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A02398 Summary:

Add §66-x, Pub Serv L; add §1020-nn, Pub Auth L
Establishes a program to develop microgrids that are capable of providing an uninterrupted supply of power to one or more community outage assets through an extended electric distribution outage.
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A02398 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 26, 2023
        Introduced  by  M. of A. PAULIN, CUNNINGHAM -- read once and referred to
          the Committee on Energy -- reported and referred to the  Committee  on
          Ways  and  Means  -- recommitted to the Committee on Ways and Means in
          accordance with Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee discharged,  bill
          amended,  ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said commit-
        AN ACT to amend the public service law and the public  authorities  law,
          in relation to developing microgrids in preparation for extreme weath-
          er events and other risks to public security
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The public service law is amended by adding a  new  section
     2  66-x to read as follows:
     3    § 66-x. Microgrid development program. 1. Definitions. As used in this
     4  section:
     5    (a)  "community  outage  asset"  means a public or private entity that
     6  provides critical services to the public  during  an  extended  electric
     7  distribution  outage. Community outage assets shall include, but are not
     8  limited to:   telecommunications providers,  hospitals,  nursing  homes,
     9  large  retail  stores,  supermarkets, government agencies, data centers,
    10  transportation systems, financial  institutions,  gas  stations,  educa-
    11  tional  institutions, large multi-family residential housing, wastewater
    12  treatment facilities, community centers and other  customers  deemed  by
    13  the  commission  to  provide a critical service to the public that would
    14  promote or enhance health and safety during an outage  of  the  electric
    15  distribution system;
    16    (b)  "extended  electric distribution outage" means a total or partial
    17  outage of an electric corporation's distribution system  that  continues
    18  for a period of twenty-four hours or longer;
    19    (c)  "uninterrupted"  means that the output of the microgrid system is
    20  delivered to  the  end-use  customer  throughout  an  extended  electric
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 2398--A                          2
     1  distribution outage, with the exception of momentary interruptions asso-
     2  ciated  with  transitions  to  and  from grid parallel and grid islanded
     3  operations; and
     4    (d) "microgrid" shall mean a load or group of interconnected loads and
     5  distributed  energy  resources within clearly defined electrical bounda-
     6  ries that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the elec-
     7  tric grid.  A microgrid can connect and  disconnect  from  the  electric
     8  grid to enable it to operate in both grid-connected or island-mode.
     9    2.  On or within one hundred twenty days of the effective date of this
    10  section, the commission shall, after a hearing held on notice, adopt  an
    11  order  requiring  the  New  York  state  energy research and development
    12  authority to establish a program to support the  development  of  micro-
    13  grids  that are capable of providing an uninterrupted supply of power to
    14  one or  more  community  outage  assets  through  an  extended  electric
    15  distribution  outage.  Such program shall provide overall funding in the
    16  amount of seventy-five million dollars for the years two thousand  twen-
    17  ty-five  through two thousand twenty-nine.  Such program shall include a
    18  preference for those microgrids that:
    19    (a) maximize annual reductions in carbon dioxide equivalent, oxides of
    20  nitrogen, sulfur dioxide and particulate matter emissions achieved rela-
    21  tive to marginal grid emissions for the region in which the  project  is
    22  located.  For  purposes  of  this  section  the  commission shall define
    23  marginal emissions using the same metric or metrics  that  are  used  to
    24  quantify  emissions  reductions  achieved by other New York state energy
    25  research and development authority clean energy programs;
    26    (b) displace or otherwise  reduce  the  operation  of  diesel  back-up
    27  generators; and
    28    (c)  are more capable of being expeditiously permitted, interconnected
    29  and commissioned in preparation for extreme  weather  events  and  other
    30  grid related risks.
    31    §  2.  The  public  authorities law is amended by adding a new section
    32  1020-nn to read as follows:
    33    § 1020-nn. Microgrid development program. 1. Definitions. As  used  in
    34  this section:
    35    (a)  "community  outage  asset"  means a public or private entity that
    36  provides critical services to the public  during  an  extended  electric
    37  distribution  outage. Community outage assets shall include, but are not
    38  limited to:   telecommunications providers,  hospitals,  nursing  homes,
    39  large  retail  stores,  supermarkets, government agencies, data centers,
    40  transportation systems, financial  institutions,  gas  stations,  educa-
    41  tional  institutions, health care providers, large multi-family residen-
    42  tial housing, wastewater treatment  facilities,  community  centers  and
    43  other  customers  deemed by the commission to provide a critical service
    44  to the public that would promote or enhance health and safety during  an
    45  outage of the electric distribution system;
    46    (b)  "extended  electric distribution outage" means a total or partial
    47  outage of the authority's electric distribution  system  that  continues
    48  for a period of twenty-four hours or longer;
    49    (c)  "uninterrupted"  means that the output of the microgrid system is
    50  delivered to  the  end-use  customer  throughout  an  extended  electric
    51  distribution outage, with the exception of momentary interruptions asso-
    52  ciated  with  transitions  to  and  from grid parallel and grid islanded
    53  operations; and
    54    (d) "microgrid" shall mean a load or group of interconnected loads and
    55  distributed energy resources within clearly defined  electrical  bounda-
    56  ries that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the elec-

        A. 2398--A                          3
     1  tric  grid.    A  microgrid can connect and disconnect from the electric
     2  grid to enable it to operate in both grid-connected or island-mode.
     3    2.  On or within one hundred eighty days of the effective date of this
     4  section, the authority shall establish a program to support the develop-
     5  ment of microgrids that are capable of providing an uninterrupted supply
     6  of power to one or more community  outage  assets  through  an  extended
     7  electric distribution outage. Such program shall provide overall funding
     8  in  the amount of twenty-five million dollars for the years two thousand
     9  twenty-five through two thousand twenty-nine. Such program shall include
    10  a preference for those microgrids that:
    11    (a) maximize annual reductions in carbon dioxide equivalent, oxides of
    12  nitrogen, sulfur dioxide and particulate matter emissions achieved rela-
    13  tive to marginal grid emissions for the authority's  service  territory.
    14  For  purposes  of this section the authority shall define marginal emis-
    15  sions using the same metric or metrics that are used to  quantify  emis-
    16  sions  reductions  achieved  by other New York state energy research and
    17  development authority clean energy programs;
    18    (b) displace or otherwise  reduce  the  operation  of  diesel  back-up
    19  generators; and
    20    (c)  are more capable of being expeditiously permitted, interconnected
    21  and commissioned in preparation for extreme  weather  events  and  other
    22  grid related risks.
    23    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.
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