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A10592 Summary:

SPONSORRules (Rosenthal L)
Add §§45-aa & 459-bb, Soc Serv L
Establishes the housing people and animals together grant program to expand access for co-sheltering people experiencing homelessness and victims of domestic violence with companion animals.
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A10592 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      June 20, 2024
        Introduced  by  COMMITTEE  ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. L. Rosen-
          thal) -- read once and referred to the Committee on Social Services
        AN ACT to amend the social services law, in relation to establishing the
          housing people and animals together grant program
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. The social services law is amended by adding a new section
     2  45-aa to read as follows:
     3    § 45-aa. Housing people and animals together grant program for  people
     4  experiencing  homelessness.  1.  As  used  in  this  section,  the  term
     5  "co-sheltering" refers to housing accommodations that enable  the  coex-
     6  istence of people and their companion animals in a shelter setting.
     7    2.  There  is  hereby  established a co-sheltering grant program to be
     8  implemented by the office of children and family services and the office
     9  of temporary and disability assistance to aid  in  expanding  access  to
    10  sheltered  housing  for  people experiencing homelessness with companion
    11  animals. The program shall provide funding to  non-profit  organizations
    12  and municipal shelters that provide housing to people experiencing home-
    13  lessness.  The  program  shall be designed to support the implementation
    14  and maintenance of co-sheltering programs that enable such population to
    15  gain access to shelter with a companion animal. Funding used to  support
    16  the program shall be subject to appropriation.
    17    3. Funds shall be distributed and made available for expenditure under
    18  this  section.  In  determining  funding  for applicants under the grant
    19  program, the following criteria and goals may be considered:
    20    (a) The provision of veterinary services to provide essential  medical
    21  care to animals housed onsite;
    22    (b)  The  renovation  of  a  facility to incorporate a kennel or other
    23  needed infrastructural changes to safely house people experiencing home-
    24  lessness with companion animals;
    25    (c) The training of staff and technical assistance related to applica-
    26  ble health and hygiene protocol, outreach and partnerships,  best  prac-
    27  tices and policies; and
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10592                            2
     1    (d)  The  provision  of  food,  supplies, and equipment to accommodate
     2  animals in the shelter.
     3    4. In establishing and operating the program, a range of experts shall
     4  be  consulted  including but not limited to, the division of housing and
     5  community renewal, providers of housing accommodations for people  expe-
     6  riencing  homelessness, and any other related state agency, municipality
     7  or organization.
     8    § 2. The social services law is amended by adding a new section 459-bb
     9  to read as follows:
    10    § 459-bb. Housing  people  and  animals  together  grant  program  for
    11  victims  of  domestic  violence.  1.  As  used in this section, the term
    12  "co-sheltering" refers to housing accommodations that enable  the  coex-
    13  istence of people and their companion animals in a shelter setting.
    14    2.  There  is  hereby  established a co-sheltering grant program to be
    15  implemented by the office of children and family services and the office
    16  of temporary and disability assistance to aid  in  expanding  access  to
    17  sheltered  housing  for  victims  of  domestic  violence  with companion
    18  animals. The program shall provide funding to  non-profit  organizations
    19  and  municipal  shelters  that  provide  housing  to victims of domestic
    20  violence or people  experiencing  homelessness.  The  program  shall  be
    21  designed  to support the implementation and maintenance of co-sheltering
    22  programs that enable such populations to gain access to shelter  with  a
    23  companion  animal.  Funding used to support the program shall be subject
    24  to appropriation.
    25    3. Funds shall be distributed and made available for expenditure under
    26  this section. In determining funding  for  applicants  under  the  grant
    27  program, the following criteria and goals may be considered:
    28    (a)  The provision of veterinary services to provide essential medical
    29  care to animals housed onsite;
    30    (b) The renovation of a facility to  incorporate  a  kennel  or  other
    31  needed infrastructural changes to safely house people experiencing home-
    32  lessness or victims of domestic violence with companion animals;
    33    (c) The training of staff and technical assistance related to applica-
    34  ble  health  and hygiene protocol, outreach and partnerships, best prac-
    35  tices and policies; and
    36    (d) The provision of food,  supplies,  and  equipment  to  accommodate
    37  animals in the shelter.
    38    4. In establishing and operating the program, a range of experts shall
    39  be consulted including but not limited to, the office for the prevention
    40  of  domestic  violence,  the  division of housing and community renewal,
    41  providers of housing accommodations for  people  experiencing  homeless-
    42  ness,  organizations  serving the needs of victims of domestic violence,
    43  and any other related state agency, municipality or organization.
    44    § 3. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    45  it shall have become a law.
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