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A10601 Summary:

SPONSORRules (Lee)
Amd §§4235, 3231 & 4317, Ins L
Allows for Medicaid accountable care organizations to purchase experience-rated health insurance for their members.
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A10601 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      June 20, 2024
        Introduced by COMMITTEE ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Lee) -- read
          once and referred to the Committee on Insurance
        AN  ACT to amend the insurance law, in relation to allowing for Medicaid
          accountable care organizations  to  purchase  experience-rated  health
          insurance for their members
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Paragraph 1 of subsection (c) of section 4235 of the insur-
     2  ance law is amended by adding a new subparagraph (O) as follows:
     3    (O) A policy issued to  an  accountable  care  organization  issued  a
     4  certificate  of  authorization  pursuant to article twenty-nine-E of the
     5  public health law, or to a trustee or trustees of  a  fund  established,
     6  created or maintained for the benefit of members of one or more account-
     7  able  care  organizations issued a certificate of authorization pursuant
     8  to article twenty-nine-E of the public health law, all of whose eligible
     9  members have the  same  profession,  trade  or  occupation  provided  or
    10  related  to  the  provision of health care, which association or associ-
    11  ations have been organized and maintained in  good  faith  for  purposes
    12  principally  other  than  that  of  obtaining insurance and have been in
    13  active existence for  at  least  two  years.  The  policy  shall  insure
    14  members,  or employees of members, of such accountable care organization
    15  or organizations for the benefit of persons other than employers and the
    16  accountable care organization or organizations, or any officials, repre-
    17  sentatives, trustees or agents thereof and shall provide for  the  issu-
    18  ance  of  a  certificate  to  the persons insured or such beneficiary as
    19  evidence of such insurance. The members or employees  eligible  for  the
    20  insurance  under the policy shall be all the members, or all the members
    21  and their employees, or all of any class or classes  thereof  determined
    22  by  conditions pertaining to their employment or to the accountable care
    23  organization membership or both. The premiums for the  policy  shall  be
    24  paid from the accountable care organization or members' funds, or partly
    25  from  such  funds and partly from funds contributed by the insured indi-
    26  viduals, or from funds wholly contributed by the insured individuals.  A
    27  policy on which all or part of the premium is to be derived  from  funds
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10601                            2
     1  contributed  by the insured individuals specifically for their insurance
     2  must insure at least fifty percent of the then eligible individuals or a
     3  minimum of five hundred individuals, whichever is less, excluding any as
     4  to  whom  evidence of individual insurability is not satisfactory to the
     5  insurer. A policy on which no part of the premium is to be derived  from
     6  funds  contributed  by  the  insured  individuals specifically for their
     7  insurance must cover all eligible individuals, excluding any as to  whom
     8  evidence  of individual insurability is not satisfactory to the insurer.
     9  In every case the policy must cover at least one hundred individuals  at
    10  date  of  issue.  The  insurance coverage on employees insured under the
    11  policy shall be based upon some plan  precluding  individual  selection.
    12  However,  with respect to such fund, or accountable care organization or
    13  accountable care organizations, such a  plan  may  permit  a  number  of
    14  selections  by  the  fund,  accountable care organization or accountable
    15  care organizations if the selections offered utilize consistent plans of
    16  coverage so  that  the  resulting  plans  of  coverage  are  reasonable.
    17  Furthermore,  such  a  plan  may  permit  a limited number of selections
    18  offered by employees  or  members  if  the  selections  offered  utilize
    19  consistent  plans  of  coverage for individual group members so that the
    20  resulting plans of coverage are reasonable.  If  a  policy  dividend  is
    21  declared or a reduction in rate is made under such a policy, the excess,
    22  if  any,  of the aggregate dividends or rate reductions under the policy
    23  over the aggregate expenditure for insurance under such policy made from
    24  the accountable care organization or employer funds, including  expendi-
    25  tures  made  in  connection with administration of such policy, shall be
    26  applied by the policyholder for the sole benefit of the insured individ-
    27  uals. A policy issued pursuant to  this  subparagraph  shall  provide  a
    28  conversion  privilege  no  less  favorable  than  that  provided  for in
    29  subsection (e) of section three thousand two hundred twenty-one of  this
    30  chapter.
    31    §  2.  Subsection (g) of section 3231 of the insurance law, as amended
    32  by section 70 of part D of chapter 56 of the laws of 2013,  paragraph  1
    33  as  amended  by  chapter  12  of the laws of 2016, is amended to read as
    34  follows:
    35    (g)  (1)  Unless  otherwise  described  in  paragraph  three  of  this
    36  subsection:  (A)  This  section shall also apply to policies issued to a
    37  group defined in subsection (c) of section  four  thousand  two  hundred
    38  thirty-five of this chapter, including but not limited to an association
    39  or  trust of employers, if the group includes one or more member employ-
    40  ers or other member groups having one  hundred  or  fewer  employees  or
    41  members  exclusive  of  spouses  and  dependents. For a policy issued or
    42  renewed on or after January first, two thousand fourteen, if  the  group
    43  includes  one or more member small group employers eligible for coverage
    44  subject to this section, then such member employers shall be  classified
    45  as  small  groups for rating purposes and the remaining members shall be
    46  rated consistent with the rating  rules  applicable  to  such  remaining
    47  members pursuant to paragraph two of this subsection. (B) Subparagraph A
    48  of  this  paragraph  shall  not  apply to either the renewal of a policy
    49  issued to a group or the issuance, between January first,  two  thousand
    50  sixteen  and  December  thirty-first, two thousand sixteen, of a policy,
    51  and any renewal thereof, to a group, provided that the  following  three
    52  requirements are met: (I) the group had been issued a policy that was in
    53  effect  on  July  first, two thousand fifteen; (II) the group had member
    54  employers, who, on or after  July  first,  two  thousand  fifteen,  have
    55  between  fifty-one  and  one hundred employees, exclusive of spouses and
    56  dependents; and (III) the group is either: (i) comprised entirely of one

        A. 10601                            3
     1  or more municipal corporations or districts (as such terms  are  defined
     2  in section one hundred nineteen-n of the general municipal law); or (ii)
     3  comprised entirely of nonpublic schools providing education in any grade
     4  from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade.
     5    (2)  [If]  Unless  otherwise  described  in  paragraph  three  of this
     6  subsection, if a policy is issued to a group defined in  subsection  (c)
     7  of  section  four  thousand  two  hundred  thirty-five  of this chapter,
     8  including an association group, that includes one or more individual  or
     9  individual  proprietor  members,  for  rating purposes the insurer shall
    10  include such members in its individual pool  of  risks  in  establishing
    11  premium rates for such members.
    12    (3)  This  subsection  shall  not  apply to a policy issued to a group
    13  defined in subparagraph (O)  of  paragraph  one  of  subsection  (c)  of
    14  section  four  thousand two hundred thirty-five of this chapter, even if
    15  the group includes one or more member employers or other  member  groups
    16  which have one hundred or fewer employees or members exclusive of spous-
    17  es and dependents, if the following criteria are met:
    18    (A)  the  group  is  comprised  of  at  least one hundred fifty member
    19  employers;
    20    (B) the collective number of  individuals  insured  under  the  policy
    21  exceeds five hundred persons;
    22    (C)  each  employer  in  the  group  is  enrolled as a provider in the
    23  state's Medicaid program; and
    24    (D) each employer in the group can demonstrate an annual payer mix  in
    25  which Medicaid represents sixty percent or more of annual revenues.
    26    §  3.  Paragraph  1 of subsection (d) of section 4317 of the insurance
    27  law, as amended by chapter 12 of the laws of 2016, is amended and a  new
    28  paragraph 4 is added to read as follows:
    29    (1)  (A)  [This]  Unless otherwise described in paragraph four of this
    30  subsection, this section shall also apply to  a  contract  issued  to  a
    31  group  defined  in  subsection  (c) of section four thousand two hundred
    32  thirty-five of this chapter, including but not limited to an association
    33  or trust of employers, if the group includes one or more member  employ-
    34  ers  or  other  member  groups  having one hundred or fewer employees or
    35  members exclusive of spouses and dependents. For a  contract  issued  or
    36  renewed  on  or after January first, two thousand fourteen, if the group
    37  includes one or more member small group employers eligible for  coverage
    38  subject  to this section, then such member employers shall be classified
    39  as small groups for rating purposes and the remaining members  shall  be
    40  rated  consistent  with  the  rating  rules applicable to such remaining
    41  members pursuant to paragraph two of this subsection. (B) Subparagraph A
    42  of this paragraph shall not apply to either the renewal  of  a  contract
    43  issued  to  a group or the issuance, between January first, two thousand
    44  sixteen and December thirty-first, two thousand sixteen, of a  contract,
    45  and  any  renewal thereof, to a group, provided that the following three
    46  requirements are met: (I) the group had been issued a contract that  was
    47  in effect on July first, two thousand fifteen; (II) the group had member
    48  employers,  who,  on  or  after  July  first, two thousand fifteen, have
    49  between fifty-one and one hundred employees, exclusive  of  spouses  and
    50  dependents; and (III) the group is either: (i) comprised entirely of one
    51  or  more  municipal corporations or districts (as such terms are defined
    52  in section one hundred nineteen-n of the general municipal law); or (ii)
    53  comprised entirely of nonpublic schools providing education in any grade
    54  from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade.
    55    (4) This subsection shall not apply to a  policy  issued  to  a  group
    56  defined  in paragraph (O) of subsection (c) of section four thousand two

        A. 10601                            4
     1  hundred thirty-five of this chapter, even if the group includes  one  or
     2  more  member  employers or other member groups which have one hundred or
     3  fewer employees or members exclusive of spouses and dependents,  if  the
     4  following criteria are met:
     5    (A)  the  group  is  comprised  of  at  least one hundred fifty member
     6  employers;
     7    (B) the collective number of  individuals  insured  under  the  policy
     8  exceeds five hundred persons;
     9    (C)  each  employer  in  the  group  is  enrolled as a provider in the
    10  state's Medicaid program; and
    11    (D) each employer in the group can demonstrate an annual payer mix  in
    12  which Medicaid represents sixty percent or more of annual revenues.
    13    § 4. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    14  it  shall  have  become a law; provided, however, that the amendments to
    15  paragraph (1) of subsection (g) of section 3231  and  paragraph  (1)  of
    16  subsection (d) of section 4317 of the insurance law made by sections two
    17  and three of this act shall not affect the expiration of such paragraphs
    18  and shall be deemed to expire therewith.
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