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A10607 Summary:

SPONSORRules (Rajkumar)
Add §2803, Ed L
Directs school districts to establish school threat assessment teams and implement plans to intervene where a student exhibits behavior indicating an intent to harm themselves or others and to address underlying needs of the student.
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A10607 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      June 20, 2024
        Introduced by COMMITTEE ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Rajkumar) --
          read once and referred to the Committee on Education
        AN  ACT to amend the education law, in relation to school threat assess-
          ment teams
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The education law is amended by adding a new section 2803
     2  to read as follows:
     3    § 2803. School threat assessment teams. 1. The board of  education  or
     4  trustees,  as  defined  in  section two of this chapter, of every school
     5  district within the state, however created, and every board  of  cooper-
     6  ative educational services and county vocational education and extension
     7  board  and the chancellor of the city school district of the city of New
     8  York shall establish a school threat  assessment  team  to  perform  the
     9  functions set forth in this section.
    10    2. For the purposes of this section:
    11    (a)  "Safety threat" means actions, statements, or a pattern of behav-
    12  ior by a student indicating intent to physically harm  another  student,
    13  anyone  employed  in  the  school,  any member of the general public, or
    14  himself or herself.
    15    (b) "Safety threat plan" is a comprehensive intervention to  manage  a
    16  safety threat posed by a student by addressing underlying needs, such as
    17  through  mental  health treatment, as well as conflict resolution, while
    18  avoiding any disruption in the student's schooling.
    19    (c) "School threat assessment plan"  means  a  step-by-step  guide  of
    20  procedures  for  school  employees  in  conjunction with a school threat
    21  assessment team on:
    22    (i) identifying students whose behavior indicates a safety threat that
    23  should be referred to the school threat assessment team;
    24    (ii) gathering detailed data on the safety threat;
    25    (iii) referring students who may present a safety threat to the school
    26  threat assessment team;
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10607                            2
     1    (iv) evaluation by the school threat assessment team of the credibili-
     2  ty of a safety threat, based on available information, including if  the
     3  student has ready access to firearms or other weapons;
     4    (v)  warning  students,  their parents or guardians, or other intended
     5  victims of credible safety threats;
     6    (vi) developing a safety threat plan for the student;
     7    (vii) monitoring the implementation of the safety threat plan,  evalu-
     8  ating  the  need  for any modification, and maintaining contact with the
     9  student; and
    10    (viii) referring cases to law enforcement or filing an application for
    11  an extreme risk protection order  under  article  sixty-three-A  of  the
    12  civil practice law and rules.
    13    3.  (a)  A  school threat assessment team shall be a multidisciplinary
    14  team with  expertise  in  guidance  counseling,  school  administration,
    15  mental health, and school safety that is tasked with evaluating students
    16  at  risk of committing a safety threat and providing supportive services
    17  to those students. This team is focused on remedying  underlying  issues
    18  that  impel a student to commit a safety threat, as opposed to rendering
    19  disciplinary actions, and shall only refer a student to law  enforcement
    20  as a last resort.
    21    (b) The school threat assessment team shall:
    22    (i)  implement  a comprehensive school threat assessment plan based on
    23  the guidelines developed by the department. Such plan shall be submitted
    24  to the department for approval,  provided  that  prior  to  approval,  a
    25  school  district  may implement its school threat assessment plan in the
    26  interim.  Where the department recommends  modification  of  a  school's
    27  plan  the  school  district  shall  revise  and  resubmit  the  plan for
    28  approval;
    29    (ii) train school personnel, as well as  educate  students  and  their
    30  parents or guardians, to identify, respond to, and report safety threats
    31  or behaviors indicative thereof;
    32    (iii) increase education of students and their parents or guardians on
    33  mental health issues; and
    34    (iv) gather data on outcomes.
    35    (c) Referral to the school threat assessment team shall not be grounds
    36  for suspension or expulsion of any student.
    37    (d)  Nothing  in  this  section shall preclude school personnel or law
    38  enforcement from responding immediately to an imminent safety threat.
    39    (e) At the end of each school year, each school threat assessment team
    40  shall report data to the department.
    41    § 2. No later than one year after the effective date of this act,  the
    42  department  of  education  shall  develop  a model evidence-based threat
    43  assessment plan. No later than the beginning of the  first  school  year
    44  that  falls  one  year  after the publication of the model school threat
    45  assessment plan by the department, each school district shall  form  one
    46  or more school threat assessment teams.
    47    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.
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