesting. 1. A participant  in  the  twenty-two  and  one-half  year
    47  retirement program who:
    48    (i)  discontinues  service  as  an  EMT member, other than by death or
    49  retirement; and
    50    (ii) prior to such discontinuance, completed five but less than  twen-
    51  ty-two years of creditable city service; and
    52    (iii) does not withdraw in whole or in part such participant's accumu-
    53  lated  member  contributions pursuant to section 13-141 of this chapter,
    54  shall be entitled to receive a deferred vested benefit  as  provided  in
    55  this subdivision.

        A. 10581                            4
     1    2. (i) Upon such discontinuance under the conditions and in compliance
     2  with  the provisions of paragraph one of this subdivision, such deferred
     3  vested benefit shall vest automatically.
     4    (ii)  Such vested benefit shall become payable on the earliest date on
     5  which such discontinued member could have retired for  service  if  such
     6  discontinuance had not occurred.
     7    3.  Such  deferred  vested  benefit  shall  be  a retirement allowance
     8  consisting of an amount equal to two  and  two-tenths  percent  of  such
     9  discontinued  member's  salary  earned  or earnable in the year prior to
    10  such member's discontinuance, multiplied by the number of years of cred-
    11  itable city service.
    12    e. Member contributions. 1. All EMT  members  of  the  twenty-two  and
    13  one-half  year  retirement  program  shall  be  required  to make member
    14  contributions and additional member contributions in accordance with and
    15  subject to the same rights, privileges, obligations  and  procedures  as
    16  govern  the  member  contribution  and  additional  member contributions
    17  required by subdivision d of section four hundred  forty-five-e  of  the
    18  retirement and social security law.
    19    2.  For  the purpose of applying under this subdivision, such subdivi-
    20  sion d of section four hundred forty-five-e of the retirement and social
    21  security law to an EMT  member  of  the  twenty-two  and  one-half  year
    22  retirement program who is subject to the provisions of this section, and
    23  is not subject to the provisions of article eleven of the retirement and
    24  social security law, the term "credited service", as used in such subdi-
    25  vision, shall be deemed to mean creditable city service.
    26    f.  Cost-of-living adjustments. Notwithstanding any other provision of
    27  law to the contrary, a person who  retires  with  a  retirement  benefit
    28  provided  for  in  the  twenty-two  and one-half year retirement program
    29  pursuant to the provisions of this section shall not be entitled to  the
    30  cost-of-living  adjustments  provided  pursuant to section 13-696 of the
    31  administrative code of the city of New York.
    32    § 2. Subdivision a of section 444 of the retirement and social securi-
    33  ty law, as amended by section 141 of subpart B of part C of  chapter  62
    34  of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
    35    a.  Except as provided in subdivision c of section four hundred forty-
    36  five-a of this article, subdivision c of  section  four  hundred  forty-
    37  five-b  of  this  article,  subdivision c of section four hundred forty-
    38  five-c  of  this  article,  subdivision  c  of  section   four   hundred
    39  forty-five-d  of  this article as added by chapter four hundred seventy-
    40  two of the laws  of  nineteen  hundred  ninety-five,  subdivision  c  of
    41  section  four  hundred  forty-five-e  of  this article, subdivision c of
    42  section four hundred forty-five-f of this article [and],  subdivision  c
    43  of  section four hundred forty-five-h of this article, and subdivision c
    44  of section four  hundred  forty-five-j  of  this  article,  the  maximum
    45  retirement  benefit computed without optional modification provided to a
    46  member of a retirement system who is subject to the provisions  of  this
    47  article,  other  than  a  police officer, a firefighter, an investigator
    48  member of the New York city employees' retirement system,  a  member  of
    49  the  uniformed  personnel  in institutions under the jurisdiction of the
    50  New York city department of correction who  receives  a  performance  of
    51  duty  disability retirement allowance, a member of the uniformed person-
    52  nel  in  institutions  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  department  of
    53  corrections  and  community supervision or a security hospital treatment
    54  assistant, as those terms are defined in subdivision i of section eight-
    55  y-nine of this chapter, who receives a performance  of  duty  disability
    56  retirement  allowance,  a  member  of a teachers' retirement system, New

        A. 10581                            5
     1  York city employees' retirement system, New York city board of education
     2  retirement system or a member of the New York state and local employees'
     3  retirement system or a member of the New York city employees' retirement
     4  system or New York city board of education retirement system employed as
     5  a  special  officer,  parking  control  specialist, school safety agent,
     6  campus peace officer, taxi and limousine inspector or a police  communi-
     7  cations  member  and  who  receives  a  performance  of  duty disability
     8  pension, from funds  other  than  those  based  on  a  member's  own  or
     9  increased-take-home-pay  contributions,  shall, before any reduction for
    10  early retirement, be sixty per centum  of  the  first  fifteen  thousand
    11  three  hundred  dollars of final average salary, and fifty per centum of
    12  final average  salary  in  excess  of  fifteen  thousand  three  hundred
    13  dollars, and forty per centum of final average salary in excess of twen-
    14  ty-seven  thousand  three  hundred  dollars, provided, however, that the
    15  benefits provided by subdivision c of section four hundred  forty-five-d
    16  of this article as added by chapter four hundred seventy-two of the laws
    17  of  nineteen  hundred  ninety-five  based  upon  the  additional  member
    18  contributions required by subdivision d of  such  section  four  hundred
    19  forty-five-d shall be subject to the maximum retirement benefit computa-
    20  tions set forth in this section. The maximum retirement benefit computed
    21  without  optional  modification payable to a police officer, an investi-
    22  gator member of the New York city  employees'  retirement  system  or  a
    23  firefighter  shall equal that payable upon completion of thirty years of
    24  service, except that the maximum  service  retirement  benefit  computed
    25  without  optional  modification shall equal that payable upon completion
    26  of thirty-two years of service.
    27    § 3. Subdivision a of section 445 of the retirement and social securi-
    28  ty law, as amended by chapter 714 of the laws of  2023,  is  amended  to
    29  read as follows:
    30    a.  No  member of a retirement system who is subject to the provisions
    31  of this article shall retire without regard to age, exclusive of retire-
    32  ment for disability, unless [he or she] such member is a police officer,
    33  an investigator member  of  the  New  York  city  employees'  retirement
    34  system,  firefighter, correction officer, a qualifying member as defined
    35  in section eighty-nine-t, as added by chapter six hundred fifty-seven of
    36  the laws of nineteen hundred ninety-eight, of this  chapter,  sanitation
    37  worker, a special officer (including persons employed by the city of New
    38  York  in  the  title  urban park ranger or associate urban park ranger),
    39  school safety agent, campus  peace  officer  or  a  taxi  and  limousine
    40  commission  inspector  member of the New York city employees' retirement
    41  system or the New York city board  of  education  retirement  system,  a
    42  dispatcher  member  of the New York city employees' retirement system, a
    43  police communications member of the New York city employees'  retirement
    44  system, an EMT member of the New York city employees' retirement system,
    45  a  deputy  sheriff  member  of  the  New York city employees' retirement
    46  system, a  correction  officer  of  the  Westchester  county  correction
    47  department  as  defined  in  section  eighty-nine-e  of  this chapter or
    48  employed in Suffolk county as a peace officer,  as  defined  in  section
    49  eighty-nine-s, as added by chapter five hundred eighty-eight of the laws
    50  of  nineteen  hundred ninety-seven, of this chapter, employed in Suffolk
    51  county as a correction officer, as defined in section  eighty-nine-f  of
    52  this  chapter,  or  employed  in  Nassau county as a correction officer,
    53  uniformed correction division personnel, sheriff, undersheriff or deputy
    54  sheriff, as  defined  in  section  eighty-nine-g  of  this  chapter,  or
    55  employed  in  Nassau county as an ambulance medical technician, an ambu-
    56  lance medical technician/supervisor or a member who  performs  ambulance

        A. 10581                            6
     1  medical  technician  related  services,  or a police medic, police medic
     2  supervisor or a member who performs police medic  related  services,  as
     3  defined  in  section  eighty-nine-s,  as amended by chapter five hundred
     4  seventy-eight  of  the  laws  of  nineteen hundred ninety-eight, of this
     5  chapter, or employed in Nassau county as a peace officer, as defined  in
     6  section  eighty-nine-s,  as added by chapter five hundred ninety-five of
     7  the laws of nineteen hundred ninety-seven, of this chapter, or  employed
     8  in  Albany county as a sheriff, undersheriff, deputy sheriff, correction
     9  officer or identification officer, as defined in  section  eighty-nine-h
    10  of  this  chapter  or  is  employed in St. Lawrence county as a sheriff,
    11  undersheriff, deputy  sheriff  or  correction  officer,  as  defined  in
    12  section  eighty-nine-i  of this chapter or is employed in Orleans county
    13  as a sheriff, undersheriff, deputy sheriff  or  correction  officer,  as
    14  defined  in  section  eighty-nine-l  of  this  chapter or is employed in
    15  Jefferson  county  as  a  sheriff,  undersheriff,  deputy   sheriff   or
    16  correction  officer, as defined in section eighty-nine-j of this chapter
    17  or is employed in Onondaga county  as  a  deputy  sheriff-jail  division
    18  competitively  appointed  or  as  a  correction  officer,  as defined in
    19  section eighty-nine-k of this chapter or is employed in a  county  which
    20  makes  an  election under subdivision j of section eighty-nine-p of this
    21  chapter as a sheriff, undersheriff, deputy sheriff or correction officer
    22  as defined in such section eighty-nine-p or is employed in Broome County
    23  as a sheriff, undersheriff, deputy sheriff  or  correction  officer,  as
    24  defined  in  section eighty-nine-m of this chapter or is a Monroe county
    25  deputy sheriff-court security, or deputy sheriff-jailor  as  defined  in
    26  section  eighty-nine-n, as added by chapter five hundred ninety-seven of
    27  the laws of nineteen hundred ninety-one, of this chapter or is  employed
    28  in   Greene  county  as  a  sheriff,  undersheriff,  deputy  sheriff  or
    29  correction officer, as defined in section eighty-nine-o of this  chapter
    30  or  is  a  traffic officer with the town of Elmira as defined in section
    31  eighty-nine-q of this chapter or is employed by Suffolk county as a park
    32  police officer, as defined in section eighty-nine-r of this  chapter  or
    33  is  a peace officer employed by a county probation department as defined
    34  in section eighty-nine-t, as added by chapter six hundred three  of  the
    35  laws of nineteen hundred ninety-eight, of this chapter or is employed in
    36  Rockland  county as a deputy sheriff-civil as defined in section eighty-
    37  nine-v of this chapter as added by chapter four hundred forty-one of the
    38  laws of two thousand one, or is employed in Rockland county as a superi-
    39  or correction officer as defined in section eighty-nine-v of this  chap-
    40  ter  as added by chapter five hundred fifty-six of the laws of two thou-
    41  sand one or is a paramedic employed by the police department in the town
    42  of Tonawanda and retires under the provisions of  section  eighty-nine-v
    43  of  this  chapter,  as  added by chapter four hundred seventy-two of the
    44  laws of two thousand one, or is a county fire marshal, supervising  fire
    45  marshal,  fire  marshal,  assistant  fire  marshal, assistant chief fire
    46  marshal, chief fire marshal, division supervising fire marshal  or  fire
    47  marshal  trainee  employed by the county of Nassau as defined in section
    48  eighty-nine-w of this chapter or is employed in Monroe county as a depu-
    49  ty sheriff-civil as defined in section eighty-nine-x  of  this  chapter,
    50  employed  as  an emergency medical technician, critical care technician,
    51  advanced emergency medical technician, paramedic or supervisor  of  such
    52  titles  in  a  participating  Suffolk county fire district as defined in
    53  section eighty-nine-ss of this chapter, and is in a plan  which  permits
    54  immediate  retirement  upon  completion of a specified period of service
    55  without regard to age.  Except as provided in subdivision c  of  section
    56  four hundred forty-five-a of this article, subdivision c of section four

        A. 10581                            7
     1  hundred  forty-five-b  of  this  article,  subdivision c of section four
     2  hundred forty-five-c of this article,  subdivision  c  of  section  four
     3  hundred  forty-five-d  of  this  article,  subdivision c of section four
     4  hundred  forty-five-e  of  this  article,  subdivision c of section four
     5  hundred forty-five-f of this article [and],  subdivision  c  of  section
     6  four  hundred forty-five-h of this article, and subdivision c of section
     7  four hundred forty-five-j of this article, a member in such a  plan  and
     8  such  an  occupation, other than a police officer or investigator member
     9  of the New York city employees'  retirement  system  or  a  firefighter,
    10  shall  not be permitted to retire prior to the completion of twenty-five
    11  years of credited service; provided, however, if such a member  in  such
    12  an  occupation  is in a plan which permits retirement upon completion of
    13  twenty years of service regardless of age, [he or she] such  member  may
    14  retire  upon completion of twenty years of credited service and prior to
    15  the completion of twenty-five years of service, but in  such  event  the
    16  benefit  provided  from  funds other than those based on such a member's
    17  own contributions shall not exceed two per centum of final average sala-
    18  ry per each year of credited service.
    19    § 4. The retirement and social security law is amended by adding a new
    20  section 445-j to read as follows:
    21    § 445-j. Optional  twenty-two  and  one-half  year  improved   benefit
    22  retirement program for EMT members.  a. Definitions. The following words
    23  and  phrases  as  used in this section shall have the following meanings
    24  unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context.
    25    1. "Retirement system" shall mean the New York city employees' retire-
    26  ment system.
    27    2. "EMT member" shall mean a member of the retirement  system  who  is
    28  subject  to  the provisions of this article, who is employed by the city
    29  of New York or by the New York city health and hospitals corporation  in
    30  a  title  whose  duties  are those of an emergency medical technician or
    31  advanced emergency medical technician, as those  terms  are  defined  in
    32  section three thousand one of the public health law, or in a title whose
    33  duties require the supervision of employees whose duties are those of an
    34  emergency  medical  technician or advanced emergency medical technician,
    35  as those terms are defined in section three thousand one of  the  public
    36  health law.
    37    3.  "Twenty-two and one-half year improved benefit retirement program"
    38  shall mean all the terms and conditions of this section.
    39    4. "Starting date of the twenty-two and one-half year improved benefit
    40  retirement program" shall mean the effective date of this section.
    41    5. "Participant in the twenty-two and one-half year  improved  benefit
    42  retirement  program" shall mean any EMT member who, under the applicable
    43  provisions of subdivision b of this section, is entitled to the  rights,
    44  benefits  and  privileges and is subject to the obligations of the twen-
    45  ty-two and one-half year improved benefit retirement program, as  appli-
    46  cable to such member.
    47    6.  "Administrative  code"  shall  mean the administrative code of the
    48  city of New York.
    49    7. "Accumulated  deductions"  shall  mean  accumulated  deductions  as
    50  defined  in  subdivision  eleven of section 13-101 of the administrative
    51  code.
    52    8. "Optional retirement provisions" shall mean the right to retire and
    53  receive a retirement allowance under this section upon the completion of
    54  twenty-two and one-half years of creditable service as an EMT member.
    55    9. "Creditable service as an EMT member" shall mean (i) all service as
    56  an EMT member; and (ii) all service while employed by the  city  of  New

        A. 10581                            8

     1  York  or  by  the  New York city health and hospitals corporation in the
     2  title motor vehicle operator.
     3    b.  Election  of twenty-two and one-half year improved benefit retire-
     4  ment program.  1. Subject to the provisions of paragraphs five  and  six
     5  of  this  subdivision,  any  person who is an EMT member on the starting
     6  date of the twenty-two and one-half  year  improved  benefit  retirement
     7  program may elect to become a participant in the twenty-two and one-half
     8  year  improved  benefit retirement program by filing, within one hundred
     9  eighty days after such starting date, a duly  executed  application  for
    10  such  participation  with the retirement system, provided such person is
    11  such an EMT member on the date such application is filed.
    12    2. Subject to the provision of paragraphs five and six of this  subdi-
    13  vision,  any person who becomes an EMT member after the starting date of
    14  the twenty-two and one-half year improved benefit retirement program may
    15  elect to become a  participant  in  the  twenty-two  and  one-half  year
    16  improved benefit retirement program by filing, within one hundred eighty
    17  days  after becoming such an EMT member, a duly executed application for
    18  such participation with the retirement system, provided such  person  is
    19  such an EMT member on the date such application is filed.
    20    3.  Any  election  to  be a participant in the twenty-two and one-half
    21  year improved benefit retirement program shall be irrevocable.
    22    4. Where any participant in the twenty-two and one-half year  improved
    23  benefit  retirement  program  shall  cease  to hold a position as an EMT
    24  member, they shall cease to be such a participant and, during any period
    25  in which such a person does not hold such an EMT  position,  they  shall
    26  not  be a participant in the twenty-two and one-half year improved bene-
    27  fit retirement program and shall not be eligible  for  the  benefits  of
    28  subdivision c of this section.
    29    5.  Where any participant in the twenty-two and one-half year improved
    30  benefit retirement program terminates  service  as  an  EMT  member  and
    31  returns  to  such  service  as an EMT member at a later date, they shall
    32  again become such a participant on that date.
    33    6. Notwithstanding any other provision of law  to  the  contrary,  any
    34  person  who  is  eligible  to become a participant in the twenty-two and
    35  one-half year improved benefit retirement program pursuant to  paragraph
    36  one or two of this subdivision for the full one hundred eighty day peri-
    37  od  provided  for  in  such applicable paragraph and who fails to timely
    38  file a duly executed application for such participation with the retire-
    39  ment system, shall not thereafter be eligible to become a participant in
    40  such program.
    41    c. Service retirement benefits. Notwithstanding any other provision of
    42  law to the contrary, where a participant in the twenty-two and  one-half
    43  year improved benefit retirement program, who is otherwise qualified for
    44  a retirement allowance pursuant to the optional retirement provision set
    45  forth in subdivision a of this section, has made and/or paid, while such
    46  participant  is  an  EMT member, all additional member contributions and
    47  interest, if any, required by subdivision d of this section, then:
    48    1. that participant, while they remain a  participant,  shall  not  be
    49  subject  to  the  provisions  of  subdivision  a of section four hundred
    50  forty-five of this article; and
    51    2. if  that  participant,  while  such  a  participant,  retires  from
    52  service,  they  shall  not  be subject to the provisions of section four
    53  hundred forty-four of this article; and
    54    3. their retirement allowance shall be an amount, on account  of  this
    55  required  minimum  period of service, equal to the sum of (i) an annuity
    56  which shall be the actuarial equivalent of  the  accumulated  deductions

        A. 10581                            9
     1  from  their  pay  during such period, (ii) a pension for increased-take-
     2  home-pay which shall be the actuarial  equivalent  of  the  reserve  for
     3  increased-take-home-pay  to  which such participant may be entitled, for
     4  such  period,  and (iii) a pension which, when added to such annuity and
     5  such pension for increased-take-home-pay, produces a  retirement  allow-
     6  ance  equal to fifty percent of such participant's final average salary,
     7  plus an amount for each additional year of creditable service as an  EMT
     8  member,  or  fraction  thereof,  beyond  such required minimum period of
     9  service equal to two percent of their  final  average  salary  for  such
    10  creditable service as an EMT member during the period from completion of
    11  twenty-two  and  one-half  or more years of creditable service as an EMT
    12  member to the date of retirement but not to exceed more than five  years
    13  of additional service as an EMT member.
    14    d.  Additional  member  contributions.  1.  In  addition to the member
    15  contributions required pursuant to section 13-125 or section  13-162  of
    16  the administrative code, each participant in the twenty-two and one-half
    17  year  improved  benefit  retirement program shall contribute, subject to
    18  the applicable provisions of  section  13-125.2  of  the  administrative
    19  code,  an  additional  six  and  one-half  percent of their compensation
    20  earned from all credited service, as a participant in the twenty-two and
    21  one-half year improved benefit retirement program, rendered on and after
    22  the starting date of the improved benefit retirement  program,  and  all
    23  creditable  service  as  an  EMT member after such person ceases to be a
    24  participant, but before they again  become  a  participant  pursuant  to
    25  paragraph  five  of  subdivision b of this section. A participant in the
    26  twenty-two and one-half year improved benefit retirement  program  shall
    27  contribute  additional  member contributions until the later of the date
    28  as of which such participant is eligible to retire with at  least  twen-
    29  ty-two and one-half or more years of creditable service as an EMT member
    30  under  such retirement program, or the first anniversary of the starting
    31  date of the twenty-two and one-half  year  improved  benefit  retirement
    32  program.  The additional contributions required by this section shall be
    33  in lieu of additional member  contributions  required  by  section  four
    34  hundred  forty-five-d of this article, as added by chapter ninety-six of
    35  the laws of nineteen hundred ninety-five, and shall be in lieu of  addi-
    36  tional   member   contributions   required   by   section  four  hundred
    37  forty-five-e of this article, as added by chapter five hundred  seventy-
    38  seven  of  the  laws  of  two  thousand, and no member paying additional
    39  contributions pursuant to this section shall be required  to  pay  addi-
    40  tional  contributions  pursuant  to  such  subdivision d of section four
    41  hundred forty-five-d of this article or pursuant to such  subdivision  d
    42  of section four hundred forty-five-e of this article.
    43    2.  Commencing  with  the  first full payroll period after each person
    44  becomes a participant in the twenty-two and one-half year improved bene-
    45  fit retirement program, additional  member  contributions  at  the  rate
    46  specified  in  paragraph  one  of  this  subdivision  shall be deducted,
    47  subject to the applicable provisions of section 13-125.2 of the adminis-
    48  trative code, from the compensation of  such  participant  on  each  and
    49  every  payroll of such participant for each and every payroll period for
    50  which they are such a participant.
    51    3. (i) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (ii)  of  this  para-
    52  graph,  where  any additional member contributions required by paragraph
    53  one of this subdivision are not paid by deductions from a  participant's
    54  compensation pursuant to paragraph two of this subdivision:

        A. 10581                           10
     1    (A)  that  participant shall be charged with a contribution deficiency
     2  consisting of such  unpaid  amounts,  together  with  interest  thereon,
     3  compounded annually; and
     4    (B)  such  interest  on  each amount of undeducted contributions shall
     5  accrue from the end of the payroll period for which  such  amount  would
     6  have  been  deducted  from  compensation  if such participant had been a
     7  participant at the beginning of that payroll period and such  deductions
     8  had  been  required for such payroll period until such amount is paid to
     9  the retirement system; and
    10    (C) (1) interest on each such amount included  in  such  participant's
    11  contribution  deficiency  pursuant  to this subparagraph shall be calcu-
    12  lated as if such additional member contributions never had been paid  by
    13  such  participant,  and  such  interest shall accrue from the end of the
    14  payroll period to which an amount of such additional member contribution
    15  is attributable, compounded annually, until such amount is paid  to  the
    16  retirement system;
    17    (2)  the rate of interest to be applied to each such amount during the
    18  period for which interest accrues on that amount shall be equal  to  the
    19  rate  or  rates  of interest required by law to be used during that same
    20  period to credit interest on the accumulated  deductions  of  retirement
    21  system members.
    22    (ii)  Except  as  provided in subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph, no
    23  interest shall be due on any unpaid additional contributions  which  are
    24  not  attributable  to  the period prior to the first full payroll period
    25  referred to in paragraph two of this subdivision.
    26    (iii) Should any person who,  pursuant  to  paragraph  seven  of  this
    27  subdivision,  has  withdrawn any additional member contributions and any
    28  interest paid thereon, again become a participant in the twenty-two  and
    29  one-half  year improved benefit retirement program pursuant to paragraph
    30  five of subdivision b of this section, an appropriate  amount  shall  be
    31  included in such participant's contribution deficiency, including inter-
    32  est  thereon  as  calculated pursuant to subparagraph (ii) of this para-
    33  graph, for any credited  service  with  respect  to  which  such  person
    34  received  a  refund  of  additional  member contributions, including any
    35  amount of an unpaid loan balance deemed to have been  returned  to  such
    36  person pursuant to paragraph seven of this subdivision, as if such addi-
    37  tional member contributions never had been paid.
    38    4. The board of trustees of the retirement system may, consistent with
    39  the  provisions  of  this  subdivision,  promulgate  regulations for the
    40  payment of the additional member contributions required by this subdivi-
    41  sion, and any interest thereon, by a participant in the  twenty-two  and
    42  one-half   year  improved  benefit  retirement  program,  including  the
    43  deduction of such contributions, and any  interest  thereon,  from  such
    44  participant's compensation.
    45    5.  Where  a participant who is otherwise eligible for service retire-
    46  ment pursuant to subdivision c of this section did  not,  prior  to  the
    47  effective  date  of  retirement, pay the entire amount of a contribution
    48  deficiency chargeable to such participant pursuant to paragraph three of
    49  this subdivision, or repay the entire amount of a loan of  such  partic-
    50  ipant's  additional  member contributions pursuant to paragraph eight of
    51  this subdivision, including accrued interest on such loan, that  partic-
    52  ipant, nevertheless, shall be eligible to retire pursuant to subdivision
    53  c of this section, provided, however, that where such participant is not
    54  entitled  to  a  refund  of  additional member contributions pursuant to
    55  paragraph seven of this subdivision, such participant's service  retire-
    56  ment  benefit calculated pursuant to the applicable provisions of subdi-

        A. 10581                           11
     1  vision c of this section shall be reduced by a life annuity,  calculated
     2  in  accordance with the method set forth in subdivision i of section six
     3  hundred thirteen-b of this chapter, which is actuarially equivalent to:
     4    (i)  the  amount  of  any unpaid contribution deficiency chargeable to
     5  such member pursuant to paragraph three of this subdivision; plus
     6    (ii) the amount of any unpaid balance of a loan  of  their  additional
     7  member  contributions  pursuant  to paragraph eight of this subdivision,
     8  including accrued interest on such loan.
     9    6. Subject to the provisions of paragraph five  of  this  subdivision,
    10  where  a  participant  has  not paid in full any contribution deficiency
    11  chargeable to such participant  pursuant  to  paragraph  three  of  this
    12  subdivision,  and  a  benefit, other than a refund of a member's accumu-
    13  lated deductions or a refund of additional member contributions pursuant
    14  to paragraph seven of this subdivision, becomes payable by  the  retire-
    15  ment  system  to  the  participant or to their designated beneficiary or
    16  estate, the actuarial equivalent of any  such  unpaid  amount  shall  be
    17  deducted from the benefit otherwise payable.
    18    7.  (i)  All additional member contributions required by this subdivi-
    19  sion, and any interest thereon, which are  received  by  the  retirement
    20  system  shall  be paid into its contingent reserve fund and shall be the
    21  property of the retirement system. Such additional member contributions,
    22  and any interest thereon, shall not for any  purpose  be  deemed  to  be
    23  member  contributions  or  accumulated  deductions  of  a  member of the
    24  retirement system under section 13-125 or section 13-162 of the adminis-
    25  trative code while they are a participant in the twenty-two and one-half
    26  year improved benefit retirement program or otherwise.
    27    (ii) Should a participant in the twenty-two and one-half year improved
    28  benefit retirement program, who has rendered less than fifteen years  of
    29  credited  service  cease  to  hold  a  position as an EMT member for any
    30  reason whatsoever,  such  participant's  accumulated  additional  member
    31  contributions  made  pursuant  to  this  subdivision,  together with any
    32  interest thereon paid to the retirement system, which remain credited to
    33  such participant's account may be withdrawn by such participant pursuant
    34  to procedures promulgated in regulations of the board of trustees of the
    35  retirement system, together with interest thereon at the rate of  inter-
    36  est  required  by  law  to be used to credit interest on the accumulated
    37  deductions of retirement system members compounded annually.
    38    (iii) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,  (A)
    39  no  person shall be permitted to withdraw from the retirement system any
    40  additional member contributions paid pursuant to this subdivision or any
    41  interest paid thereon, except pursuant to and  in  accordance  with  the
    42  preceding subparagraphs of this paragraph; and (B) no person, while they
    43  are  a  participant in the twenty-two and one-half year improved benefit
    44  retirement program, shall be permitted to withdraw any  such  additional
    45  member contributions or any interest paid thereon pursuant to any of the
    46  preceding subparagraphs of this paragraph or otherwise.
    47    8.  A participant in the twenty-two and one-half year improved benefit
    48  retirement program shall be permitted to borrow  from  their  additional
    49  member  contributions,  including  any  interest paid thereon, which are
    50  credited to the additional contributions account  established  for  such
    51  participant in the contingent reserve fund of the retirement system. The
    52  borrowing  from  such  additional  member contributions pursuant to this
    53  paragraph shall be governed by the same rights, privileges,  obligations
    54  and procedures set forth in section six hundred thirteen-b of this chap-
    55  ter  which govern the borrowing by members subject to article fifteen of
    56  this chapter of  member  contributions  made  pursuant  to  section  six

        A. 10581                           12
     1  hundred  thirteen  of this chapter. The board of trustees of the retire-
     2  ment system may, consistent with the  provisions  of  this  subdivision,
     3  promulgate regulations governing the borrowing of such additional member
     4  contributions.
     5    9.  Wherever a person has an unpaid balance of a loan of such person's
     6  additional member contributions pursuant  to  paragraph  eight  of  this
     7  subdivision  at  the  time  such  person becomes entitled to a refund of
     8  their additional member contributions pursuant to subparagraph  (ii)  of
     9  paragraph  seven  of  this  subdivision,  the amount of such unpaid loan
    10  balance, including accrued  interest,  shall  be  deemed  to  have  been
    11  returned to such member, and the refund of such additional contributions
    12  shall  be  the  net amount of such contributions, together with interest
    13  thereon in accordance with the provisions of such subparagraph.
    14    10. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to  the  contrary,  the
    15  provisions  of  section one hundred thirty-eight-b of this chapter shall
    16  not be applicable to  the  additional  member  contributions  which  are
    17  required by this subdivision.
    18    11.  Notwithstanding  any  other provision of law to the contrary, the
    19  additional member contributions which are required by  this  subdivision
    20  shall not be reduced under any program for increased-take-home-pay.
    21    e.  The  provisions  of this section shall not be construed to provide
    22  benefits to any participant in the twenty-two and one-half year improved
    23  benefit retirement program which are greater than those which  would  be
    24  received  by  a  similarly  situated  member who is entitled to benefits
    25  under the provisions of section 13-157.5 of the administrative code, but
    26  who is not governed by the provisions of this article.
    27    f. Cost-of-living adjustments. Notwithstanding any other provision  of
    28  law  to  the  contrary,  a  person who retires with a retirement benefit
    29  provided for in the twenty-two  and  one-half  year  retirement  program
    30  pursuant  to the provisions of this section shall not be entitled to the
    31  cost-of-living adjustments provided pursuant to section  13-696  of  the
    32  administrative code of the city of New York.
    33    §  5.  Paragraph 3 of subdivision b of section 604-e of the retirement
    34  and social security law, as added by chapter 577 of the laws of 2000, is
    35  amended to read as follows:
    36    3. Each EMT member, other than an EMT member subject to paragraph  one
    37  or  two  of  this  subdivision,  who  [becomes]  became  subject  to the
    38  provisions of this article on or after the starting date of the  twenty-
    39  five year retirement program and prior to the starting date of the twen-
    40  ty-two  and one-half year retirement program provided for in section six
    41  hundred four-k of this article shall [become] continue to be  a  partic-
    42  ipant  in the twenty-five year retirement program [on the date he or she
    43  becomes such an EMT member], unless  such  person  elects  to  become  a
    44  member of the twenty-two and one-half year retirement program in accord-
    45  ance  with  the conditions and terms of such section six hundred four-k.
    46  Provided, however, a person subject  to  this  paragraph,  and  who  has
    47  exceeded  age  twenty-five  upon  employment  as an EMT member, shall be
    48  exempt from participation in the improved  twenty-five  year  retirement
    49  program  if  such  person  elects  not  to  participate by filing a duly
    50  executed form with the retirement system within one hundred eighty  days
    51  of becoming an EMT member.
    52    § 6. The retirement and social security law is amended by adding a new
    53  section 604-k to read as follows:
    54    §  604-k.  Twenty-two  and  one-half  year  retirement program for EMT
    55  members. a. Definitions. The following words and phrases as used in this

        A. 10581                           13
     1  section shall have the following meanings unless a different meaning  is
     2  plainly required by the context.
     3    1.  "EMT  member"  shall mean a member of the New York city employees'
     4  retirement system who is employed by the city of New York or by the  New
     5  York  city  health and hospitals corporation in a title whose duties are
     6  those of an  emergency  medical  technician  or  an  advanced  emergency
     7  medical technician, as those terms are defined in section three thousand
     8  one  of  the  public  health law, or in a title whose duties require the
     9  supervision of employees whose duties are those of an emergency  medical
    10  technician  or advanced emergency medical technician, as those terms are
    11  defined in section three thousand one of the public health law.
    12    2. "Twenty-two and one-half year retirement program"  shall  mean  all
    13  the terms and conditions of this section.
    14    3.  "Starting  date  of  the  twenty-two  and one-half year retirement
    15  program" shall mean the effective date of this section.
    16    4.  "Participant  in  the  twenty-two  and  one-half  year  retirement
    17  program"  shall mean any EMT member who, under the applicable provisions
    18  of subdivision b of this section, is entitled to  the  rights,  benefits
    19  and  privileges  and is subject to the obligations of the twenty-two and
    20  one-half year retirement program, as applicable to such member.
    21    5. "Discontinued member" shall mean a participant  in  the  twenty-two
    22  and  one-half year retirement program who, while such participant was an
    23  EMT member, discontinued service as such a member and has a right  to  a
    24  deferred vested benefit under subdivision d of this section.
    25    6.  "Administrative  code"  shall  mean the administrative code of the
    26  city of New York.
    27    7. "Creditable service as an EMT member" shall mean (i) all service as
    28  an EMT member; and (ii) all service while employed by the  city  of  New
    29  York  or  by  the  New York city health and hospitals corporation in the
    30  title motor vehicle operator.
    31    b. Participation  in  the  twenty-two  and  one-half  year  retirement
    32  program.  1.  Subject  to  the provisions of paragraphs six and seven of
    33  this subdivision, any person who is an EMT member on the  starting  date
    34  of  the twenty-two and one-half year retirement program and who, as such
    35  an EMT member or otherwise, last became subject  to  the  provisions  of
    36  this  article prior to such starting date, may elect to become a partic-
    37  ipant in the twenty-two and one-half year retirement program by  filing,
    38  within one hundred eighty days after such starting date, a duly executed
    39  application  for  such participation with the retirement system of which
    40  such person is a member, provided such person is such an EMT  member  on
    41  the date such application is filed. An EMT member who elects to become a
    42  member  of  the twenty-two and one-half year retirement program pursuant
    43  to this paragraph shall cease to be a member  of  the  twenty-five  year
    44  retirement  program  provided  for in section six hundred four-e of this
    45  article, as added by chapter five hundred seventy-seven of the  laws  of
    46  two thousand.
    47    2.  Subject  to  the  provisions  of  paragraphs six and seven of this
    48  subdivision, any person who becomes an EMT  member  after  the  starting
    49  date  of the twenty-two and one-half year retirement program and who, as
    50  such an EMT member or otherwise, last became subject to  the  provisions
    51  of  this  article  prior  to  such  starting date, may elect to become a
    52  participant in the twenty-two and one-half year  retirement  program  by
    53  filing,  within  one  hundred  eighty  days  after  becoming such an EMT
    54  member, a duly executed application  for  such  participation  with  the
    55  retirement  system  for  which  such  person  is a member, provided such
    56  person is such an EMT member on the date such application is  filed.  An

        A. 10581                           14
     1  EMT  member who elects to become a member of the twenty-two and one-half
     2  year retirement program pursuant to this paragraph shall cease to  be  a
     3  member  of  the  twenty-five  year  retirement  program  provided for in
     4  section  six  hundred  four-e  of this article, as added by chapter five
     5  hundred seventy-seven of the laws of two thousand.
     6    3. Any election to be a participant in  the  twenty-two  and  one-half
     7  year retirement program shall be irrevocable.
     8    4. Each EMT member who becomes subject to the provisions of this arti-
     9  cle  on  or  after the starting date of the twenty-two and one-half year
    10  retirement program shall become a  participant  in  the  twenty-two  and
    11  one-half year retirement program on the date such participant becomes an
    12  EMT member.
    13    5.  Where  any participant in the twenty-two and one-half year retire-
    14  ment program shall cease to hold a position as an EMT member, they shall
    15  cease to be such a participant and, during  any  period  in  which  such
    16  person  does  not hold such an EMT position, they shall not be a partic-
    17  ipant in the twenty-two and one-half year retirement program  and  shall
    18  not be eligible for the benefits of subdivision c of this section.
    19    6.  Where  any participant in the twenty-two and one-half year retire-
    20  ment program terminates service as an EMT member  and  returns  to  such
    21  service as an EMT member at a later date, they shall again become such a
    22  participant on that date.
    23    7. Notwithstanding any other provision of the law to the contrary, any
    24  person  who  is eligible to elect to become a participant in the twenty-
    25  two and one-half year retirement program pursuant to  paragraph  one  or
    26  two  of  this  subdivision  for  the  full one hundred eighty day period
    27  provided for in such applicable paragraph and who fails to timely file a
    28  duly executed application for such  participation  with  the  retirement
    29  system, shall not thereafter be eligible to become a participant in such
    30  program.
    31    c. Service retirement benefits. 1. A participant in the twenty-two and
    32  one-half year retirement program:
    33    (i) who has completed twenty-two and one-half or more years of credit-
    34  able service as an EMT member; and
    35    (ii)  who has paid, before the effective date of retirement, all addi-
    36  tional member contributions and interest, if any, required  by  subdivi-
    37  sion e of this section; and
    38    (iii)  who  files with the retirement system of which such participant
    39  is a member an application for service retirement setting forth at  what
    40  time,  not  less than thirty days subsequent to the execution and filing
    41  thereof, such participant desires to be retired; and
    42    (iv) who shall be a participant in the twenty-two  and  one-year  year
    43  retirement  program  at  the  time  so  specified for such participant's
    44  retirement; shall be retired pursuant to the provisions of this  section
    45  affording early service retirement.
    46    2.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision of law to the contrary, and
    47  subject to the provisions of paragraph six  of  subdivision  e  of  this
    48  section,  the service retirement benefit for participants in the twenty-
    49  two and one-half year retirement program who retire  pursuant  to  para-
    50  graph one of this subdivision shall be a retirement allowance consisting
    51  of:
    52    (i)  an  amount, on account of the required minimum period of service,
    53  equal to fifty percent of such participant's final average salary; plus
    54    (ii) an amount on account of creditable service as an EMT  member,  or
    55  fraction  thereof,  beyond such required minimum period of service equal
    56  to two percent of their final salary as an EMT member during the  period

        A. 10581                           15
     1  from  the  completion  of  twenty-two  and  one-half years of creditable
     2  service as an EMT member to the date of retirement  but  not  to  exceed
     3  more than five years of additional service as an EMT member.
     4    d.  Vesting.  1.  A  participant  in  the twenty-two and one-half year
     5  retirement program:
     6    (i) who discontinues service as such  a  participant,  other  than  by
     7  death or retirement; and
     8    (ii)  who  prior  to such discontinuance, completed five but less than
     9  twenty-two and one-half years of creditable service as  an  EMT  member;
    10  and
    11    (iii) who, subject to the provisions of paragraph seven of subdivision
    12  e  of  this  section,  has paid, prior to such discontinuance, all addi-
    13  tional member contributions and interest, if any, required  by  subdivi-
    14  sion e of this section; and
    15    (iv)  who  does  not  withdraw  in  whole or in part their accumulated
    16  member contributions pursuant to section six hundred  thirteen  of  this
    17  article unless such participant thereafter returns to public service and
    18  repays  the  amounts  so  withdrawn, together with interest, pursuant to
    19  such section six  hundred  thirteen  shall  be  entitled  to  receive  a
    20  deferred vested benefit as provided in this subdivision.
    21    2. (i) Upon such discontinuance under the conditions and in compliance
    22  with  the provisions of paragraph one of this subdivision, such deferred
    23  vested benefit shall vest automatically.
    24    (ii) In the case of a participant who is not a New York  city  revised
    25  plan  member,  such  vested benefit shall become payable on the earliest
    26  date on which such discontinued member could have retired for service if
    27  such discontinuance had not occurred, or, in the case of  a  participant
    28  who  is  a  New York city revised plan member, such vested benefit shall
    29  become payable at age sixty-three.
    30    3. Subject to the provisions of paragraph seven of  subdivision  e  of
    31  this  section, such deferred vested benefit shall be a retirement allow-
    32  ance consisting of an amount equal to two percent of  such  discontinued
    33  member's  final  average  salary,  multiplied  by the number of years of
    34  creditable service as an EMT member.
    35    e. Additional member contributions.  1.  In  addition  to  the  member
    36  contributions  required by section six hundred thirteen of this article,
    37  each participant in the twenty-two and one-half year retirement  program
    38  shall  contribute  to  the retirement system of which they are a member,
    39  subject to the applicable provisions of subdivision  d  of  section  six
    40  hundred thirteen of this article, an additional six and one-half percent
    41  of  such  participant's  compensation  earned  from  (i)  all creditable
    42  service, as a participant in the twenty-two and one-half year retirement
    43  program, rendered on or after the starting date of  the  twenty-two  and
    44  one-half  year retirement program, and (ii) all creditable service after
    45  such person ceases to be a participant, but  before  such  person  again
    46  becomes a participant pursuant to paragraph six of subdivision b of this
    47  section.  The additional contributions required by this section shall be
    48  in lieu of additional member contributions required by subdivision d  of
    49  section  six  hundred four-c of this chapter as added by chapter ninety-
    50  six of the laws of nineteen hundred ninety-five, and shall be in lieu of
    51  additional member contributions required by subdivision e of section six
    52  hundred four-e of this chapter as added by chapter five  hundred  seven-
    53  ty-seven  of  the  laws of two thousand, and no member making additional
    54  contributions pursuant  to  this  section  shall  be  required  to  make
    55  contributions  pursuant  to  such  subdivision  d of section six hundred

        A. 10581                           16
     1  four-c of this article or such subdivision  e  of  section  six  hundred
     2  four-e of this article.
     3    2.  A  participant  in  the  twenty-two  and  one-half year retirement
     4  program shall contribute additional member contributions until the later
     5  of (i) the first anniversary of the starting date of the twenty-two  and
     6  one-half year retirement program, or (ii) the date on which such partic-
     7  ipant  completes  twenty-seven and one-half years of credited service as
     8  an EMT member.
     9    3. Commencing with the first full payroll  period  after  each  person
    10  becomes  a  participant  in  the twenty-two and one-half year retirement
    11  program, additional member contributions at the rate specified in  para-
    12  graph one of this subdivision shall be deducted, subject to the applica-
    13  ble  provisions of subdivision d of section six hundred thirteen of this
    14  article, from the compensation of such participant  on  each  and  every
    15  payroll  of such participant for each and every payroll period for which
    16  they are such a participant.
    17    4. (i) Each participant in the twenty-two and one-half year retirement
    18  program shall be charged with a contribution  deficiency  consisting  of
    19  the  total  amounts  of  additional  member contributions such person is
    20  required to make pursuant to paragraphs one and two of this  subdivision
    21  which are not deducted from such person's compensation pursuant to para-
    22  graph three of this subdivision, if any, together with interest thereon,
    23  compounded  annually,  and computed in accordance with the provisions of
    24  subparagraphs (ii) and (iii) of this paragraph.
    25    (ii)(A) The interest required to be paid on each such amount specified
    26  in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph shall accrue from the end  of  the
    27  payroll  period  for  which  such  amount  would have been deducted from
    28  compensation if such person had been a participant at the  beginning  of
    29  that  payroll  period  and  such  deduction  had  been required for such
    30  payroll period, until such amount is paid to the retirement system.
    31    (B) The rate of interest to be applied to each such amount during  the
    32  period  for  which interest accrues on that amount shall be equal to the
    33  rate or rates of interest required by law to be used  during  that  same
    34  period  to  credit  interest on the accumulated deductions of retirement
    35  system members.
    36    (iii) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph five of this  subdivi-
    37  sion,  no interest shall be due on any unpaid additional member contrib-
    38  utions which are not attributable to a period prior to  the  first  full
    39  payroll period referred to in paragraph three of this subdivision.
    40    5.  (i)  Should any person who, pursuant to subparagraph (ii) of para-
    41  graph ten of this subdivision, has received a refund of their additional
    42  member contributions including any interest paid on such  contributions,
    43  again  become  a participant in the twenty-two and one-half year retire-
    44  ment program pursuant to paragraph six of subdivision b of this section,
    45  an appropriate amount shall be included in such  participant's  contrib-
    46  ution  deficiency,  including interest thereon as calculated pursuant to
    47  subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, for any credited service for  which
    48  such  person  received a refund of such additional member contributions,
    49  including any amount of an unpaid  loan  balance  deemed  to  have  been
    50  returned  to  such  person pursuant to paragraph twelve of this subdivi-
    51  sion, as if such additional member contributions never had been paid.
    52    (ii) (A) Interest on a participant's additional  member  contributions
    53  included  in  such  participant's  contribution  deficiency  pursuant to
    54  subparagraph (i) of this paragraph shall be calculated as if such  addi-
    55  tional member contributions had never been paid by such participant, and
    56  such  interest  shall accrue from the end of the payroll period to which

        A. 10581                           17

     1  an amount of such additional member contributions is attributable, until
     2  such amount is paid to the retirement system.
     3    (B) The rate of interest to be applied to such amount during the peri-
     4  od  for  which interest accrues on that amount shall be five percent per
     5  annum, compounded annually.
     6    6. Where a participant who is otherwise eligible for  service  retire-
     7  ment  pursuant  to  subdivision  c of this section did not, prior to the
     8  effective date of retirement, pay the entire amount  of  a  contribution
     9  deficiency  chargeable  to  such participant pursuant to paragraphs four
    10  and five of this subdivision, or repay the entire amount of  a  loan  of
    11  their  additional  member  contributions pursuant to paragraph eleven of
    12  this subdivision, including accrued interest on such loan, that  partic-
    13  ipant, nevertheless, shall be eligible to retire pursuant to subdivision
    14  c  of  this  section, provided, however, that such participant's service
    15  retirement benefit calculated pursuant to paragraph two of such subdivi-
    16  sion c shall be reduced by a life annuity, calculated in accordance with
    17  the method set forth in subdivision i of section six hundred  thirteen-b
    18  of this article, which is actuarially equivalent to:
    19    (i)  the  amount  of  any unpaid contribution deficiency chargeable to
    20  such member pursuant to paragraphs four and five  of  this  subdivision;
    21  plus
    22    (ii)  the amount of any unpaid balance of a loan of such participant's
    23  additional member contributions pursuant to  paragraph  eleven  of  this
    24  subdivision, including accrued interest on such loan.
    25    7. Where a participant who is otherwise eligible for a vested right to
    26  a  deferred  benefit  pursuant to subdivision d of this section did not,
    27  prior to the date of discontinuance of service, pay the entire amount of
    28  a contribution deficiency chargeable to  such  participant  pursuant  to
    29  paragraphs four and five of this subdivision, or repay the entire amount
    30  of a loan of their additional member contributions pursuant to paragraph
    31  eleven  of  this  subdivision,  including accrued interest on such loan,
    32  that participant, nevertheless, shall have a vested right to a  deferred
    33  benefit  pursuant  to  subdivision  d of this section provided, however,
    34  that the deferred vested benefit calculated pursuant to paragraph  three
    35  of  subdivision  d  of  this section shall be reduced by a life annuity,
    36  calculated in accordance with the method set forth in subdivision  i  of
    37  section  six  hundred  thirteen-b  of this article, which is actuarially
    38  equivalent to:
    39    (i) the amount of any unpaid contribution chargeable  to  such  member
    40  pursuant to paragraphs four and five of this subdivision; plus
    41    (ii)  the  amount  of any unpaid balance of a loan of their additional
    42  member contributions pursuant to paragraph eleven of  this  subdivision,
    43  including accrued interest on such loan.
    44    8.  The head of a retirement system which includes participants in the
    45  twenty-two and one-half year retirement program in its  membership  may,
    46  consistent  with  the  provisions  of this subdivision, promulgate regu-
    47  lations for the payment of such additional member contributions, and any
    48  interest thereon, by such participants, including the deduction of  such
    49  contributions,  and any interest thereon, from the participant's compen-
    50  sation.
    51    9. Subject to the provisions of  paragraphs  six  and  seven  of  this
    52  subdivision,  where  a participant has not paid in full any contribution
    53  deficiency chargeable to such participant pursuant  to  paragraphs  four
    54  and  five  of  this  subdivision,  and a benefit, other than a refund of
    55  member contributions pursuant to section six hundred  thirteen  of  this
    56  article  or  a  refund  of  additional  member contributions pursuant to

        A. 10581                           18
     1  subparagraph (ii) of paragraph ten of this subdivision, becomes  payable
     2  under this article to the participant or to their designated beneficiary
     3  or  estate,  the actuarial equivalent of any such unpaid amount shall be
     4  deducted from the benefit otherwise payable.
     5    10.  (i) Such additional member contributions, and any interest there-
     6  on, shall be paid into the contingent reserve  fund  of  the  retirement
     7  system  of  which  the  participant  is  a  member and shall not for any
     8  purpose be deemed to be member  contributions  or  accumulated  contrib-
     9  utions of a member under section six hundred thirteen of this article or
    10  otherwise  while  they  are a participant in the twenty-two and one-half
    11  year retirement program or otherwise.
    12    (ii) Should a participant in the twenty-two and one-half year  retire-
    13  ment  program  who  has  rendered  less  than  fifteen years of credited
    14  service cease to hold a position as an EMT member for any reason whatso-
    15  ever, such participant's  accumulated  additional  member  contributions
    16  made  pursuant  to  this subdivision, together with any interest thereon
    17  paid to the retirement system, may  be  withdrawn  by  such  participant
    18  pursuant  to procedures promulgated in regulations of the board of trus-
    19  tees of the retirement system, together with  interest  thereon  at  the
    20  rate of five percent per annum, compounded annually.
    21    (iii)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, (A)
    22  no person shall be permitted to withdraw from the retirement system  any
    23  additional member contributions paid pursuant to this subdivision or any
    24  interest  paid  thereon,  except  pursuant to and in accordance with the
    25  preceding subparagraphs of this paragraph; and (B) no person, while they
    26  are a  participant  in  the  twenty-two  and  one-half  year  retirement
    27  program,  shall  be  permitted  to  withdraw  any such additional member
    28  contributions or any interest  paid  thereon  pursuant  to  any  of  the
    29  preceding subparagraphs of this paragraph or otherwise.
    30    11.  A  participant  in  the  twenty-two  and one-half year retirement
    31  program shall be  permitted  to  borrow  from  their  additional  member
    32  contributions,  including  any interest paid thereon, which are credited
    33  to the additional contributions account established for such participant
    34  in the contingent reserve fund of the retirement system.  The  borrowing
    35  from  such  additional  member  contributions pursuant to this paragraph
    36  shall be governed by the rights, privileges, obligations and  procedures
    37  set forth in section six hundred thirteen-b of this article which govern
    38  the  borrowing  of  member  contributions  made  pursuant to section six
    39  hundred thirteen of this article. The board of trustees of  the  retire-
    40  ment  system may, consistent with the provisions of this subdivision and
    41  the provisions of section six hundred thirteen-b of this article as made
    42  applicable to this subdivision,  promulgate  regulations  governing  the
    43  borrowing of such additional member contributions.
    44    12. Whenever a person has an unpaid balance of a loan or such person's
    45  additional  member  contributions  pursuant  to paragraph eleven of this
    46  subdivision at the time they become entitled to a refund of their  addi-
    47  tional  member  contributions pursuant to subparagraph (ii) of paragraph
    48  ten of this subdivision, the amount of such unpaid loan balance, includ-
    49  ing accrued interest shall be deemed  to  have  been  returned  to  such
    50  member, and the refund of such additional contributions shall be the net
    51  amount  of  such contribution, together with interest thereon in accord-
    52  ance with the provisions of such subparagraph (ii).
    53    f. Cost-of-living adjustments. Notwithstanding any other provision  of
    54  law  to  the  contrary,  a  person who retires with a retirement benefit
    55  provided for in the twenty-two  and  one-half  year  retirement  program
    56  pursuant  to the provisions of this section shall not be entitled to the

        A. 10581                           19

     1  cost-of-living adjustments provided pursuant to section  13-696  of  the
     2  administrative code of the city of New York.
     3    § 7. Paragraph 7 of subdivision d of section 613 of the retirement and
     4  social  security  law,  as  added by chapter 577 of the laws of 2000, is
     5  amended to read as follows:
     6    7. (i) The city of New York shall, in the case of an  EMT  member  (as
     7  defined  in paragraph one of subdivision a of section six hundred four-e
     8  of this article) who is a participant in the twenty-five year retirement
     9  program (as defined in paragraph four of subdivision a of  such  section
    10  six  hundred  four-e),  and  in the case of an EMT member (as defined in
    11  paragraph one of subdivision a of section six  hundred  four-k  of  this
    12  article)  who  is  a  participant  in  the  twenty-two and one-half year
    13  retirement program (as defined in paragraph four  of  subdivision  a  of
    14  such section six hundred four-k), and who is not rendered ineligible for
    15  such  pick  ups  by  another  provision  of  law, pick up and pay to the
    16  retirement system of which such participant is a member  all  additional
    17  member  contributions  which  otherwise would be required to be deducted
    18  from such member's compensation pursuant to paragraphs one  and  two  of
    19  subdivision  e  of [such] section six hundred four-e of this article, or
    20  pursuant to paragraphs one and two  of  subdivision  e  of  section  six
    21  hundred  four-k  of  this  article, (not including any additional member
    22  contributions due for any period prior to the first full payroll  period
    23  referred  to  in  such paragraph three of such subdivision e), and shall
    24  effect such pick up on each and every payroll of  such  participant  for
    25  each and every payroll period with respect to which such paragraph three
    26  would otherwise require such deductions.
    27    (ii)  An amount equal to the amount of additional contributions picked
    28  up pursuant to this paragraph shall be deducted by  such  employer  from
    29  the  compensation  of  such member (as such compensation would be in the
    30  absence of a pick up program applicable to  [him  or  her]  such  member
    31  hereunder) and shall not be paid to such member.
    32    (iii)  The  additional member contributions picked up pursuant to this
    33  paragraph for any such member shall be paid by such employer in lieu  of
    34  an equal amount of additional member contributions otherwise required to
    35  be  paid by such member under the applicable provisions of subdivision e
    36  of section six hundred four-e of this article, and shall be deemed to be
    37  and treated as employer contributions pursuant to section 414(h) of  the
    38  Internal Revenue Code.
    39    (iv)  For  the  purpose  of  determining the retirement system rights,
    40  benefits and privileges of any member whose additional  member  contrib-
    41  utions  are  picked  up pursuant to this paragraph, such picked up addi-
    42  tional member contributions shall be deemed to be and treated as part of
    43  such member's  additional  member  contributions  under  the  applicable
    44  provisions  of  subdivision e of section six hundred four-e and subdivi-
    45  sion e of section six hundred four-k of this article.
    46    (v) With the exception of federal income tax treatment, the additional
    47  member contributions picked up pursuant  to  subparagraph  (i)  of  this
    48  paragraph shall for all other purposes, including computation of retire-
    49  ment  benefits  and  contributions by employers and employees, be deemed
    50  employee  salary.  Nothing  contained  in  this  subdivision  shall   be
    51  construed  as superseding the provisions of section four hundred thirty-
    52  one of this chapter, or any similar provision of law  which  limits  the
    53  salary  base  for  computing  retirement  benefits  payable  by a public
    54  retirement system.

        A. 10581                           20
     1    § 8. Section 13-125.2 of the administrative code of the  city  of  New
     2  York  is  amended by adding two new subdivisions a-9 and a-10 to read as
     3  follows:
     4    a-9. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, on or
     5  after  the  starting date for pick up, the employer responsible for pick
     6  up shall, in the case of an EMT member, as defined in paragraph  one  of
     7  subdivision  a of section 13-157.5 of this chapter, who is a participant
     8  in the twenty-two and one-half year retirement program,  as  defined  in
     9  paragraph  two  of such subdivision a, pick up and pay to the retirement
    10  system all additional member  contributions  which  otherwise  would  be
    11  required  to  be  deducted  from  such member's compensation pursuant to
    12  subdivision e of such section 13-157.5, and shall effect such pick up on
    13  each and every payroll of such participant for each  and  every  payroll
    14  period  with respect to which such subdivision e would otherwise require
    15  such deductions.
    16    a-10. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the  contrary,  on
    17  or  after  the  starting  date for pick up, the employer responsible for
    18  pick up shall, in the case of an EMT member, as defined in paragraph two
    19  of subdivision a of section four hundred forty-five-j of the  retirement
    20  and  social  security  law,  who  is a participant in the twenty-two and
    21  one-half year retirement program, as defined in paragraph three of  such
    22  subdivision  a,  pick up and pay to the retirement system all additional
    23  member contributions which otherwise would be required  to  be  deducted
    24  from  such  member's  compensation  pursuant  to  subdivision  d of such
    25  section four hundred forty-five-j, and shall effect such pick up on each
    26  and every payroll of such participant for each and every payroll  period
    27  with  respect  to  which such subdivision d would otherwise require such
    28  deductions.
    29    § 9. Subparagraph (ii) of paragraph 1  of  subdivision  c  of  section
    30  13-125.2  of the administrative code of the city of New York, as amended
    31  by chapter 682 of the laws of 2003, is amended to read as follows:
    32    (ii) the determination of the amount of such member's Tier I  or  Tier
    33  II  nonuniformed-force  member contributions eligible for pick up by the
    34  employer or additional member contributions required  to  be  picked  up
    35  pursuant  to  subdivision a-one, subdivision a-two, subdivision a-three,
    36  subdivision a-four, subdivision a-five, subdivision  a-six,  subdivision
    37  a-seven  [or],  subdivision  a-eight, subdivision a-nine, or subdivision
    38  a-ten of this section; and
    39    § 10. Subdivision d of section 13-125.2 of the administrative code  of
    40  the city of New York is amended by adding two new paragraphs 2-h and 2-i
    41  to read as follows:
    42    (2-h)  For  the  purpose  of determining the retirement system rights,
    43  benefits and privileges of any member who is a participant in the  twen-
    44  ty-two and one-half year retirement program, as defined in paragraph two
    45  of  subdivision  a  of  section 13-157.5 of this chapter, the additional
    46  member contributions of such participant picked up pursuant to  subdivi-
    47  sion  a-nine of this section shall be deemed to be and treated as a part
    48  of such member's additional contributions under subdivision  e  of  such
    49  section 13-157.5.
    50    (2-i)  For  the  purpose  of determining the retirement system rights,
    51  benefits and privileges of any member who is a participant in the  twen-
    52  ty-two  and  one-half  year  retirement program, as defined in paragraph
    53  three of subdivision a of  section  four  hundred  forty-five-j  of  the
    54  retirement  and social security law, the additional member contributions
    55  of such participant picked up pursuant  to  subdivision  a-ten  of  this
    56  section  shall  be  deemed  to be and treated as a part of such member's

        A. 10581                           21
     1  additional member contributions under  subdivision  d  of  section  four
     2  hundred forty-five-j of the retirement and social security law.
     3    § 11. Paragraph 3 of subdivision d of section 13-125.2 of the adminis-
     4  trative  code  of the city of New York, as amended by chapter 682 of the
     5  laws of 2003, is amended to read as follows:
     6    (3) Interest on contributions picked up for any  Tier  I  or  Tier  II
     7  non-uniformed-force  member  pursuant  to this section (other than addi-
     8  tional member contributions picked up  pursuant  to  subdivision  a-one,
     9  subdivision  a-two, subdivision a-three, subdivision a-four, subdivision
    10  a-five,  subdivision  a-six,  subdivision  a-seven   [or],   subdivision
    11  a-eight, subdivision a-nine, or subdivision a-ten of this section) shall
    12  accrue in favor of the member and be payable to the retirement system at
    13  the  same  rate, for the same time periods, in the same manner and under
    14  the same circumstances as interest would be required to accrue in  favor
    15  of  the  member and be payable to the retirement system on such contrib-
    16  utions if they were made by such member in the  absence  of  a  pick  up
    17  program applicable to such member under the provisions of this section.
    18    §  12. Subdivision a of section 603 of the retirement and social secu-
    19  rity law, as amended by section 3 of part EE of chapter 55 of  the  laws
    20  of 2024, is amended to read as follows:
    21    a.  The  service  retirement  benefit specified in section six hundred
    22  four of this article shall be payable to members who have met the  mini-
    23  mum  service  requirements  upon retirement and attainment of age sixty-
    24  two, other than members who are eligible for  early  service  retirement
    25  pursuant to subdivision c of section six hundred four-b of this article,
    26  subdivision c of section six hundred four-c of this article, subdivision
    27  d  of  section  six  hundred  four-d  of  this article, subdivision c of
    28  section six hundred four-e of this article, subdivision c of section six
    29  hundred four-f of this article, subdivision c  of  section  six  hundred
    30  four-g  of  this article, subdivision c of section six hundred four-h of
    31  this article subdivision c of section six hundred four-i of  this  arti-
    32  cle,  [or]  subdivision c of section six hundred four-j of this article,
    33  or subdivision  c  of  section  six  hundred  four-k  of  this  article,
    34  provided,  however, a member of a teachers' retirement system or the New
    35  York state and local employees' retirement system who first  joins  such
    36  system  before  January  first,  two  thousand  ten or a member who is a
    37  uniformed court officer or peace officer employed by the  unified  court
    38  system  who  first  becomes  a  member  of  the New York state and local
    39  employees' retirement system before April first, two thousand twelve may
    40  retire without reduction of their retirement benefit upon attainment  of
    41  at  least fifty-five years of age and completion of thirty or more years
    42  of service, provided, however, that a uniformed court officer  or  peace
    43  officer  employed by the unified court system who first becomes a member
    44  of the New York state and local employees' retirement system on or after
    45  January first, two thousand ten and retires without reduction  of  their
    46  retirement  benefit  upon attainment of at least fifty-five years of age
    47  and completion of thirty or more  years  of  service  pursuant  to  this
    48  section  shall  be required to make the member contributions required by
    49  subdivision f of section six hundred thirteen of this  article  for  all
    50  years  of  credited  and  creditable  service, provided further that the
    51  preceding provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to a  New  York
    52  city revised plan member.
    53    §  13. Subdivision d of section 613 of the retirement and social secu-
    54  rity law is amended by adding a new paragraph 13 to read as follows:
    55    13. (i) The city of New York shall, in the case of an EMT  member,  as
    56  defined  in paragraph one of subdivision a of section six hundred four-k

        A. 10581                           22
     1  of this article, who is a participant in  the  twenty-two  and  one-half
     2  year  retirement  program, as defined in paragraph four of subdivision a
     3  of such section six hundred four-k, pick up and pay  to  the  retirement
     4  system  of  which  such  participant  is  a member all additional member
     5  contributions which otherwise would be required to be deducted from such
     6  member's compensation pursuant to paragraphs one and two of  subdivision
     7  e  of  such  section  six  hundred  four-k, not including any additional
     8  member contributions due for any period prior to the first full  payroll
     9  period  referred  to  in such paragraph three of such subdivision e, and
    10  shall effect such pick up on each and every payroll of such  participant
    11  for  each  and every payroll period with respect to which such paragraph
    12  three would otherwise require such deductions.
    13    (ii) An amount equal to the amount of additional contributions  picked
    14  up  pursuant  to  this paragraph shall be deducted by such employer from
    15  the compensation of such member, as such compensation would  be  in  the
    16  absence  of  a  pick up program applicable to such member hereunder, and
    17  shall not be paid to such member.
    18    (iii) The additional member contributions picked up pursuant  to  this
    19  paragraph  for any such member shall be paid by such employer in lieu of
    20  an equal amount of additional member contributions otherwise required to
    21  be paid by such member under the applicable provisions of subdivision  e
    22  of section six hundred four-k of this article, and shall be deemed to be
    23  and  treated as employer contributions pursuant to section 414(h) of the
    24  Internal Revenue Code.
    25    (iv) For the purpose of  determining  the  retirement  system  rights,
    26  benefits  and  privileges of any member whose additional member contrib-
    27  utions are picked up pursuant to this paragraph, such  picked  up  addi-
    28  tional member contributions shall be deemed to be and treated as part of
    29  such  member's  additional  member  contributions  under  the applicable
    30  provisions of subdivision e of section six hundred four-k of this  arti-
    31  cle.
    32    (v) With the exception of federal income tax treatment, the additional
    33  member  contributions  picked  up  pursuant  to subparagraph (i) of this
    34  paragraph shall for all other purposes, including computation of retire-
    35  ment benefits and contributions by employers and  employees,  be  deemed
    36  employee   salary.  Nothing  contained  in  this  subdivision  shall  be
    37  construed as superseding the provisions of section four hundred  thirty-
    38  one  of  this  chapter, or any similar provision of law which limits the
    39  salary base for computing retirement benefits payable in New York  by  a
    40  public retirement system.
    41    § 14. Nothing contained in sections seven, twelve and twelve-a of this
    42  act  shall  be construed to create any contractual right with respect to
    43  members to whom such sections apply. The provisions of such sections are
    44  intended to afford members the advantages of certain benefits  contained
    45  in  the  internal  revenue  code, and the effectiveness and existence of
    46  such sections and benefits they confer are completely contingent  there-
    47  on.
    48    § 15. This act shall take effect immediately, provided, however that:
    49    (a)  The provisions of sections seven, twelve and thirteen of this act
    50  shall remain in force and effect only so long as,  pursuant  to  federal
    51  law,  contributions  picked up under such sections are not includable as
    52  gross income of a member for federal income tax purposes until  distrib-
    53  uted  or  made  available to the member; provided that the New York city
    54  employees' retirement system shall notify the legislative bill  drafting
    55  commission  upon  the  occurrence of such a change in federal law ruling
    56  affecting the provisions of this act in order that  the  commission  may

        A. 10581                           23
     1  maintain an accurate and timely effective data base of the official text
     2  of  the laws of the state of New York in furtherance of effectuating the
     3  provisions of section 44 of the legislative law and section 70-b of  the
     4  public officers law;
     5    (b)  The  amendments to subdivision d of section 613 of the retirement
     6  and social security law made by sections seven and thirteen of this  act
     7  shall  not  affect  the  expiration of such subdivision and shall expire
     8  therewith;
     9    (c) The amendments to section 13-125.2 of the administrative  code  of
    10  the  city  of  New  York made by sections eight, nine, ten and eleven of
    11  this act shall not affect the expiration of such section  and  shall  be
    12  deemed to expire therewith; and
    13    (d)  The  amendments to subdivision a of section 603 of the retirement
    14  and social security law made by section twelve of  this  act  shall  not
    15  affect  the expiration of such subdivision and shall be deemed to expire
    16  therewith.
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          SUMMARY: This proposed legislation would establish  22.5-Year  Retire-
        ment  Programs  for  New  York  City  Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT
        22.5-Year Plans) for each tier.
                  by Fiscal Year for the first 25 years ($ in Millions)
                            Year      NYCERS
                            2025        26.3
                            2026        26.0
                            2027        25.9
                            2028        25.8
                            2029        25.6
                            2030        25.2
                            2031        24.8
                            2032        24.5
                            2033        24.1
                            2034        23.8
                            2035        23.3
                            2036        22.8
                            2037         6.7
                            2038         6.3
                            2039         6.0
                            2040         5.6
                            2041         5.2
                            2042         4.7
                            2043         4.1
                            2044         3.5
                            2045         3.0
                            2046         2.5
                            2047         2.1
                            2048         1.9
                            2049         1.8
           Employer Contribution impact beyond Fiscal Year 2049 is not shown.
                    Projected contributions include future new hires.
          The entire increase in employer contributions will be allocated to New
        York City.

        A. 10581                           24
                           as of June 30, 2023 ($ in Millions)
                     Present Value (PV)                 NYCERS
                     PV of Benefits:                    159.9
                     PV of Employee Contributions:      (43.2)
                     PV of Employer Contributions:      203.1
                     Unfunded Accrued Liabilities:      120.2
                     Number of Payments:                12
                     Fiscal Year of Last Payment:       2036
                     Amortization Payment:              15.7 M
          Unfunded  Accrued Liability increases were amortized over the expected
        remaining working lifetime of those  impacted  by  the  benefit  changes
        using level dollar payments.
          CENSUS  DATA:  The estimates presented herein are based on preliminary
        census data collected as of June 30, 2023. The census data for the emer-
        gency medical technicians assumed to elect  an  EMT  22.5-Year  Plan  is
        summarized below.
                     Active Members
                     - Number Count:                    3,657
                     - Average Age:                     35.6
                     - Average Service:                 8.6
                     - Average Salary:                  71,600
          IMPACT  ON MEMBER BENEFITS AND CONTRIBUTIONS: The proposed legislation
        would provide a service retirement benefit equal to
          o 50% of Final Average Salary (FAS) for the first 22.5 years of  cred-
        itable service as an EMT member,
          o  plus  2.0%  of  Final Salary for each additional year of creditable
        service as an EMT member exceeding 22.5 years to a maximum of 5 years.
          Once a member in the EMT 22.5-Year Plan attains 22.5 years of credita-
        ble service as an EMT member, he or she would no longer be  eligible  to
        retire under his or her respective basic plan.
          The  vested  benefit under the EMT 22.5-Year Plans is equal to 2.0% of
        FAS for each year of creditable service as an EMT member.
          The retirement benefits provided by the EMT 22.5-Year Plan  would  not
        be subject to cost-of-living adjustments (COLA).
          Plan  participants would be required to pay Additional Member Contrib-
        utions (AMC) equal to 6.5% of compensation for all service on and  after
        the  starting  date of the Plan until the later of the one-year anniver-
        sary of the effective date of the Plan or 27.5 years of credited service
        as an EMT member.
          ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODS: The  estimates  presented  herein  have  been
        calculated  based  on the Revised 2021 Actuarial Assumptions and Methods
        of NYCERS. In addition:
          o The rates of retirement for the EMT 22.5-Year  Plans  were  assigned
        based  on  the members' eligibility to elect or opt out of the plan. The
        EMT 22.5-Year Plan is optional for  current  emergency  medical  techni-
        cians.  The EMT 22.5-Year Plan is mandatory for future emergency medical

        A. 10581                           25
          o New entrants were assumed to replace exiting members so  that  total
        payroll for emergency medical technicians increases by 3% each year. New
        entrant  demographics  were developed based on data for recent new hires
        and actuarial judgement. Future members will be mandated  into  the  EMT
        22.5-Year plan.
          o  For  purposes  of  this  Fiscal  Note, creditable service as an EMT
        member was assumed to include non-EMT service, due to insufficient data.
          To determine the impact of the elective nature of the proposed  legis-
        lation,  a subgroup of EMT members was developed based on who is assumed
        to benefit actuarially by comparing the  net  present  value  of  future
        employer  costs  of  each  member's benefit under their current plan and
        under the applicable EMT 22.5-Year Plan.
          RISK AND UNCERTAINTY: The costs presented in this Fiscal  Note  depend
        highly  on  the  data,  actuarial assumptions, methods, and models used,
        demographics of the impacted  population,  and  other  factors  such  as
        investment, contribution, and other risks. If actual experience deviates
        from  actuarial  assumptions,  the  actual costs could differ from those
        presented herein. Quantifying these risks is beyond the  scope  of  this
        Fiscal Note.
          This  Fiscal  Note  is intended to measure pension-related impacts and
        does not include other potential costs (e.g., administrative  and  Other
        Postemployment  Benefits). This Fiscal Note does not reflect any chapter
        laws that may have been enacted during the current legislative session.
          STATEMENT OF ACTUARIAL OPINION: Marek Tyszkiewicz and Gregory Zelikov-
        sky are members of the Society of Actuaries and the American Academy  of
        Actuaries.  We  are  members of NYCERS but do not believe it impairs our
        objectivity and we meet the  Qualification  Standards  of  the  American
        Academy  of  Actuaries to render the actuarial opinion contained herein.
        To the best of our knowledge, the results  contained  herein  have  been
        prepared  in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles and
        procedures and with the Actuarial Standards of Practice  issued  by  the
        Actuarial Standards Board.
          FISCAL  NOTE  IDENTIFICATION:  This  Fiscal Note 2024-68 dated May 24,
        2024 was prepared by the Chief Actuary for the New York City  Retirement
        Systems and Pension Funds. This estimate is intended for use only during
        the 2024 Legislative Session.
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