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A10594 Summary:

SPONSORRules (Rajkumar)
Rpld §92, amd §92-cc, St Fin L
Enacts the rainy day act; moves funds from the tax stabilization fund to the rainy day reserve fund; increases the maximum balance; requires certain deposits; prohibits establishment of funds except by statute.
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A10594 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      June 20, 2024
        Introduced by COMMITTEE ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Rajkumar) --
          read once and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means
        AN ACT to amend the state finance law, in relation to enacting the rainy
          day  act;  to  increase  the  maximum balance of the rainy day reserve
          fund; and to repeal certain provisions of such law relating to the tax
          stabilization reserve fund

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Short  title. This act shall be known and may be cited as
     2  the "rainy day act".
     3    § 2.  All funds currently held in or due to be deposited into the  tax
     4  stabilization  reserve  fund pursuant to section 92 of the state finance
     5  law as of the effective date of this section shall be transferred to and
     6  deposited into the rainy day reserve fund established in  section  92-cc
     7  of the state finance law.
     8    § 3. Section 92 of the state finance law is REPEALED.
     9    § 4. Section 92-cc of the state finance law is amended by adding a new
    10  subdivision 6 to read as follows:
    11    6.  a. The aggregate amount disbursed from the general fund during the
    12  fiscal year shall constitute the norm for such fiscal year of the amount
    13  of revenues from such taxes,  fees  and  other  sources,  and  the  term
    14  "norm," as used in this section, shall mean such aggregate amount.
    15    b.  At the close of each fiscal year any cash surplus remaining in the
    16  general fund over and above the norm  for  such  fiscal  year  shall  be
    17  transferred  from or retained in such fund as hereinafter in this subdi-
    18  vision provided. There shall be transferred to  the  rainy  day  reserve
    19  fund  all  of  such surplus moneys, up to and including an amount equiv-
    20  alent to two-tenths of one per centum of such norm, unless such transfer
    21  would increase such reserve fund to an  amount  in  excess  of  two  per
    22  centum  of  the  amount of the norm for such fiscal year, in which event
    23  such transfer shall be limited to such  amount  as  will  increase  such
    24  reserve fund to such two per centum limitation.
    25    §  5.  Subdivision  2  of  section  92-cc of the state finance law, as
    26  amended by section 25 of part PP of chapter 56 of the laws of  2023,  is
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10594                            2
     1  amended and three new subdivisions 2-a, 2-b and 2-c are added to read as
     2  follows:
     3    2.  Such fund shall have a maximum balance not to exceed [twenty-five]
     4  thirty per centum of the aggregate amount projected to be disbursed from
     5  the general fund during the then-current fiscal year. At the request  of
     6  the  director of the budget, the state comptroller shall transfer monies
     7  to the rainy day reserve fund up to and including an  amount  equivalent
     8  to  [fifteen]  twenty per centum of the aggregate amount projected to be
     9  disbursed from the general fund during  the  then-current  fiscal  year,
    10  unless  such  transfer  would  increase the rainy day reserve fund to an
    11  amount in excess of [twenty-five] thirty per  centum  of  the  aggregate
    12  amount  projected to be disbursed from the general fund during the then-
    13  current fiscal year, in which event such transfer shall  be  limited  to
    14  such  amount  as will increase the rainy day reserve fund to such [twen-
    15  ty-five] thirty per centum limitation.
    16    2-a. The state comptroller shall annually deposit into the  rainy  day
    17  reserve  fund  an amount equal to two-thirds of common rate and base tax
    18  receipts growth in excess of two percent.  "Common  rate  and  base  tax
    19  receipts"  shall mean revenue calculated presuming there is no change in
    20  tax laws or other tax-related policies.
    21    2-b. No less than ten per centum  of  any  nonrecurring  extraordinary
    22  monetary  settlements  of ten million dollars or more shall be deposited
    23  into the rainy day fund, unless otherwise prohibited under the terms  of
    24  the receipt.
    25    2-c.  If  mandatory  transfers  into  the  rainy  day  reserve fund as
    26  provided by this section exceed thirty per  centum   of   the  aggregate
    27  amount projected to be disbursed from the general fund during the  then-
    28  current fiscal year, such excess funds shall be deposited into the reti-
    29  ree  health benefits trust fund established by section ninety-nine-aa of
    30  this article.
    31    § 6. There shall be no fund established or maintained for the  purpose
    32  of  transfers  to  the  state  operating  funds in the event of economic
    33  uncertainties, unless such fund is created pursuant to  an  act  of  the
    34  legislature  in the consolidated laws of the state. Any amounts existing
    35  in any fund currently maintained for such purpose shall  be  transferred
    36  to  the rainy day reserve fund established by section 92-cc of the state
    37  finance law.
    38    § 7. This act shall take effect on the first of April next  succeeding
    39  the date upon which it shall have become a law.
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