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A10603 Summary:

SPONSORRules (Pheffer Amato)
Amd §604-e, R & SS L
Provides for eligibility of certain participants in the New York City employees retirement system to opt into the twenty-five year retirement program for EMT members.
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A10603 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      June 20, 2024
        Introduced   by   COMMITTEE  ON  RULES  --  (at  request  of  M.  of  A.
          Pheffer Amato) -- read once and referred to the Committee  on  Govern-
          mental Employees
        AN  ACT  to amend the retirement and social security law, in relation to
          the eligibility of certain participants in the New York  city  employ-
          ees'  retirement  system  to  opt into the twenty-five year retirement
          program for EMT members

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Paragraph  3  of  subdivision  b  of section 604-e of the
     2  retirement and social security law, as added by chapter 577 of the  laws
     3  of 2000, is amended to read as follows:
     4    3.  Each EMT member, other than an EMT member subject to paragraph one
     5  or two of this subdivision, who becomes subject  to  the  provisions  of
     6  this  article  on  or  after  the  starting date of the twenty-five year
     7  retirement program shall become a participant in  the  twenty-five  year
     8  retirement  program  on the date [he or she] such person becomes such an
     9  EMT member. Provided, however, a person subject to this  paragraph,  and
    10  who has exceeded age twenty-five upon employment as an EMT member, shall
    11  be exempt from participation in the improved twenty-five year retirement
    12  program  if  such  person  elects  not  to  participate by filing a duly
    13  executed form with the retirement system within one hundred eighty  days
    14  of  becoming an EMT member. Provided further, however, that a person who
    15  has opted to be exempt pursuant to this paragraph may become  a  partic-
    16  ipant  in the twenty-five year retirement program if such person files a
    17  duly executed election  form  with  the  retirement  system  within  one
    18  hundred  eighty days after the effective date of the chapter of the laws
    19  of two thousand twenty-four that amended this paragraph,  provided  such
    20  person  is  an  EMT  member on the date such election is filed, and such
    21  person shall pay all additional member contributions  required  pursuant
    22  to  subdivision  e of this section from the date that such person became
    23  an EMT member to the date such person elects to become a participant  in
    24  the program together with interest computed in accordance with paragraph
    25  four of subdivision e of this section.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10603                            2
     1    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          SUMMARY:  This  proposed  legislation  would allow eligible Tier 4 and
        Tier 6 EMT Members who previously opted out  of  the  EMT  25-Year  Plan
        another  opportunity to join such Plan by filing an application with the
        New York City Employee's Retirement System (NYCERS) within 180  days  of
        the effective date.
                 by Fiscal Year for the first 25 years ($ in Thousands)
                                 Year      NYCERS
                                 2025      99
                                 2026      87
                                 2027      75
                                 2028      68
                                 2029      (11)
                                 2030      (15)
                                 2031      (17)
                                 2032      (20)
                                 2033      (21)
                                 2034      (23)
                                 2035      (24)
                                 2036      (25)
                                 2037      (26)
                                 2038      (26)
                                 2039      (26)
                                 2040      (25)
                                 2041      (23)
                                 2042      (22)
                                 2043      (20)
                                 2044      (18)
                                 2045      (16)
                                 2046      (14)
                                 2047      (11)
                                 2048      (10)
                                 2049      (8)
           Employer Contribution impact beyond Fiscal Year 2049 is not shown.
          The entire increase (decrease) in employer contributions will be
        allocated to New York City.
                          as of June 30, 2023 ($ in Thousands)
                  Present Value (PV)                 NYCERS
                  PV of Benefits:                    382
                  PV of Employee Contributions:      270
                  PV of Employer Contributions:      112
                  Unfunded Accrued Liabilities:      243
                  Number of Payments:                4
                  Fiscal Year of Last Payment:       2028

        A. 10603                            3
                  Amortization Payment:              74 K
          Unfunded  Accrued Liability increases were amortized over the expected
        remaining working lifetime of those  impacted  by  the  benefit  changes
        using level dollar payments.
          CENSUS  DATA:  The estimates presented herein are based on preliminary
        census data collected as of June 30, 2023. The census data for  the  EMT
        members  assumed  to  join  one  of  the EMT 25-Year Plans is summarized
                  Active Members
                  - Number Count:                    7
                  - Average Age:                     46.7
                  - Average Service:                 24.6
                  - Average Salary:                  93,100
          IMPACT ON MEMBER BENEFITS AND CONTRIBUTIONS: This proposed legislation
        would provide current EMT members, who previously opted out of  the  EMT
        25-Year Plans, a 180-day opportunity to join such plan.
          Members of the EMT 25-Year Plans would be required to pay Basic Member
        Contributions (BMC), which vary by tier, plus Additional Member Contrib-
        utions  (AMC)  equal  to 6.25% of compensation for all service as a Plan
        participant until attaining 30 years of Allowable Service.
          ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODS: The  estimates  presented  herein  have  been
        calculated  based  on the Revised 2021 Actuarial Assumptions and Methods
        of NYCERS.  In addition:
          * Election assumptions and the rates of retirement for the EMT 25-Year
        Plans were assigned based on the bill's provisions including the  eligi-
        bility requirements for retirement under the EMT 25-Year Plans.
          * For purposes of this fiscal note, AMC balances, including physically
        taxing  AMC,  are assumed to offset the AMC payment required to join the
        EMT 25-Year Plan.
          To determine the impact of the elective nature of the proposed  legis-
        lation,  a subgroup of EMT members was developed based on who is assumed
        to benefit actuarially by comparing the  net  present  value  of  future
        employer  costs  of  each  member's benefit under their current plan and
        under the applicable EMT 25-Year Plan.
          RISK AND UNCERTAINTY: The costs presented in this Fiscal  Note  depend
        highly  on  the  actuarial  assumptions, methods, and models used, demo-
        graphics of the impacted population, and other factors such  as  invest-
        ment,  contribution, and other risks. If actual experience deviates from
        actuarial  assumptions,  the  actual  costs  could  differ  from   those
        presented  herein.  Quantifying  these risks is beyond the scope of this
        Fiscal Note.
          This Fiscal Note is intended to measure  pension-related  impacts  and
        does  not  include other potential costs (e.g., administrative and Other
        Postemployment Benefits). This Fiscal Note does not reflect any  chapter
        laws that may have been enacted during the current legislative session.
          STATEMENT OF ACTUARIAL OPINION: Marek Tyszkiewicz and Gregory Zelikov-
        sky  are members of the Society of Actuaries and the American Academy of
        Actuaries. We are members of NYCERS but do not believe  it  impairs  our
        objectivity  and  we  meet  the  Qualification Standards of the American
        Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial opinion  contained  herein.
        To  the  best  of  our knowledge, the results contained herein have been
        prepared in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles  and

        A. 10603                            4
        procedures  and  with  the Actuarial Standards of Practice issued by the
        Actuarial Standards Board.
          FISCAL  NOTE  IDENTIFICATION:  This  Fiscal Note 2024-64 dated May 21,
        2024 was prepared by the Chief Actuary for the New York City  Retirement
        Systems and Pension Funds. This estimate is intended for use only during
        the 2024 Legislative Session.
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